Facial Masque, Facial Exfoliants, Dead Sea Mud, & Misc.

Berry Enzyme Facial Exfoliant with Jojoba Esters and Berry Enzymes

Berry Enzyme Facial Exfoliant Scrub with Jojoba Esters and Berry Enzymes

Our Complexion chart will help you choose which product is right for your skin type or complexion. Click here for more information 

Check our our NEW "Innovative Dry Mask Skin Care Routine"

Now Available... Organic Facial Masque and Facial Exfoilants made with jojoba esters and jojoba golden oil, organic berry powder (blueberry, cranberry, raspberry, pomegranate, and strawberry), organic veggie powder (pumpkin pulp enzyme), organic spices (cinnamon, clove, and nutmeg), organic clays (pascalite, rose clay, pink clay from morroca and more), and organic dried herbal powders (calendula, chamomile, lavender, and rose). Thank you Catherine for inspiring me to expand this line and to offer more products for estiticians, day spas, and personal home use.

Exfoliation is the removal of dead skin cells from the epidermis, the skin's outer layer. Done properly, this brings young, fresh skin to the surface and stimulates cell growth in the lower layers. Exfoliation also gives the impression of erasing wrinkles, because it removes cell build-up on the skin that makes lines appear deeper. Most skin types benefit from exfoliation, but be especially gentle with sensitive, thin or couperose skin. If overdone, exfoliation can be irritating as it exposes underlying skin before it is ready to face the enviromental pollutants. Do not exfoliate too often, and avoid chemical exfoliants such as those used in some beauty salons.


Acne Blemish Facial Mask with Red Raspberry
Acne Blemish Facial Mask with Red Raspberry

Made for Normal, Oily, Complex, and Corpus Damaged skin. Witch Hazel is a natural astringent effectively used to shrink large pores and rid the skin of bacteria and excess oil. Comfrey is a natural cell proliferator in which stimulated new skin growth and prevent and stops scarring.


Aloe Calendula Facial Mask
Aloe Calendula Facial Mask

NEW! A powerful vitamin rich antioxidant packed with nutritients and berry enzymes. A gentle mask to remove dead skin cells and then leaves your skin smooth as silk and glowing. Better than laser or chemical peel treatments.


Aloe Colloidal Silver Gel
Aloe Colloidal Silver Gel

acne, blemish, candidia, fungus on skin, anti-spetic, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal.....


Berry Enzyme Facial Exfoliant Scrub with Red Raspberry and Blueberry
Berry Enzyme Facial Exfoliant Scrub with Red Raspberry and Blueberry

NEW! A powerful vitamin rich antioxidant packed with nutritients and berry enzymes. Most important, it's a scrub and facial cleanser all in one! A gentle exfoliator to remove dead skin cells and then makes a wonderful lather without sodium laureth sulphate to cleanse the skin and leave it smooth as silk and glowing. Better than laser or chemical peel treatments.


Berries Facial Mask with Grape Seed Extract and Hibiscus flowers
Berries Facial Mask with Grape Seed Extract and Hibiscus flowers

NEW! A powerful vitamin rich antioxidant packed with nutritients and berry enzymes. Makes a smooth, healing moisturizer. A gentle mask to remove dead skin cells and then leaves your skin smooth as silk and glowing. Better than laser or chemical peel treatments.


Calendula Chamomile Facial Mask
Calendula Chamomile Facial Mask

Calendula is a wonder anti-inflammatory, soothing, healing, and comforting to skin. Chamomile is such a delicious herb. I enjoy walking past it and smelling the sweet aroma. Chamomile is relaxing, healing, soothing, comforting, and so therapeutic for stress and sleep disorders.


Carrot Facial Exfoliant Scrub with Vitamin A and Enzymes
Carrot Facial Exfoliant Scrub with Vitamin A and Enzymes

NEW! A powerful vitamin rich antioxidant packed with nutritients and berry enzymes. Most important, it's a scrub and facial cleanser all in one! A gentle exfoliator to remove dead skin cells and then makes a wonderful lather without sodium laureth sulphate to cleanse the skin and leave it smooth as silk and glowing. Better than laser or chemical peel treatments.


Cleansing Milk Facial Scrub with Jojoba Esters, Apricot Kernals, Hibiscus, & Grape Seed Extract
Cleansing Milk Facial Scrub with Jojoba Esters, Apricot Kernals, Hibiscus, & Grape Seed Extract

Cleansing the skin properly, especially the face, is fundamental to good skin care. This is even more important if you live in the city or near an industiral area, as aibprne toxins will readily adhere to your face, causing damage and premature aging.


Coenzyme Q10 Facial Exfoilant Scrub with Hyaluronic Acid and Blue Violet
Coenzyme Q10 Facial Exfoilant Scrub with Hyaluronic Acid and Blue Violet

Use for mature, normal, oily, dry, and sensitive skin.

This is a wonderful toner for prevention and aging skin. Wonderful antioxidant, provides skin cells with oxygen, soothes dry leathery skin, stops wrinkles, facial lines, or crow's feet, and feeds the skin with proper nutrients. Natural age reversal or anti-aging toner. The toner is moisturizing, healing, rejuvenating, soothing, made with multiple antioxidants to strengthen, tone, and firm the skin, build natural collagen to stop aging, and well it's the best organic toner available with it's high potency of Co-enzyme Q10 and Hyaluronic acid.

Orig. Price: $24.00
Sale Price: $20.00

Creamy Cranberry Exfoliant with Cranberry Seeds
Creamy Cranberry Exfoliant with Cranberry Seeds


Dead Sea Mineral Mud Skin & Body Detoxification
Dead Sea Mineral Mud Skin & Body Detoxification

Our Dead Sea Mineral Mud is as authentic as you can get, extracted from specific shores of the Dead Sea and imported directly from Jordan. Dead Sea Mud is World renowned as a source of non-soluble clays, carbonates, sulfides, and organic compounds. It is also extremely rich in magnesium, potassium and calcium. Spas have been using it for years to combat bruising, joint inflammation, sore muscles and to extract toxins and poisons.


Pascalite Clay (Facial Mask or Poultice)
Pascalite Clay (Facial Mask or Poultice)

facial mask, blackheads, absorb toxins, drawing...


Pascalite Clay with Goldenseal and Myrrh
Pascalite Clay with Goldenseal and Myrrh

abcess tooth, lymphatic congestion, lumps under skin, infection, boils, natural poultice...


Pomegranate Green Tea Facial Exfoilant Scrub with Kiwi
Pomegranate Green Tea Facial Exfoilant Scrub with Kiwi

Normal, Oily, Mature, Aging Skin


Pumpkin Enzyme Facial Exfoliant Scrub with Jojoba Esters
Pumpkin Enzyme Facial Exfoliant Scrub with Jojoba Esters

It smells good enough to eat! Our Pumpkin Enzyme Facial Exfoliant is a wonderful mild scrub for the face and whole body for all skin types. It lathers well and the tiny jojoba esters gentle exfoliate your skin and moisturizes at the same time!

Christy, you have done it again! This product is amazing! Read customer comment inside...


Pumpkin Enzyme Facial Masque with Herbal Extracts
Pumpkin Enzyme Facial Masque with Herbal Extracts


Sea Buckthorn Pomegranate Facial Exfoliant Scrub with Coenzyme Q10 and Hyaluronic Acid
Sea Buckthorn Pomegranate Facial Exfoliant Scrub with Coenzyme Q10 and Hyaluronic Acid

Normal, Sensitive, Dry, Mature, and Aging Skin


Soothing Rose Facial Exfoilant Scrub made with Rose Petals
Soothing Rose Facial Exfoilant Scrub made with Rose Petals


Yogurt and Oatmeal Deep Cleansing Facial Mask
Yogurt and Oatmeal Deep Cleansing Facial Mask

Yogurt has been used for centuries for it's natural internal and external benefits such as supplying the body with vital friendly bacterias (FOS, Acidophilus, Bifidus, and more). Organic Yogurt is mixed with finely ground organic oatmeal and a little honey for an all purpose facial cream for normal, dry, to ultra sensitive skin. It's cleansing and rejuvenating.

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 Taylor Made Herbs and Aromatherapy, LLC products are made without  parabens, sodium laureth sulphates, petro-chemicals, artificial colors or preservatives, fragrances, alcohol, harsh detergents, propylene glycol, and other harmful chemicals.


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Disclaimer: All products, descriptions, and comments have not been evaluated by the FDA. It is no means a medical treatment or diagnoses. Pure essential oils and herbs are God's natural earthly medicines which are soothing, healing, and therapeutic. We do not recommend, treat, cure, or diagnose. If an event you have complications or need medical advice, please consult a professional Naturopath, Herbalist, or Medical advisor.