
“Environmental giving from private and public foundations misses the boat when it comes to systematically addressing the major problems we face in providing a catalyst to significant environmental restoration, protection, and generation of an environmentally friendly and sustainable human impact upon the earth. Environmental philanthropy in the United States is in trouble. Have we noticed that we have been losing most of the political and ecological battles over the last ten years while we continue to approach grantmaking in the mode of 10, 20 and 30 years ago?” – Rethinking Green Philanthropy

Bella Vista Foundation
The Bella Vista Foundation’s Ecosystem Restoration program focuses on protecting, restoring, and revitalizing high priority watershed ecosystems in California and Oregon. Within these key watersheds, the Foundation’s priorities are promoting the sustainable management of forest and agricultural land, revitalizing streams, restoring riparian areas, and protecting biodiversity, with the goal of enhancing and maintaining self-sustaining watershed ecosystems. 

Bullit Foundation
The mission of Foundation is to protect, restore, and maintain the natural physical environment of the Pacific Northwest for present and future generations. The Foundation invites proposals from nonprofit organizations that serve Washington, Oregon, Idaho, British Columbia, western Montana (including the Rocky Mountain range), and coastal Alaska from Cook Inlet to the Canadian border.

Captain Planet Foundation
The mission of the Foundation is to support hands-on environmental projects for youth in grades K-12. Their objective is to encourage innovative activities that empower children around the world to work individually and collectively as environmental stewards. Through ongoing education, they believe that children can play a vital role in preserving our precious natural resources for future generations.

Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
The Foundation focuses on the conservation and restoration of freshwater ecosystems in the Great Lakes region and portions of the southeastern United States because of their richness as they contain 20 percent of the world’s fresh water supply and freshwater ecosystems within the Southeast have among the highest levels of species diversity in the world.

Chesapeake Bay Trust
The Chesapeake Bay Trust provides grant funding for on-the-ground Chesapeake Bay restoration projects throughout Maryland, reaching thousands of students, organizations and community leaders each year.  Since its inception in 1985, the Trust has awarded more than $20 million in grants, funding thousands of projects that have made a measurable impact on improving the Bay’s health and restoring Maryland’s most treasured natural resource.

David and Lucille Packard Foundation
The Conservation and Science Program is focused on the challenge of sustainability, finding paths for human progress that protect and restore the ecological systems upon which all life depends. They invest in action and in ideas. They support initiatives to secure public policy reforms and changes in private sector practices. They also support scientific activities to develop essential knowledge and tools for addressing current and future priorities.

Doris Duke Charitable Foundation
The mission of the Environment Program is to preserve wildlife in the United States, both flora and fauna, by accelerating the conservation of essential habitats. At least a third of the plant and animal species in the United States are at risk of being lost within the coming decades unless additional action is taken. To get ahead of the problem, the Environment Program is focused on accelerating the protection of essential wildlife habitat through partnerships with state and local governments, land trusts and other foundations.

Fields Pond Foundation
The Foundation hopes to nurture such efforts by making grants under the following priorities: (1) project grants for trailmaking and other enhancement of public access to conservation lands, rivers, coastlines and other natural resources; (2) land acquisition for conservation; (3) assistance in establishment of endowments as a means of funding stewardship of conservation areas; and (4) related education programs and publications.

Frey Foundation
The Foundation believes that managing growth and capitalizing on the natural environment contribute greatly to the quality of life. Their grantmaking priorities include: (1) preserving and restoring high-quality lakes and streams; (2) expanding recreation trails and greenways; (3) protecting and preserving critical lands - including farmland, parkland and natural areas of rich biodiversity; and (4) beautifying scenic transportation corridors, including gateways and the control of billboards.

Fund for Wild Nature
The Fund provides money for campaigns to save and restore native species and wild ecosystems, including actions to defend wilderness and biological diversity. They fund advocacy, litigation, public policy work, development of citizen science, and similar endeavors as well as media projects that have a clear strategic value and a concrete plan for dissemination of the final product.

Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
The Foundation’s Environment program is developing its strategy based on the Moores’ dedication to international biodiversity conservation. The objective of the Wild Salmon Ecosystems initiative is to preserve the diversity and function of wild salmon ecosystems throughout the North Pacific. The Andes-Amazon initiative’s main objective is to finance and coordinate activities that contribute to the conservation of biodiversity in both terrestrial and freshwater systems (rivers and lakes).

Gulf of Mexico Foundation
The Gulf of Mexico Community-based Restoration Partnership (GCRP) is a regional multi-year partnership that was established in October 2001. The partnership brings together state and federal governmental entities, non-profit organizations, citizens, and business in a collaborative effort to provide needed funding and support for coastal habitat restoration projects. The partnership funds citizen-driven, on-the-ground projects which restore aquatic marine habitats, benefit living marine resources and foster local stewardship of sites throughout the Gulf of Mexico region and the adjacent Caribbean.

Henry P. Kendall Foundation
The Foundation invites requests where its support will make a significant difference and is often willing to accept a high level of risk in seeking opportunities to help transform organizations and their impact on environmental concerns over the long term. The Foundation provides funding for general operating needs and for specific programs and initiatives including advocacy, public education, policy research and analysis, on-the-ground resource management experiments, and institutional development.

Merck Family Fund
The Fund has two areas of priority to help achieve a healthy planet. The first is the protection of vital ecosystems in the eastern US.  Specifically, the Fund is interested in programs that recognize the need for and practice of sustainable forestry; include the support and participation of people living in or near the impacted area; and protect and preserve ecologically valuable land. The second is supporting the shift towards environmentally sustainable economic systems, incentives, and behaviors: initiatives that promote sustainable practice as it relates to buildings and design, and the production and use of paper; create policies at the state and federal level that promote green tax programs and challenge taxpayer subsidies that harm the environment; and
encourage the acceptance and use of corporate extended producer responsibility.

Partnership Resource Center
The Partnership Resource Center is a true Partnership developed through the shared vision of the National Forest Foundation (NFF) and the USDA - Forest Service (FS). The purpose of the web site is to provide our partnering organizations and FS staff with the information and access they need for enhanced working relationships. By increasing our joint stewardship capacity, and connecting people to people, the needs of our natural resources can be met. 

Red Lodge Clearinghouse
The Clearinghouse features a searchable database of funding sources (new sources are regularly added) and our collaboration handbook discusses other fundraising ideas. Grantwriting is a combination of science, art and politics. Read their quick guide on how to approach a funding source.

Rivers Foundation of the Americas
The Foundation is a public operating foundation dedicated to promoting and funding the conservation, protection and restoration of rivers and their watersheds throughout the Americas. RFA uses its expert financial and technical support to promote clean water, biodiversity, and human health through watershed protection.

Rufford Small Grants Foundation
The Rufford Small Grants Foundation is a new charity established specifically for the development of Rufford Small Grants for Nature Conservation (RSGs). Within the eight years of the RSGs being part of the Rufford Maurice Laing Foundation, in excess of 900 projects in over 95 countries have been supported. The Rufford Small Grants Foundation intends to build on this success.

Surdna Foundation
The Foundation makes grants in the areas of environment, community revitalization, effective citizenry, the arts and the nonprofit sector, with annual grantmaking of approximately $30 million. They analyze issues fully, examine the larger systems which affect them, involve grantmakers and grant recipients, define the results we want to achieve, fund separately and collaboratively, work enthusiastically, take risks to find the best solutions, and learn systematically from our successes and failures.

Threshold Foundation
The Foundation funds organizations that address the root causes of the problems they are trying to alleviate; prevent environmental damage before it occurs; insist on corporate accountability and effective governmental regulation; offer sustainable economic and environmental alternatives; employ a strategic vision of social, economic, and environmental justice, and use the necessary tools (community action, advocacy, legislation, public education, training, etc.) to implement and guide that vision; effectively build and enhance individual and group capacity for civic participation and leadership; and build and strengthen alliances and coalitions.

Turner Foundation
The Foundation makes grants in the areas of the environment and population and focuses on four main components: (1) Safeguarding Habitat - protect terrestrial and marine habitats and wildlife critical for the preservation of biodiversity; (2) Growing the Movement - engage, organize and empower new constituencies in order to ensure the future protection of our environment; (3) Creating Solutions for Sustainable Living - modify patterns of consumption and to halt further degradation of our natural resources; and (4) Healthy Planet, Healthy Communities - restore or mitigate the effects of non-sustainable practices.

Wilburforce Foundation
The foundation supports efforts to create a network of protected core reserves, corridors and buffer zones across Western North America that will support ecologically effective landscapes and viable wildlife populations.

Wildlife Forever
The mission of Wildlife Forever is to conserve America’s wildlife heritage through conservation education, preservation of habitat and management of fish and wildlife.

William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
The Environment program has three goals: to save the great ecosystems of the North American West; to reduce the environmental impacts of fossil-fuel energy systems by promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy sources; and to build an infrastructure for environmental concerns among California’s growing but still underrepresented populations in the L.A. basin and the Central Valley.

William C. Kenny Watershed Protection Foundation
The mission of the W. C. Kenney Foundation is to protect and restore watersheds in the Western United States.

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