
The number of ecological restoration programs and centers at the university level has increased dramatically in the last ten years. Restoration ecology certificates and similar inter-disciplinary courses of study are becoming more and more popular at both the undergraduate and graduate level. Many universities are now host to research centers that prominently feature ecological restoration. “With increasing interest in ecosystem restoration, there is a corresponding need for trained professionals who understand not only the science of restoration ecology but also the management practices and social factors that lead to successful project implementation.” (Opportunities for Academic Training in the Science and Practice of Restoration within the United States and Canada)


Charles Stuart University
Certificate in Restoration Ecology
It is now recognised that significant areas of the rural landscape in Australia are severely degraded, leading to loss of productive areas, reduced production and loss of biodiversity. In recent years, major steps have been taken to address these issues through organisations such as Natural Resource agencies, Catchment Management committees, Landcare groups and Greening Australia, but much more still needs to be done. This course provides the opportunity for those interested in restoring degraded landscapes to gain the conceptual knowledge and skills required to do so.

Charles Stuart University
Certificate in River Restoration & Management
Become one of the skilled professionals currently in demand to arrest degradation in Australia’s riverine environments. Get involved in the restoration and management of our most important inland water resources. The need for improved river management has been widely recognised at local, State and Federal levels, and is set to become a more important issue in future years as we strive to ensure the sustainability of our river ecosystems.

Murdoch University
School of Environmental Science

The core function of Ecosystem Management and Restoration is the generation of basic and strategic science and technology relevant to the maintenance and repair of ecosystems and their components, and the sustainable development of natural resources in the western regions of Australia, and their further applications in other parts of the world. Ecosystem Management and Restoration (EMR) undertakes high quality, internationally recognised research in terrestrial and aquatic environments.

University of Canberra
Institute of Applied Ecology
The undergraduate degree program leading to postgraduate study in applied ecology was first offered by the School of Resource and Environmental and Heritage Sciences in 1969, and is one of the longest-standing environmental science degrees on offer in Australia. Its strengths include the interdisciplinary curriculum, emphasis on field studies and its overall applied nature and relevance to contemporary problems. The relevance and effectiveness of the degree programme is ensured by regular re-accreditations by advisory panels drawing members from major employer bodies.

University of Western Australia
Programs in Restoration Ecology
The Bachelor of Science in Restoration Ecology at UWA is ideal for anyone interested in a career that is concerned not just with conserving our natural environment/but also with restoring and rehabilitating damaged ecosystems. The degree encompasses the restoration and rehabilitation of both land and water ecosystems and examines the environmental/social/economic and political factors that shape restoration and rehabilitation problems and their solutions.A unique feature of the program is its location in Albany on the south coast of Western Australia (approximately 400km from Perth)/which provides a range of environments for field-based studies as well as opportunities for project placements with local agencies and community groups.


Fleming College and Trent University
B.Sc. Honours and Diploma Program in Ecological Restoration
Trent University’s Environmental and Resource Studies Program (ERS) and Fleming College’s School of Environmental and Natural Resource Sciences (SENRS) have been awarded $196,500 in funding from the Ontario government through the College University Consortium Council (CUCC) Change Fund Initiative in order to assist in the development of the joint program, the only one of its kind in Ontario.

Laurentian University
BS in Biology, Conservation and Restoration Option
The Conservation and Restoration Option begins with a broad introduction to the living world at the organism, biotic community and ecosystem levels, and includes courses in plant, animal and soil ecology, wetland ecology, freshwater ecology, and bioclimatology. At a time when global biodiversity and ecosystem health are topics of importance, ecologists with knowledge and skills in conservation and restoration are in demand. Graduates are prepared for graduate school, teaching, government services, environmental consulting, non-governmental conservation agencies and mining companies. The international reputation of Sudbury as a centre for aquatic and terrestrial ecosysytem restoration affords students many opportunities for field investigations.

Niagara College
Ecological Restoration Graduate Certificate

In today’s highly industrialized world, the need to restore disturbed ecosystems is receiving more and more attention. Earn this graduate certificate and secure a competitive advantage in the environmental labour market.

Trent University
Ecological Restoration B.Sc.
“This program will expand the existing pathways between Fleming College and Trent University, allowing more students to benefit from the resources of both institutions,” said Dr. Tony Tilly, president of Fleming College. “Frost Campus is renowned for its environmental programming and excellent applied learning opportunities. By integrating increasingly challenging and complex applied learning and field experiences across the curriculum, students will enjoy a unique combination of college and university learning – the best of both worlds.”

University of Alberta
BS, MS, & PhD in Land Reclamation, Remediation and Restoration
We are always interested in receiving applications from excellent students who wish to pursue programs leading to an M.Sc. or a Ph.D. in land reclamation and remediation. Application forms and the current Calendar are available from the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research. A limited number of Research Assistantships are available to excellent students.

University of Manitoba
Environmental Conservation Lab
Restoration is becoming an increasingly important management response to use-associated habitat degradation. We are involved in both major approaches to restoration: ecological restoration, which is community- and outcome-based and does not usually involved data collection, and restoration ecology, which is quantitative and usually involves formal experimentation and data collection. Much of the research we conduct in the lab involves either reconstruction, whereby new habitat is constructed, or rehabilitation, whereby existing but degraded natural habitat is restored.

University of Victoria
Restoration of Natural Systems Program
Given the current rate of encroachment on natural habitat by urban sprawl, the destruction of forests, the contamination of soil and water systems, and the growing number of threatened and endangered species, the need for restoration work is great. Unfortunately, given present trends in society, this need will likely only grow. Therefore, there is a need for trained professionals who understand the ecology of threatened habitats and have the tools to help them recover. It is this need which the RNS program aims to address.


Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
Escuela de Restauracion Ecologica

El Grupo Guachetá tuvo su origen en 2003, en la Escuela de Restauración Ecológica (ERE) de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. El Grupo originalmente se constituyó con cinco estudiantes de Ecología y dos Profesores miembros de la Escuela de Restauración, el objetivo desde aquel entonces ha sido construir el marco metodológico y conceptual para abordar la Restauración Ecológica del Bosque de Roble.

Costa Rica

Pitzer College
Firestone Center for Restoration Ecology

The Firestone Center for Restoration Ecology at Pitzer College was established in March 2005 through international ecologist Diane Firestone’s generous gift of her stunningly beautiful farm, Finca La Isla del Cielo, near the town of Dominical, Costa Rica. Ms. Firestone dedicated over a decade of effort to bring the farm, once an overused and depleted cattle ranch, to its current state of natural restoration. She believes that, under Pitzer College’s stewardship, her vision for the farm will be realized and will have a wider educational impact on a broader audience. An ecological easement is being recorded to preserve the existing biodiversity of the property and limit non-educational development in the future.


University of Greifswald
Landscape Ecology and Nature Conservation
The 2-year International Study Programme MSc “Landscape Ecology and Nature Conservation” Greifswald University (Germany) combines Applied Landscape Ecology, Biology, Environmental Ethics and Landscape Economics. It addresses to postgraduates (holding a MSc or comparable degree) from all parts of the world with practical work experience. Students will be prepared to become experts in the field of analysis and solutions of complex environmental issues. (English language) 


University of Tokyo
Center for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Restoration

The Center of Excellence “Biodiversity and Ecosystem Restoration” aims to achieve a synthesis of different academic fields ranging from traditional (i.e. agricultural and life sciences related to forests, farmland, grasslands and oceans) to newly emerging ones (i.e. environmental informatics, conservation ecology, conservation genetics and restoration ecology) in order to develop tools for effective conservation and restoration of biodiversity.


Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
Institute of Ecology
The Instituto de Ecología, UNAM was formally created on the 13 November 1996 after 8 and a half years of serving as a Research Center (Centro de Ecología, UNAM) Presently, the Instituto de Ecología, UNAM, is operating in two research units. One, where most of the researchers are located, is in the National University headquarters at Ciudad Universitaria, Mexico City. It carries research on Evolutionary Ecology, Functional Ecology, and Applied Ecology. The second is located in northwestern Mexico, in Hermosillo, Sonora. It has a major emphasis on the Functional and Evolutionary Ecology of Drylands and Desert Plants.

New Zealand

Massey University
Institute of Natural Resources
The mission is to advance knowledge of biophysical systems and understanding of their management, to enable sustainable production and conservation of natural resources. The Institute of Natural Resources consists of 92 academic and support staff from a wide range of discipline areas including: Ecology, Zoology, Soil and Earth Sciences, Environmental Science, Forestry, Plant Protection, Landscape Management, Agricultural and Horticultural Systems and Management and Natural Resource Management.

University of Auckland
Faculty of Environmental Science
Environmental Science is the interdisciplinary study of natural and managed environments, with an emphasis on the scientific approach to environmental problem-solving. We are also dedicated to the need to protect and restore our natural heritage, to minimise our personal and collective ecological ‘footprints; and, where necessary, to remediate past environmental degradation. Our central philosophy is a commitment to interdisciplinary teaching and research that will better enable our society to manage our environment and resources. Undergraduate courses are designed to add interdisciplinary skills to strengths in a particular scientific discipline.

University of Canterbury
New Zealand School of Forestry

There are many plantation and native forest areas, both publicly and privately owned, used for teaching and research within convenient range of the University. Further afield, the School has its own field station in Westland at Harihari. This is used for practical courses and as a research centre. It provides an excellent location for the study of native forests. Other university field stations located near Arthur’s Pass, at Kaikoura and at Westport are also close to extensive areas of indigenous forests. Students regularly visit several wood processing industries in Canterbury with which we maintain regular contact.

University of Wellington
Ecological Restoration Degree
At Vic’s School of Biological Sciences, you’ll learn about the huge diversity of plants, animals, and micro-organisms that inhabit the Earth. After a broad introduction, the major in Ecology and Biodiversity focuses on areas of plant, animal, and ecosystem diversity and function. Topics include physical and biological processes in ecology, genetics and molecular biology, statistics, plant ecology and conservation, animal ecology and behaviour, and evolution.

South Africa

University of Pretoria
Conservation Ecology Research Unit

The Conservation Ecology Research Unit (CERU) is an academic centre whose postgraduate training and research programmes focus on ecological issues that can be applied to enhance conservation in southern Africa. CERU serves the interests of the Department of Zoology & Entomology at the University of Pretoria and benefits from national and international collaboration and interaction with industry. In addition to traditional scientific output in the form of papers and postgraduate students, CERU also provides a platform for the effective development and dissipation of new information.


Universidad de Alicante
Gestion de Ecosistemas y de la Biodiversidad
Los investigadores componentes del grupo son todos docentes de la Universidad de Alicante, y responsables de una gran parte de la docencia del Departamento de Ecología. La docencia se realiza en distintas Titulaciones y Centros de la Universidad de Alicante, aunque algunos de los investigadores imparten cursos y conferencias en otros centros, tanto de pre-grado como de post-grado.

United Kingdom

Cranfield University
Centre for Ecological Restoration

The Cranfield Centre for Ecological Restoration provides a gateway to trans-disciplinary expertise, research and teaching at Cranfield, in the area of land reclamation and restoration, to promote effective and sustainable restoration programmes.

University of Wales-Bangor
School of Environment & Natural Resources
One of the leading centres in the UK for teaching and research in environmental science, conservation, forestry and rural land use. Our aim is to equip our students with the relevant academic, technical and communication skills that they will need in their discipline; and to instill in them a willingness to engage in ‘lifelong learning’, so that they become true professionals in their chosen field.

United States

Au Sable Institute of Environmental Studies
Certified Stewardship Ecologist
In the academic program for college and university students, participants take courses, engage in scholarship, gain field experience, confer, and develop practical tools for environmental stewardship in programs that take seriously both science and theology. Persons enrolled in the Institute remain students at their home institution.

Clemson University
Restoration Institute
The mission Clemson University’s Restoration Institute (CURI) received preliminary approval at the CHE’s Advisory Committee on Academic Programs meeting of July 15th, 2004 to develop the Restoration Institute, implemented in September 2004. Since that time, the Institute has been moving forward in two key areas: engaging the entire campus in developing and collaboratively applying knowledge to issues of natural, built and socioeconomic restoration and increasing research and sponsored program funding through efforts related to Restorative Economy.

Colorado State University
BS in Rangeland Ecology, Concentration in Restoration Ecology
At the undergraduate level, the department offers majors in forestry (with concentrations in forest biology, forest fire science, forest management, and forestry-business); natural resources management; rangeland ecology (with concentrations in restoration ecology, range and forest management, rangeland management and science); and watershed science. Minors are also available in forestry, spatial information systems, range ecology, and watershed science. 

Colorado State University
Restoration Ecology Lab
Studies include invasive species, soil processes and amendments, toxic compounds, and revegetation techniques.

Defiance College
BS in Restoration Ecology
The Restoration Ecology program at Defiance College is unique among undergraduate programs in the United States. Restoration Ecology is the art and science of restoring and repairing damaged or destroyed ecosystems. Training in Restoration Ecology gives students an opportunity to prove themselves, and in the process, become accustomed to working in a career situation that demands application of special academic skills. Students graduate with a global perspective on ecological restoration and are well-prepared for a wide variety of career options in this field.

Edmonds Community College
Associate of Technical Arts (ATA) Restoration Horticulture
The Edmonds Community College Horticulture Department is training students to help mend and reverse land degradation. The Restoration Horticulture program trains students to re-vegetate degraded and disturbed natural areas as well as mitigate urbanization using special horticultural practices and technologies such as green roofs, green walls, and bioswales. We are the only community college in the region offering this specialized training.

Iowa State University
Natural Resource Ecology and Management

The Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management is dedicated to the understanding, effective management and sustainable use of our renewable natural resources through the land-grant missions of teaching, research, and extension. NREM’s disciplinary focus is broad in scope, ranging from individual organisms to landscapes, from natural to managed ecosystems, from wilderness to agricultural and urban systems, from local to international environments, and from resource preservation to utilization. Understanding and effectively managing our natural resources requires long-term vision and multidisciplinary approaches involving NREM personnel working with people from other diverse disciplines across the university and within federal and state agencies and non-governmental organizations.

Merritt College
Environmental Management and Restoration Technology

The Environmental Program offers university-transferable courses and an Associate degree.  Courses offered cover an array of subjects including Energy, Ecology, Ecological Restoration, Forests, Wetlands, Food and Water Resources, Air Quality, Recycling, Pollution, Wildlife, Population, Transportation and Green Building. Sections of these courses are offered during the day, evening, and on weekend.

Montana State University
BS in Land Rehabilitation

The Land Rehabilitation curriculum provides training in site remediation and restoration ecology, including soil remediation, revegetation, riparian restoration, investigation of impacted geologic resources, amelioration of contaminated soils and water, integrated management of invasive species, and remediation of sites impacted by industrial, recreational, and land management activities. Emphasis is placed on developing a broad understanding of hydrologic, soil, and plant processes, from both a basic and an applied science approach.

North Carolina State University
Restoration Ecology Program
The Ecological Restoration Option prepares students to assist the recovery of ecosystems that have been degraded, damaged, or destroyed. This requires extensive knowledge of the abiotic environments that sustain the biota of ecosystems, community structure, sustainable cultural practices, and performance monitoring, among other skills. Emphasis is on the actual craft of restoring natural ecosystems, and the social and philosophical elements that mandate restoration.

Northern Arizona University
Ecological Restoration Institute
The Ecological Restoration Institute (ERI) at Northern Arizona University (NAU) is nationally recognized for mobilizing the unique assets of a University to help solve the problem of unnaturally severe wildfire and degraded forest health. The ERI focuses principally on landscapes where unprecedented wildfires, insect infestations and disease outbreaks threaten ecological and human community sustainability.

Ohio State University
Center for Wetland and River Restoration

The goal of our center, as described in our proposal to the Ohio Board of Regents who funded its start, is to amplify existing and emerging strong research and graduate teaching in the state of Ohio in wetland ecology, aquatic ecosystem restoration and creation, and ecotechnology. Program activites are centered at the new Heffner Wetland Research and Education Building at the Olentangy River Wetland Research Park but the activities involve work by a number of institutions of higher education in Ohio.

Portland State University
Professional Certification Programs in River & Wetland Restoration

The PSU Environmental Professional Program offers respected university-level, technical, short courses to Northwest, national, and international professionals. These offerings are designed to provide convenient and quick access to exactly what you need in order to be current, knowledgeable, and competitive in a fast-changing career area. Through you, your employer, and a host of experts, our function at the University is to hone in on training programs that promote sustainable natural function and support highly competent professionals. Portland State University currently offers professional certificates in River Restoration and Wetland Mitigation and Restoration.

Rutgers University
Center for Urban Restoration Ecology

The Center’s novel curriculum reflects our emphasis on restoring urban and urbanizing environments. Courses serving undergraduates, graduates, and professionals are offered at both Rutgers University and the Brooklyn Botanic Garden.

Saddleback College
Ecological Restoration Certificate Program
The certificate in Ecological Restoration trains students for a practical ecological application of appropriate techniques for a variety of ecological restoration projects. The projects may be carried out by industry or government agencies and may have specific legal requirements for implementation and proof of success. Students completing the certificate may be hired by local, county, state, or federal government; private consulting firms; or subcontractors hired by any of these agencies.

Stanford University
Center for Conservation Biology

The Center for Conservation Biology (CCB) was established by Paul Ehrlich in the Department of Biological Sciences at Stanford University in 1984. Its mission is to promote human well-being by developing a scientific basis for managing Earth’s life-support systems and helping arrest environmental deterioration. In so doing it fosters wide collaboration with other scientists, social scientists, journalists, and representatives of NGOs, Federal and State agencies, and the business community. The CCB disseminates its findings widely.

Texas A & M
BS in Ecological Restoration

The Department of Ecosystem Science and Management (ESSM) was formed by combining the Departments of Rangeland Ecology & Management and Forest Science: effective March 6, 2007. This change reflects an expanded emphasis on ecosystem science and natural resource management programs within the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Texas A&M University. Our commitment to strong Range and Forest land programs continues.

University at Buffalo (The State University of New York)
Ecosystem Restoration through Interdisciplinary Exchange (ERIE) Program

The 25 doctoral students selected for the ERIE program will be among the first in the nation to be trained with a strong foundation in the engineering, scientific and policymaking considerations involved in restoring ecosystems, whether they are studying civil engineering, biology, chemistry, geology, geography, philosophy or American studies. Applications are now being accepted. Students in the first ERIE class will be admitted early in 2008, and begin their doctoral studies in September.

University of California-Davis
Restoration Ecology
The Restoration Ecology Area of Emphasis at UC Davis mirrors the growth in restoration ecology as an academic discipline. It is the fastest growing AOE in the Graduate Group in Ecology, with students studying a wide range of restoration ecology-related topics. There are plenty of opportunities to learn restoration in its many facets through classes and seminars; a core course in restoration ecology has been developed and was first offered in the spring of 1999. The AOE and its members also sponsor conferences, oversee local restoration projects, and offer many chances to volunteer at restoration sites and learn the techniques first-hand.

University of California-Santa Cruz
Environmental Studies
The Environmental Studies Department is home to some of the most creative faculty and unique research programs in the country. It is divided into four research areas: Agroecology, Conservation Biology, Environmental Policy and Political Economy. Each area has its own theme, however all four areas examine the connections between environment and society.

University of Florida
School of Natural Resources and Environment
The School of Natural Resources & Environment supports the University of Florida’s commitment to academic, research, outreach and Extension programs in ecology and environmental sciences. Bringing together faculty from eleven different UF colleges and units, SNRE educates tomorrow’s environmental leaders and supports the critical research and public outreach that addresses today’s environmental challenges.

University of Georgia
Institute of Ecology
The mission of the Institute of Ecology is to advance ecological knowledge and understanding through a comprehensive search for principles and patterns regarding how organisms interact with each other and with their environment. We examine relationships between the structure and function of populations, communities, ecosystems and landscapes to resolve complex ecological challenges. We strive to teach diverse students to think critically, to improve their environmental literacy, and to develop essential skills for professional develoment.

University of Idaho
Restoration Ecology Certificate
Due to ever-increasing demands many of our wildland ecosystems have been degraded and are no longer able to provide the level of goods and services to society that they once were capable of. The overall objective of this course is to provide an in-depth overview of the field of restoration ecology as an approach to repair/restore damaged wildland ecosystems. We will evaluate the appropriateness of this approach where restoration goals call for low-input, sustainable vegetation managed for biological diversity, wildlife habitat, forest or rangeland productivity and watershed considerations.

University of Kentucky
Tracy Farmer Center for the Environment

The Tracy Farmer Center for the Environment exists under the stewardship of the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture. This arrangement affords opportunities to build upon a variety of existing synergies in research, outreach, and education, while presenting the Center with a leadership role in such projects as the Kentucky Wildlife Institute and the SB271 Groundwater Research and Education Program.

University of Maryland
Graduate Certificate in Ecosystem Restoration 
The Graduate Certificate in Professional Studies in Ecosystem Restoration provides a unique opportunity for early- and mid-career environmental professionals to gain a high quality graduate education in the principles of ecosystem restoration, applications of these principles to ecosystem restoration projects, and specialized hands-on field-oriented electives. This certificate program is particularly relevant to the theory and practice of the conservation, management and restoration of streams, tidal and nontidal wetlands, submersed aquatic vegetation, and other  critical coastal and inland  habitats.

University of Maryland (Appalachian Laboratory)
Center for Environmental Science
Environmental education is an important part of the mission of the Appalachian Laboratory, aimed at motivating future generations to be environmentally literate and to understand the importance of an ecologically healthy environment. Through this effort, the Lab educates teachers, students, and other members of our western Maryland community how to be wise stewards of our valuable natural resources.

University of Michigan
Ecosystem Management Initiative

Ecosystem management requires a deeper understanding of ecological and social processes, spatial patterns, decision-making mechanisms and approaches in order to motivate individual and organizational change. We need to build the long-term research capacity that enables us to develop this understanding and create the tools needed for others to manage ecosystems effectively. We also need to learn from the experiences of places and programs that have been and are presently attempting to manage using an ecosystem management approach.

University of Montana
BS in Wildlands Restoration
The University of Montana is ideally situated to offer an undergraduate major in wildlands restoration. Montana possesses a great diversity of forest, grassland, and aquatic ecosystems. These ecosystems include some of the most pristine in the world as well as many that have been degraded or altered by biological invasions and/or years of natural resource extraction and fire exclusion. These ecosystems provide exceptional outdoor laboratories for experiential learning to prepare students to work in the field of restoration ecology locally, nationally, and abroad. Furthermore, faculty teaching courses supporting this major are active researchers in the area of ecological restoration.

University of Nebraska
BS in Environmental Restoration Science

Environmental restoration initiates or accelerates the recovery of an ecosystem that has been degraded, damaged or contaminated from human activity or natural agents. Students interested in this major will receive a variety of classroom and field experiences to help them develop the skills needed to become environmental scientists. All students majoring in Environmental Restoration Science will receive a thorough understanding of the soil-water environment, environmental regulations, toxicology, environmental sampling, and restoration techniques.

University of New Orleans
MS Coastal and Restoration Science
The Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of New Orleans is structured to offer incoming graduate students a wide selection of relevant fields from which to choose. We also provide a professional, interdisciplinary setting in which to pursue challenging research projects. Our longtime foundation in geological sciences allows us to provide expert guidance in fields such as geochemistry, geomorphology, geophysics, marine geology, paleontology, paleoceanography, pegmatite mineralogy, and stratigraphy. Students interested in oil and gas geology have the opportunity to study depositional basins, sedimentology, and mineralogy. Issues involving worldwide pressures on coastal environments can be investigated through the field of coastal sciences.

University of Washington
Restoration Ecology Network

The UW-Restoration Ecology Network (UW-REN) is a tri-campus program, serving as a regional center to integrate student, faculty and community interests in ecological restoration and conservation. This program is open to UW students from all disciplines. UW-REN is creating new interdisciplinary curricula and undergraduate research / capstone experiences in the realm of restoration that bridge across the three UW campuses. The core of the UW-REN mission is to advance higher education in restoration while helping the Pacific Northwest region meet the growing needs and challenges of ecological restoration.

University of Wisconsin-Madison
Gaylord Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies

The Nelson Institute was established (as the Institute for Environmental Studies) in 1970 to promote and enhance transdisciplinary environmental learning and inquiry at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The institute was renamed in 2002 for former Wisconsin governor and U.S. senator Gaylord Nelson, the founder of Earth Day and a lifelong champion of environmental stewardship. 

University of Wisconsin-Madison
Graduate Program in Restoration Ecology
Interest in ecosystem restoration at UW-Madison began with Aldo Leopold and other prominent scientists, who established the 1,200-acre Arboretum, where a collection of restored ecosystems now replaces farmland. Although many UW-Madison researchers have studied the hydrology, soils, plants, and animals of restored systems, the outcomes of restoration efforts are not yet predictable. Much more research needs to be done.

University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point
BS in Forest Ecosystem Restoration and Management

The undergraduate forestry curriculum is built on a core of selected forestry courses that meet the requirements of the Society of American Foresters, and the need of the student to understand the application of forestry to a broad range of resource management situations. Natural and physical sciences, mathematics, wildlife, water, and soils courses are prerequisites for advanced forestry courses. The integration and application of these courses to forestry is an educational concept supported by the forestry faculty. The five emphases within the forestry curriculum allow you to select course options that match your career goals.

Utah State University
Conservation & Restoration Ecology Degree Program

This undergraduate degree combines the study of conserving and maintaining ecological systems with the recovery of damaged ecological systems and enriching the lives of their inhabitants. Conservation and restoration ecology students learn a broad interdisciplinary approach to natural resource analysis and management.  They also have opportunities to learn how to contribute in positive and innovative ways to the understanding and the sustainable management of the earth\’s natural resources.

Yale University
School of Forestry and Environmental Studies
The Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies prepares new leadership and creates new knowledge to sustain and restore the long-term health of the biosphere and the well-being of its people. We recognize that environmental challenges are increasingly international and seek to build a truly global school of the environment.

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