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> MSU Undergraduate Catalog
Land Rehabilitation

Note: MSU's programs in the biological sciences are distributed across multiple departments.  MSU does not have a single Department of Biology.  For additional options see   Biological Sciences at MSU.

Department of Land Resources & Environmental Sciences

The Land Rehabilitation curriculum provides training in site remediation and restoration ecology, including soil remediation, revegetation, fluvial and riparian restoration, investigation of impacted geologic resources, amelioration of contaminated soils and water, integrated management of invasive species, and remediation of sites impacted by industrial, recreational, and land management activities. Emphasis is placed on developing a broad understanding of hydrologic, soil, and plant processes, from both a basic and an applied science approach. Coursework in the chemical, biological, and environmental sciences provides a foundation of knowledge. During the junior and senior years, students take courses in soil, water and plant sciences that range from molecular to landscapes in scale. Students will acquire skills in plant identification and landscape inventory including geographic information systems. Additionally, students select coursework from one of three focal areas: microbial/bioremediation science, soil and water science, and plant/vegetation science. Land rehabilitation is critically important to Montana, the surrounding region, and the United States. Graduates possess a broad knowledge of land rehabilitation processes, are able to critically analyze and solve problems, and can work in teams to develop and implement effective land management strategies. Studies in Land Rehabilitation will infuse students with critical knowledge and skills needed to analyze and manage lands requiring rehabilitation. Students will also receive foundation skills in writing, communication, arts, humanities and social sciences. Graduates in Land Rehabilitation will be very capable of making significant advances during the 21st century.

The Land Rehabilitation degree program is administered by the Department of Land Resources and Environmental Sciences.

Career Opportunities:Worker and manager for local, state, and federal agencies responsible for land rehabilitation and remediation, ecological restoration, invasive species management, and land resources management. Land reclamation managers for environmental consulting, mining, and highway construction companies. Stepping stone to Graduate School for independent research and advanced coursework in land rehabilitation, soil sciences, geology, hydrology, ecology, and the plant sciences.

Curriculum in Land Rehabilitation


Freshman Year Credits
LRES 110--Land Resources & Env Sci 3
BIOL 101IN--Biology of Organisms4
BIOL 102--Molec & Cellular Biol 4
CHEM 131--General Chemistry I 4
CHEM 132--General Chemistry II4
WRIT 101W--College Writing I3
ESCI 112CS--Physical Geography4
University Core and Electives
Sophomore Year Credits
Take one of the following:
     MATH 170Q--Survey of Calculus4
     MATH 175Q--Calculus Technology I3
     MATH 181Q--Calculus & Anal Geom I4
BIOL 230--Ident of Seed Plants 3
LRES 201IN--Soil Resource 3
LRES 244CS--Intro to Water Resources3
PHYS 205--College Physics I4
ENGL 221--College Writing II3
Take one of the following:
     ARNR 240--Natural Res Ecology3
     BIOL 303--Principles of Ecology3
University Core and Electives 8
Junior Year Credits
Take one of the following:
     PSPP 318--Biometry3
     STAT 216Q--Elementary Statistics3
ARNR 453--Habitat Inventory/Analysis3
LRES 444--Watershed Hydrology3
GEOG 211--Intro Geog Info Sci3
LRES 310--Professional Preparation1
LRES 355--Soil & Env Chemistry3
BIOL 436--Plant Systematics3
LRES 454--Landscape Pedology3
Take one of the following:
     ESCI 432--Surface-Water Resources3
     ESCI 440--Ground-Water Resources3
LRES 441R--Capstone 1-Fld Applics in LRES1
LRES 443--Weed Ecology & Management3
University Core and Electives 4
Senior Year Credits
LRES 442R--Capstone 2-Fld Applics in LRES 3
LRES 453--Soil & Env Physics3
LRES 460--Soil Remediation 3
LRES 461--Restoration Ecology3
University Core and Electives 4
Take 15 credits from the following electives:

Microbial/Bioremediation Focus

These 13 credits plus 2 from either soil/water focus, plant/revegetation focus or additional courses list.

CHEM 215--Elem Organic Chemistry      5
MB 301--Gen Microbiology5
LRES 452--Soil & Environ Microbiol3

Soil & Water Science Focus

These 10 credits plus 5 from either microbial/bioremediation focus, plant/revegetation focus, or additional courses list.

LRES 344--Water Quality 3
LRES 445--Watershed Analysis 3
LRES 351--Nutrient Cycling 3

Plant/Revegetation Focus

These 10 credits plus 5 from either microbial/bioremediation focus, soil/water focus, or additional courses list.

BIOL 430--Plant Physiology     3
BIOL 455--Plant Ecology     3
ARNR 350--Veg West Wildlands3

Additional Courses

LRES 357--GPS Fund/Applic Map3
LRES 421--Holistic Thought & Mgmt4
ARNR 351--Biomes West Wildlands 2
F&WL 301--Prin of F&WL Mgmt3
GEOG 305--Adv Geog Info Sci (GIS)     3
GEOG 411--Applied GIS & Spatial Analy     3

Because some of our courses are offered during alternate years, the proposed scheduling of courses in junior and senior years may need to be modified. Work with your advisor for your individual schedule.

A minimum of 120 credits is required for graduation; at least 42 of these credits must be in courses numbered 300 and above.


LRES 201IN--Soil Resource3
LRES 351--Nutrient Cycling3
LRES 355--Soil & Env Chem3
LRES 452--Soil & Env Microbiol3
LRES 453--Soil & Env Physics3
LRES 454--Landscape Pedology3

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