The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, Inc.    
Forage Improvement Research Profile: Dr. Joe Bouton
  • Joe Bouton
    Joe H. Bouton, Ph.D.
    Senior Vice President and Forage Improvement Division Director
    Professor Emeritus, University of Georgia
Research Video: Cultivar Development
Joe Bouton: Cultivar Development
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Ph.D., Agronomy, 1977, University of Florida

Dr. Bouton conducts breeding and genetics research on temperate forage species for use in the pasture and livestock systems throughout the southern USA. He has commercialized 17 cultivars, but is best known for releasing 'Alfagraze' alfalfa, "MaxQ" tall fescue, and 'Durana' and 'Patriot' white clovers.

The main forage species currently under investigation are alfalfa, white clover, and red clover. The overall goal is developing cultivars of these species with adaptation to Southern soils and climate and, specifically, for use in stress conditions such as high temperatures with low rainfall and intensively grazed, mixed pastures. Recently, Dr. Bouton has also begun an initiative to develop adaptive, high yielding switchgrass cultivars for use as a dedicated energy crop for cellulosic ethanol production. One of his experimental switchgrass cultivars,  identified as EG1101, is currently in seed production for initial commercial sales in 2009-2010. His group is also working with Dr. Malay Saha to develop grazing tolerant, forage-type cultivars of cereal rye, wheat, triticale, and oats.

Finally, Dr. Bouton collaborates with other faculty in the Forage Improvement Division to assess the practical application to the cultivar development process of genomic and transgenic biotechnologies. They are specifically trying to determine the best uses of these technologies for value-added trait incorporation and for more efficient gene discovery, tagging, and genetic engineering.

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