Therapeutic Natural Organic Herbal Salves, Balms, or Ointments

  Herbal Skin Salve

Herbal Skin Salve

Taylor Made Herbs and Aromatherapy's Herbal Salves are therapeutic, healing, contains 100% pure undiluted Fresh Organically grown or wild-crafted herbs infused in oil, blended in a unique way, and you won't find another herbal salve (balm) as therapeutic as our's!

  • Comments: I purchased the Herbal Skin Salve for my leg. Dr.'s told me that they could not graph my skin and the skin was turning black where the surgery was done. I applied the Herbal Skin Salve daily and within a week, the skin turned white and new skin has developed. I cannot wait to show the doctor. Thanks N.H

The Herbal Skin Salve is how I got started making all natural organic skin care products. Clients, Customers, friends, family, and others have enjoyed my salves for over 12 years. Helping others such as N.H, makes me realize why natural organic herbal products are truly God's way of healing ourselves.

* sedimentation is some products is normal and color variation due to the seasons and weather when the herbs are harvest.



C-herb is a special herbal mixture that comes from Native American Indians. This is much more predictable than the many "black salves" out there and we have found it to be very effective and safe when used correctly. Make sure to read the instructions carefully and if you have any further questions email us. 

Removes wart, mole, skin tag, cysts, and more...

Orig. Price: $30.95
Sale Price: $24.95

Cayenne Healing Salve
Cayenne Healing Salve

improves circulation, joint or bone pain or inflammation, neuralgia, knee pain, spasms, torn ligament, etc..


Chaparral and Red Clover Salve
Chaparral and Red Clover Salve

skin cancer, sun damage to skin, keratosis, UV protectant, mole, wart, skin tag..


Drawing Escharotic Salve
Drawing Escharotic Salve

Removes mole, corn, skin tag, wart, helps topical staph infection, bartholin's cyst, topically for sore throat or ear infection (massage), HPV, Bartholin Cyst, breast infection...


Herbal Skin Salve All Purpose
Herbal Skin Salve All Purpose

#1 Best Seller

Best First Aide Salve used for acne scar, burns, bumps, bruises, scraps, wounds, hand salve, chapped hands or lips, cracked heels, increase new cells or skin growth, abrasion, surgical areas that won't heal, bug bite, bees sting, paper cut, nipple ingrown, splinter, ingrown toenail, nipple care, umbilical cord site, dermatitis, SJOGREN's syndrome (dry lips, skin, or around eyes, skin ulcers, postpartum care, vaginal dryness, chemical burn, hives, sepsis, chafing, frequent washed hands, wind or sunburn, scarring, dissolves scar tissue, circumcision area, bed sore(s), shingles or chicken pox scar, open sore, boils, surgical incisions, vaginal healing, and everything else from a-z.


Goldenseal Myrrh Salve Now with Echinacea and White Sage
Goldenseal Myrrh Salve Now with Echinacea and White Sage

#1 Best Seller Now with White Sage

skin infection, heals surgical area, sores, postpartum care, bed ulcer, skin infection with pus, skin staph infection, burn, cut, c-section surgical area, circumcision site, umbilical cord area, radiation or chemotherapy burn, chemical burn, all purpose salve...


Joint Inflammation Salve
Joint Inflammation Salve

joint pain, inflammation, arthritis, headache, sinus pressure or pain, rheumatoid arthritis, knee or bone pain, tendonitis, bursitis,


Nasal Congestion Salve
Nasal Congestion Salve

bronchitis, sinusitis, wheezing, chest or cold congestion, chronic catarrh (mucous), lung disease, low oxygen, croup, head cold, swollen glands, coughing, ear infection, opens chest and head, great in the winter for cold and flu symptoms...


Shea Butter Organic Raw Un-Refined
Shea Butter Organic Raw Un-Refined

ultimate moisturizer, cracked heals or hands, sores, dry skin spots,...

Orig. Price: $14.00
Sale Price: $10.00

$5.00 Flat Rate Shipping on all orders! Free Shipping on all orders over $250.00

 Taylor Made Herbs and Aromatherapy, LLC products are made without  parabens, sodium laureth sulphates, petro-chemicals, artificial colors or preservatives, fragrances, alcohol, harsh detergents, propylene glycol, and other harmful chemicals.


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Disclaimer: All products, descriptions, and comments have not been evaluated by the FDA. It is no means a medical treatment or diagnoses. Pure essential oils and herbs are God's natural earthly medicines which are soothing, healing, and therapeutic. We do not recommend, treat, cure, or diagnose. If an event you have complications or need medical advice, please consult a professional Naturopath, Herbalist, or Medical advisor.