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Military Battles and Campaigns


[August 5, 1944], HQ Twelfth Army Group situation map.
[August 6, 1944], HQ Twelfth Army Group situation map.
[August 7, 1944], HQ Twelfth Army Group situation map.
[August 8, 1944], HQ Twelfth Army Group situation map.
[August 9, 1944], HQ Twelfth Army Group situation map.
Augusta County, Virginia,
Augusta, Ga., 1864.
Averill's map of western Va.
[B]alloon view of the attack on Fort Darling in the James River, by Commander Rogers's [sic] [i.e., Rodger's] gun-boat flotilla, "Galena," "Monitor," etc. [May 16, 1862]
Bacon's large print war map showing 50 miles round Washington and Richmond.
Bacon's military map of the United States shewing the forts & fortifications.
Bacon's new army map of the seat of war in Virginia, showing the battle fields, fortifications, etc., on & near the Potomac River
Bacon's new map of the seat of war in Virginia and Maryland. Showing the interesting localities around Richmond, Washington, Baltimore &c.
Bacon's steel plate map of America, political, historical & military.
Bacon's topographical map of the seat of war in Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania
Barnwell District, South Carolina /
[Base map of Alabama].
[Base map of California].
[Base map of Georgia].
[Base map of Kansas].
[Base map of Maryland].
[Base map of North Carolina].
[Base map of Pennsylvania].
Batteries at Grand Gulf captured by the United States Mississippi Squadron, May 3, 1863.
Batteries de West-point au haut de la Rivière d'York.
Battery no. 1 (Powhatan) ; :
Battery no. 10 (near the new fair grounds) :
[Battery no. 3] ; :
Battery no. 4 and outworks nos. 1 and 2 :
Battery no. 5 (on Stony Run Road) :
Battery no. 6 on Mechanicsville Turnpike :
Battery no. 7 on the Meadow bridge road.
Battery no. 8 (on Mitchell tract road).
Battery no. 9 (near the Brooke turnpike) :
Battery on Turner's rocks :
The Battle [of Missionary Ridge, November 25, 1864].
Battle at Dranesville, Va. Decr. 20th, 1861.
Battle field of Bull Run, Va. July 21st 1861. Showing the positions of both armies at 4 o'clock, P.M.
Battle field of Chickamauga, Georgia /
Battle field of Gettysburg.
Battle field of Lexington, Mo., showing plan of earthwork defended by Federal and State troops under command of Col. James A. Mulligan, U.S.A. during the 18th, 19th and 20th Sept. 1861. Surrendered to Genl. Sterling Price, C.S.A., Sept. 20th 1861
Battle field of Waynesboro, Va. (2d March, 1865) /
Battle field of Winchester, Va. (Opequon) [September 19, 1864]
Battle field of Young's Branch or Manassa[s], battle fought July 21, 1861 /
The battle fields and military positions in eastern Virginia, from surveys supplied by officers of the army
The battle fields and military positions in the Virginian Peninsula, from surveys supplied by officers of the army
The battle fields and military positions in the Virginian peninsula
Battle fields of Fisher's Hill [22 Sept. 1864] and Cedar Creek [19 Oct. 1864], Virginia
Battle fields of Fisher's Hill [22 Sept. 1864] and Cedar Creek [19 Oct. 1864], Virginia /
Battle fields of Virginia 1861 to 1865.
Battle grounds in Missouri during Price's raid in the fall 1864
Battle map of Chickamauga, Georgia. Saturday 19 [and] Sunday, 20 September 1863. Map of the Chattanooga battle-fields, November, 1863. Orchard Knob, 23d, Lookout Mountain, 24th, Missionary Ridge, 25th.
Battle of Antietam, Md.
The Battle of Antietam, September 17, 1862.
The Battle of Antietam, Septr. 16th-17th, 1862.
Battle of Beaverdam Creek Va., Chickahominy River, June 27th 1862
Battle of Bentonville, March 19, 1865.
Battle of Brandywine, 11 Septr. 1777.
Battle of Brandywine, 11th Septr. 1777,
Battle of Bull Run.
Battle of Chaffin's Farm, Sept. 29th 1864 :
[Battle of Chancellorsville].
The battle of Chancellorsville Sunday, May 3rd, 1863 /
Battle of Chancellorsville Virginia
The Battle of Chancellorsville, Sunday May 3rd 9 p.m.
Battle of Chancellorsville, Va.
Battle of Chancellorsville, Va. :
The Battle of Chancellorsville, Va., including operations from April 29th to May 5th, 1863
The Battle of Chancellorsville, Virginia
Battle of Chancellorsville, Virginia, May 2nd & 3rd 1863
The battle of Chancellorsville, or "The Wilderness," Saturday, May 2nd 1863.
Battle of Chantilly Va.
Battle of Chattanooga, Nov. 23, 24, 25, 1863.
The Battle of Crampton's Gap
Battle of Crampton's Gap, Maryland :
Battle of Cumberland Church
Battle of Cumberland Church, Va.
The Battle of Fair Oaks, Va.
The battle of Fair Oaks, Va., 2nd Day's battle, Sunday June 1st, 1862
Battle of Fisher's Hill, Va., Sept. 23, 1864 /
Battle of Five Forks 31st March and April 1st 1865
Battle of Fredericksburg. Dec. 13, 1862.
Battle of Gettysburg :
The Battle of Gettysburg Penna.
Battle of Gettysburg, July 1, 1863. First day. General position of troops, 2 to 3.30 p.m.
Battle of Gettysburg, Penna.
The battle of Gettysburg, revised 1951, February 1948. /
The battle of Gettysburg. February 1948, revised 1951.
Battle of Hanover Court House, Virginia, May 26, 1862
Battle of Kelly's Ford, Va.
Battle of Kernstown, Sunday, 23 March, 1862 /
Battle of Lookout Mountain, Tennessee
Battle of Malvern Hill showing Magruder's 1st attack June 30th
The Battle of Malvern Hill, Virginia
Battle of Missionary Ridge or Chickamauga, Tenn.
Battle of Monmouth, June 28, 1778.
Battle of Monocacy.
Battle of Palo Alto, 8th May 1846.
Battle of Pittsburg Landing or Shiloh
Battle of Pittsburg Landing. Tennessee

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