Special Collections

The Woodland Garden

The Woodland Garden is a perfect place to ponder a garden’s subtleties… enjoy the quiet here, the stream’s gentle flow, and the many textures, colors, and shapes of native trees, grasses, and wildflowers.

Printer Friendly Species List

Results 1 through 24 of 127

scientific namecommon name(s)image gallery
Acacia farnesianaHuisache
Mealy wattle
Sweet acacia
Acer grandidentatumBig-toothed maple
Bigtooth maple
Canyon maple
Acer negundoAsh-leaf maple
Ash-leaved maple
Box elder
Fresno de guajuco
Aesculus glabra var. argutaOhio buckeye
Texas buckeye
White buckeye
Aesculus pavia var. paviaRed buckeye
Scarlet buckeye
Southern buckeye
Ageratina havanensisHavana snakeroot
Shrubby boneset
White mistflower
Aloysia gratissimaBee-brush
Common bee-brush
Privet lippia
Ampelopsis arboreaPeppervine
Ampelopsis cordataHeart-leaf ampelopsis
Heartleaf peppervine
Amphiachyris dracunculoidesBroomweed
Prairie broomweed
Amorpha fruticosaIndigo bush
False indigo bush
False indigo
Desert false indigo
Amorpha roemerianaRoemer's false indigo
Anisacanthus quadrifidus var. wrightiiFlame acanthus
Hummingbird bush
Wright's desert honeysuckle
Wright acanthus
Arbutus xalapensisTexas madrone
Naked indian
Baccharis neglectaFalse Willow
Jara dulce
Poverty Weed
Roosevelt Weed
Bernardia myricifoliaMouse Ears
Mouse's eye
Berchemia scandensAlabama supple-jack
Alabama supplejack
Buddleja racemosaWand butterfly-bush
Wand butterflybush
Callicarpa americanaAmerican beauty berry
American beautyberry
French mulberry
Castela erecta ssp. texanaAllthorn goatbush
Texan goatbush
Carya illinoinensisPecan
Campsis radicansCommon trumpet creeper
Cow vine
Trumpet -creeper
Trumpet creeper
Cercis canadensisEastern redbud
Ceanothus herbaceusFuzzy Ceanothus
Inland Ceanothus
Jersey tea
Prairie redroot
scientific namecommon name(s)image gallery
Results 1 through 24 of 127