UW Extension
Lakes Program
A part of the Wisconsin
Lakes Partnership

Search UWEX Lakes
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  Meet Our Staff

Robert Korth Patrick Goggin, Lake Specialist Kim Becken Maud LaMarche
Bob Korth
Lake Specialist
(715) 346-2192  bkorth@uwsp.edu
How can I help?
Patrick Goggin
Lake Specialist
(715) 295-8903
How can I help?
Kim Becken
Office Manager & Outreach Specialist
(715) 346-2116 kbecken@uwsp.edu
How can I help?
Maud LaMarche
Database/Website Specialist
(715) 346-3366
How can I help?
Erin Henegar Laura Herman Amy Kowalski  
Erin Henegar
Aquatic Invasive Species Volunteer Coordinator
(Clean Boats, Clean Waters)
(715) 346-4978 
How can I help?
Laura Herman
Citizen Lake Monitoring Network Coordinator
(715) 346-3989  lherman@uwsp.edu
How can I help?
Amy Kowalski
Communications Specialist
(715) 346-4744  akowalsk@uwsp.edu
How can I help?


Bob Korth                                  Patrick Goggin   
Lake Specialist                            Lake Specialist 
(715) 346-2192                            (715) 295-8903 
bkorth@uwsp.edu                        pgoggin@uwsp.edu

Bob and Pat work with lake organizations and lake issues across the state.   Some of the areas they can assist you with include:
  • Starting a new lake organization
  • Working with Lake Association and Lake District issues
  • Developing educational materials and publications on lake issues
  • Lake ecology, aquatic plants
  • Shore land habitat, and shore land development issues
  • Water recreational use
  • Dispute resolution
  • Understanding lake grants
  • Lake Leaders Institute

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Kim Becken
Office Manager & Outreach Specialist
(715) 346-2116  

Kim assists UWEX and DNR personnel as well as the general public.  She helps coordinate the Wisconsin Lakes Convention, Lake Leaders Institute, and other Wisconsin Lakes Partnership events.  Contact Kim for help with finding publications or any lake-related questions.

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Maud LaMarche
Database/Website Specialist
(715) 346-3366

Maud supports the UW-Extension Lakes Program through technical assistance with the Lakes database and website.

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Erin Henegar
Aquatic Invasive Species Volunteer Coordinator
(715) 346-4978

Erin is the volunteer coordinator of the Clean Boats, Clean Waters volunteer watercraft inspection program that assists Wisconsin residents in stopping the spread of aquatic invasive species.  Click here for more information or contact Erin if you are interested in becoming involved.

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Laura Herman
Citizen Lake Monitoring Network Coordinator
(715) 346-3989 

Laura helps set protocols used by volunteers when assessing lake water quality and their lake environment, as well as trainings for these volunteers.  Laura works with the volunteers who monitor:

  • water clarity

  • water chemistries

  • dissolved oxygen

  • aquatic invasive species

  • aquatic plant communities

Contact Laura for information about the volunteer programs available through the Citizen Lake Monitoring Network.

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Amy Kowalski
Communications Specialist
(715) 346-4744 

Amy edits and designs the quarterly newsletter (Lake Tides), fact sheets, posters, brochures and multi-media presentations, as well as helping to maintain the UWEX Lakes website.  She assists with the Wisconsin Lakes Convention and Lake Leaders Institute through design and marketing.

Contact Amy with Lake Tides or website ideas!

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