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What is a Nonnative Species?

Nonnative species are ones that are free-ranging and were not found in Florida before the year 1500. Over 400 nonnative fish and wildlife species and 1180 exotic plant species have been documented in the state.

Red-Eared Slider; photo by Kevin Enge, FWC
Red-Eared slider photo by Kevin Enge/FWC

Examples of exotic or nonnative species include the many different parrot species in peninsular Florida that escaped from bird owners, African cichlid fish in the south Florida canals that were released from aquaria, squirrel monkeys that were released or escaped from tourist attractions in central Florida, and red-eared sliders, which are the popular “baby turtles” sold in the pet trade and which are now found throughout much of the state. Native species are those that have naturally occurred in Florida before the year 1500. Examples include our most common owl, the barred owl, popular freshwater sportfish such as the Florida largemouth bass, eastern gray squirrels, which are common backyard mammals, and gray rat or oak snakes, which are one of the few snake species that have a tendency to enter people's houses.

Thousands of nonnative species, mostly insects and agricultural pests, have been introduced into Florida and more arrive each day. As many as 40 exotic agricultural pests arrive here each month.

Fortunately, of all the exotic species that escape or are released, only a handful will survive and become established. The majority of those few species that survive will probably not have negative effects on native wildlife. Most studies have shown this to be true for terrestrial and aquatic animals.