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Military Battles and Campaigns


Plan of Fort Pownal at Penobscot built 1759.
Plan of Fort Rosalia.
Plan of Fort Sedgwick generally known as Fort Hell
[Plan of Fort Sumter, South Carolina] :
Plan of Fort William Henry and camp at Lake George.
Plan of Fortress Monroe, Virginia, March 6, 1862.
Plan of Fortress Munroe [sic], Va., 1862.
Plan of Genl Q. A. Gillmore's position on Morris Island, Charleston S.C.
Plan of Gettysburg with the battlefield of July 2nd & 3rd, 1863 and the National Cemetery.
Plan of Governor's, Kennedy's, and Brown's Islan[ds] and Red Hook together with part of the Bay and soundings,
Plan of Governor's, Kennedy's, and Brown's Islands,
Plan of Kettle Run and Bristoe Station August 27 1862.
Plan of New Orleans the capital of Louisiana;
A plan of New York Island,
Plan of New York and Staten Islands with part of Long Island, survey'd in the years 1781, & 82.
A plan of Pensacola and its environs in its present state,
Plan of Perth Amboy from an actual survey. Sketch of Bonham Town.
A plan of Portsmouth Harbour in the province of Virginia
Plan of Princeton, Dec. 31, 1776.
Plan of Quebec, the capital of Canada in North America, with the bason and part of the adjacent contry [sic] shewing the principal encampments and works of the British Army commanded by Maior General Wolfe and those of the French Army commanded by Lieut. General, the Marquis of Mont Calm during the siege of that place in 1759.
Plan of Rebel fort (Camp Misery) on Ship Point Road - Virginia.
Plan of Rebel redoubt and barracks [at] "Camp Misery" :
Plan of Sandgate.
Plan of Second Battle of Bull Run Va. :
A plan of St. Georges Ferry on Nassau-Island made the 10th August 1774,
Plan of The Narrows, shewing the channel, shoal, depth of water, and the several battery's proposed on each side to prevent an enemy's sailing up to New York.
Plan of U.S. military prison, Elmira, N.Y.
Plan of Union and Rebel position at Yorktown Va.
A Plan of West Florida, the Isle of Orleans, and some parts of the Spanish dominions to the westward of the Mississipi.
Plan of York Town and Gloucester in Virginia,
Plan of Yorktown, Virginia ... April, 1862.
Plan of Yorktown, Virginia :
Plan of a fort opposite Paducah, Ky.
Plan of a rout undertaken in winter, Jany. 26th,
A plan of a survey made to explore the country for a road between Connecticut River & St. Francis.
Plan of action at Devaux Neck South Carolina.
Plan of approaches to the Vicksburg Mine.
Plan of attack on Marie's Heights, Fredericksburg Va.
Plan of attack on Marie's Heights, Fredericksburg, Va. or 2nd Battle of Fredericksburg.
Plan of battle of Salem Church near Bank's Ford, Virginia :
Plan of battles of Kelly's Ford and Rappahannock Station, Virginia :
Plan of enemy's battery no. 5 in front of Petersburg before the advance of U.S. Forces, June 1864 /
Plan of fortifications at Augusta, Ga.
Plan of fortifications at Columbus, Ga.
Plan of grounds at Fort Norfolk showing location of magazine pier, &c., June 30th, 1860
A plan of my farm on Little Huntg. Creek & Potomk. R.
Plan of part of Richmond, Virginia :
Plan of part of the River Delaware from Chester to Philadelphia,
A plan of part of the rivers Tombecbe, Alabama, Tensa, Perdido, & Scambia in the province of West Florida;
Plan of part of western front.
Plan of position of the 12th Corps and part of the 3rd Corps, covering the ground in front of Chancellorsville during May 2nd and 3rd 1863.
[Plan of the "Neck" and fortifications]
Plan of the 1st Battle of Bull Run Virginia 21st July 1861.
Plan of the Battle of Antietam, Maryland.
Plan of the Battle of Antietam, Maryland. Sept 1862 /
Plan of the Battle of Ball's Bluff Va.
Plan of the Battle of Bristoe Station, Orange and Alexandria Railroad, Va., Octr. 14th 1863.
Plan of the Battle of Carnifex Ferry, West Virginia.
Plan of the Battle of Cedar Mountain, Virginia, August 9th, 1862.
Plan of the Battle of Chantilly, Va., September 1st, 1862, 5 to 10 p.m.
Plan of the Battle of Chantilly, Virginia :
Plan of the Battle of Chickamauga, Tenn.
Plan of the Battle of Cold Harbor, June 3rd.
Plan of the Battle of Cumberland Church, Va.
Plan of the Battle of Dranesville Va Decr 20th 1861.
Plan of the Battle of Fair Oaks or Seven Pines, Va.
Plan of the Battle of Five Forks, Va., March 31st 1865 and 1st April.
Plan of the Battle of Fredericksburg.
Plan of the Battle of Fredericksburg, December 13th, 1862.
Plan of the Battle of Fredericksburg, Va., Decr. 13, 1862.
Plan of the Battle of Fredericksburg, Virginia.
Plan of the Battle of Gaines' Mill, Virginia, fought June 26th 1862.
Plan of the Battle of Glendale or Frasier's Farm Va.
Plan of the Battle of Glendale or Frazier's Farm. Virginia.
Plan of the Battle of Honey Hill, South Carolina, November 30th, 1864.
Plan of the Battle of Kelly's Ford, Va. :
Plan of the Battle of Kelly's Ford, Virginia :
Plan of the Battle of Kernstown, Va. March 23rd 1862.
Plan of the Battle of Lookout Mountain.
Plan of the Battle of Mechanicsville or Beaverdam Creek, Virginia :
Plan of the Battle of Monocacy, Maryland, July 9th, 1864.
Plan of the Battle of Newberne [!] North Carolina :
Plan of the Battle of Rappahannock Station November 7th 1863.
Plan of the Battle of Roanoke Island. North Carolina. Feby 8th 1862.
Plan of the Battle of Savage's Station Va.
Plan of the Battle of Savage's Station Virginia.
Plan of the Battle of Spotsylvania C.H., Virginia :
Plan of the Battle of Winchester, Va.
Plan of the Battle of the Wilderness, Va. :
Plan of the Bull Run battle-field. [July 21, 1861].
Plan of the First Battle of Bull Run, Virginia. July 21st 1861.
A plan of the Forts Montgomery & Clinton
Plan of the Gettysburg battle ground.
Plan of the Isle aux Noix, in the River Richelieu, and Province of Canada.
A plan of the Narrows of Hells-gate in the East River,
[Plan of the Neck and environs.
Plan of the Rebel attack on Washington, D.C., 11th & 12th July 1864.
Plan of the Rebel attack on Washington, D.C., July 11th and 12th, 1864.
Plan of the Rebel position at Howard's Bridge, April 4th 1862.
Plan of the Rebel prison pen at Savannah Georgia,

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