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The Earth Science World Image Bank is always looking to collect more high-quality geoscience images for this growing collection. The primary mission of the ESWIB is to provide these images to educators, the geoscience community, and the public for non-commercial use. Your contribution and assistance in helping us develop this lasting resource will not only benefit the scientific community, but also help to enhance Earth System education.

There are a number of ways you can get your images to us for submission into the Image Bank. If your images are as slides, negatives, or photos you can send us your images via UPS or FedEx to the address below. We will scan them in a timely manner here, then return the images to you along with a digital image CD of your images, as a thank-you for contributing. If you have digital copies of your images, you can email us with the images attached (only one or two at a time, as they will be large) or send us image CD's of your work to be incorporated into our collection. If you do this, we do have some requirements for file size of the images. The image should be scanned at 72 dpi, and about 3000 pixels wide (this is about a 14 to 20 MB file). We prefer TIFF (.tif) files, but it is not necessary to send them as such.

Along with the images, if you could provide any information about the location and feature in the image, it would be greatly appreciated. We have an Image Information form that you can use to help with this process. To download it, click here (Note: You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to download the Image Information form, if you do not have Adobe installed on your computer you can click here to get it). This can be e-mailed to us, or sent along with the images. We also ask that you fill out an Image Permission Form to be returned to us here at AGI. This form signifies that you are allowing AGI to scan and incorporate your images into the ESWIB, and use your images in our copyrighted materials. You may also want to consider some of our commercial use options for your images, which you can designate on the permission form. To download the Image Permission Form, click here. (Note: You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to download the Permission form.)

If you have any questions regarding making contributions to the database, feel free to email us. Thank you for considering contributing to this project!

To send CD's, slides, negatives or prints to AGI, please send them to:

Earth Science World Image Bank American Geological Institute 4220 King Street Alexandria, VA 22302

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