
Planet Earth: The Complete BBC Series
You’ll be filled with awe and amazement every time you watch this stunning BBC series about our planet’s best-loved, wildest and most elusive creatures, captured on breathtaking, high-definition film in the Earth’s most extreme habitats. Forty cameramen and hundreds of producers, scientists and guides spent four years and $25 million to bring you this God’s-eye-view of rare action and intimate moments in impossible locations.

Strange Days on Planet Earth
These four one-hour episodes address the strange transformations taking place around the world because of alien invaders, document a series of perplexing phenomena many believe is linked to climate change, explain the impact the loss of top predators has in island and ocean food webs, and examines the evidence that pollutants are being spread throughout the world’s water systems and explores what we can do to remedy the problem.

Earth on Edge
Filmed in collaboration with the World Resources Institute, this PBS/Bill Moyers program assesses the state of the environment. Combining interviews with leading scientists and reports from around the world, Moyers explores the impact that human activities have had on the planet while posing an urgent question: What is happening to earth’s capacity to support nature and civilization?

The Long Emergency: Surviving the Converging Catastrophes of the 21st Century
A five-part video series exploring the past, the present, and the quite possibly chaotic future of the industrial period. Will Wal-Mart survive without ridiculously cheap oil? Will FEMA even be able to answer the phone in twenty years? De facto cultural historian James Howard Kunstler runs the numbers.


Save The Bay’s Salt Marsh Restoration Demonstration
After four growing seasons Save The Bay’s salt marsh restoration demonstration at Fields Point is taking hold. First planted by volunteers and staff in 2004, the marsh has withstood pounding waves, relentless winds and more than a few destructive geese and swans.

How on Earth: The Challenge to Restore Nature
How On Earth is a three-part public television series and comprehensive outreach campaign that explores the possibility, challenge and uncertainty of ecosystem restoration. From re-introducing the endangered Mexican Wolf to restoring the Bronx River in New York City to re-planting native grasses in the heartland, the series features compelling stories of dedicated individuals combining innovative science, new partnerships, and hard work to help nature heal itself.

Greening the Desert
Geoff Lawton and Sindhu are internationally renowned Permaculture teachers and design consultants. Their story in the Middle East is a success story, rare in the politically tumultuous climate which rules the lives of many in this part of the globe. They have solved and offered positive solutions to many of the environmental problems typical to the Middle east; water shortage, highly salted land, agricultural production, and unsustainable housing. 

Eelgrass Restoration in Narragansett Bay
Save The Bay’s Wenley Ferguson explains how we harvest & transplant eelgrass and why it is so important to the Bay. Taped May 29, 2008 at King’s Beach, Newport.

Making a Difference: Restoring the Earth around Us
A brief history of environmental destruction during ancient times leads into three portraits of present-day efforts to reverse environmental damage. Like us, ancient civilizations exploited their forests, and their cities were eventually buried under the topsoil that eroded from the logged

Students and Teachers Restoring a Watershed
The story of STRAW - Students and Teachers Restoring a Watershed - demonstrates the multi-tiered benefits of community-based restoration. Not only is an endangered species given a new lease on life, but kids, teachers and farmers discover how working together to recover habitat knits a community while making learning fun.


Mending Australia’s Ancient Forest
David Yetman gets a first hand look at this ambitious project called Gondwana Link. The evolutionary process moves quickly in this environment, and new hybrids and species are discovered almost every week. Here, ecological restoration works hand-in-hand with the cultural restoration of the original owners of the land. Yetman also meets some of the native peoples who work to counteract the displacement of their ancestors by passing on knowledge of their culture to their descendents.

Saving Australia’s Wild West
When the Australian Wildlife Conservancy bought over 800,000 acres of a former cattle ranch for biodiversity conservation it created an ecological jewel that now attracts scientists from all over the world.


Raccoon Island Restoration
Louisiana’s Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration Act is celebrating the progress of six coastal restoration projects, including the coastal restoration of Raccoon Island. 

Restoration of Fossil Creek
The inspiring rebirth of a biologically critical river in Arizona is recounted in A River Reborn: The Restoration of Fossil Creek. The one-hour documentary examines the ecological effects of a dam and hydroelectric facility on the waterway and chronicles the 15-year effort that led to decommissioning. 

Restoring the Elwha River
To help citizens and decision makers visualize a restored Elwha River, American Rivers recently introduced a new video, Restoring the Elwha, which includes cutting edge animations depicting the Elwha Valley before, during, and after dam removal. The video, produced by Earth Tribe TV, provides a look at the Elwha River and nearby communities, and details the dam removals as well as the re-vegetation and ecosystem revitalization scheduled to begin in two years.

Wetland Restoration: Steps to Success
A 21 minute video on specific techniques and suggestions on how to have the best success with wetland restoration projects. The video is general in nature, identifying the major steps and issues to be aware of prior to design and implementation of a restoration project. Topics include: site assessment, project planning and timelines, plant selection, the importance of using native plant species, when to plant, plant collection and ethics and animal proofing of plants.

Restoring Desert Rivers
Restoring Desert Rivers focuses on a new science called “restoration ecology.” See how biologists are trying to set things right by restoring the desert riparian areas to their original condition by eliminating exotic plants and re-introducing native birds. How, what and where to restore are questions they grapple with. Investigate how some non-indigenous plants are causing great harm to the desert vegetation.

Paul Keddy on Restoring Ponderosa Pine
This talk, given to the Ecological Restoration Institute in the School of Forestry at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, explores how principles from wetlands can guide the restoration of arid forests.


Restoring the Balance: Removing the Black Rat from Anacapa Island
Non-native rats have long endangered the seabirds that nest on Anacapa Island, one of the Channel Islands off the coast of Southern California. Faced with evidence of widespread predation on seabird eggs and chicks, including the endangered Xantus Murrelet, land managers and scientists must decide how to balance the needs of endemic species in their efforts to remove rats and restore balance to an important island ecosystem.

From the Ground Up: Managing the Salmon River Basin
The biologically diverse and scenic Salmon River in the Klamath National Forest in Northern California has long struggled with the effects of logging and mining. This video illustrates how government agencies and local communities can work together to manage a key watershed by restoring water quality and habitat for endangered salmon, eliminating roads, and mitigating erosion. It provides a wonderful profile of positive ecosystem management.

Returning Home: Bringing the Common Murre Back
In 1986, a breeding colony of Common Murres on Devil’s Slide Rock off the coast of San Francisco was devastated by an oil spill. Using innovative restoration techniques in a challenging location, dedicated scientists worked with local schools and government agencies to restore the colony - in spite of many land managers that say it cannot be done. The film chronicles the decade of restoration efforts required to bring these birds back to their ancestral home.


America’s Lost Landscape: The Tallgrass Prairie
The PBS documentary tells the rich and complex story of one of the most astonishing alterations of nature in human history. Prior to Euro-American settlement in the 1820s, one of the major landscape features of North America was 240 million acres of tallgrass prairie. But between 1830 and 1900 - in the space of a single lifetime - the tallgrass prairie was steadily transformed to farmland. This drastic change in the landscape also brought about an enormous social change for Native Americans; in an equally short time their cultural imprint was reduced in essence to a handful of place-names appearing on maps.


Reweaving Shiva’s Robes
Project Arunachala has been supported by RIC since the late 1980’s. The afforestation and environmental regeneration project was initiated in 1988 by Apeetha Arunagiri. She contacted Rainforest Information Centre (RIC) with an outline of the situation and a plea for support for the Annamalai Reforestation Society (ARS) which she established to regenerate the mountain to its former forested condition. In spite of the fact that the district is classified as semi-arid (thus far from the category of rainforest), the decision to work with the project was taken.

Ancient Futures: Learning from Ladakh
How we can learn about ecological solutions from an ancient Culture? Ladakh, or Little Tibet, is a wildly beautiful desert land high in the western Himalayas. It is a place of few resources and an extreme climate. Yet, for more than a thousand years, it has been home to a thriving culture.

Indigenous Peoples: Humane and Environmental Sustainability
After recalling the first intervention of Indigenous Peoples in Rio (1992 World Summit), the key aspects of territories, spirituality, cultures, traditional knowledge protection, languages, education, are discussed in view of the feelings and needs of Indigenous Peoples who are facing the promises of “Sustainable Development” and the strains its implementation induces.

Mayan Rainforest Farming
The tropical rainforests are being destroyed at an alarming rate for timber harvesting and the creation of cropland and cattle pastures. In nearly all cases the result is massive erosion, and
often desertification. Here is a model of successful rainforest agriculture. On the Yucatan Peninsula, there still exist a few “solares,” or orchards, where Mayan farmers continue a sustainable form of agriculture.

Behind the Green
This documentary, produced by the Indigenous Peoples Development Services, depicts the resistance of Khasi and Garo indigenous peoples to government-sponsored Eco-Parks and their struggle to maintain control over their ancestral homelands in Bangladesh.

Wanjiri Mathai: Keynote Speaker at Bioneers Conference
Wanjira Mathai is a resonant voice of the New Africa. As the daughter of Wangari Maathai, the revered founder of the Green Belt Movement in Kenya and today a respected figure in government, Wanjira has taken on the work of vast tree plantings against deforestation and other environmental and community restoration projects that demonstrate some of the largest and most successful ecological and progressive social models in Africa.


Green Planet Films is a non-profit distributor of nature and environmental DVDs from around the globe. They seek to preserve and protect our planet by collecting and distributing documentaries that can be used to educate the public about the science, beauty, and fragility of the natural world. Their mission is to grow our web-based DVD library, which provides a channel that connects these films to schools, organizations, businesses, and individuals worldwide. 

The Earth Institute offers a number of videos that reflect a sampling of its vast expertise. Topics range from how ecosystems sustain life on earth to scientific solutions for carbon emissions problems. Titles include Cheryl A. Palm and Pedro Sanchez on Slash and Burn Agriculture: The Search for Alternatives and Don J. Melnick on why so little has been accomplished in biodiversity conservation since the 1992 Rio Summit.

Salmon Nation has links and contact details for a variety of river and stream restoration videos including proper planting techniques, hole preparation, tools safety and maintenance requirements; a stream restoration project on Clear Creek in Shasta County; the transitional riparian zone between a water’s edge and uplands, and how this area provides food and cover for fish and wildlife, controls erosion, filters runoff, and produces the ingredients for fish habitat and stream channel stability.

The Video Project offers a wide variety of educational documentaries on subjects such as ecology, earth science, environmental ethics, ecosystems and indigenous peoples.

Moving Images Distribution offers a film and video collection consisting of entertaining and innovative documentary, short fiction, animation, and avant-garde works by some of Canada’s finest producers with a number of titles on Nature and the Environment.


Earth & Sky Radio Series is developed from interviews with scientists. These individuals observe the world, create hypotheses, make and test predictions. Their findings are checked before publication by other experts, in a process known as “peer review.”

Restoration Radio is a new platform for the Society for Ecological Restoration International. Thousands of organizations and volunteers are making conscious choices to intervene on behalf of their local environment. Through their actions they are also bringing together their communities and inventing new emerging economies. Restoration Radio tells the stories of the citizens, farmers, foresters, water managers, cities, counties, marine industries, developers and politicians involved in restoration.

Ecological Restoration and Wilderness: Trojan Horse or Hopeful Future?
The Wilderness Issues Lecture Series has served as a forum for the exploration of current wilderness issues since 1980. Dan Spencer, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies, University of Montana gave this lecture on February 22, 2005.

The Future of the Wild
Jonathan Adams opens a wide-ranging discussion of the possibilities for preserving wilderness in the 21st century. His new book The Future of the Wild not only reminds us of what has been lost as the industrial economy expanded across the globe, but also proposes effective strategies for successful future conservation efforts.

Wetland Tours and Podcasts
The partners of the San Francisco Bay Joint Venture share a larger common vision for protecting a total of over 200,000 acres of wetlands in the nine counties that surround San Francisco Bay.  The goals, habitat types and strategy for the implementation of this vision/plan can be found in Restoring the Estuary.

Restoration Radio

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