Maryland Native Plant Society

Dedicated to Protecting, Conserving, and Restoring
Maryland's Native Plants and Habitats

Find a Plant

Our apologies, but we have no plans to create an on-line database of plants, at least, not at this time. However, others have gone before us and created some of these useful resources, both on-line and in print.

Field Trip Plant Lists

Plant Information Sheets

We are starting to collect photos from our members to help with plant education. As we receive new information, this collection will grow. Visit our Plant Information Sheets section to view our collection.

Wildflowers in Focus Series

Visit our new Web section featuring a Wildflower in Focus, one of the less common but beautiful or interesting plants native to Maryland.

Taxonomic Resources, Plant Databases, etc.

What to Plant

Lists of Native Species to Plant

Native Plants for Wildlife Habitat and Conservation Landscaping, from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. A full-color book for sale through MNPS.

What Not to Plant

Plant Invaders of Mid-Atlantic Natural Areas, from the National Park Service and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. A full-color book for sale through MNPS.

More information About Invasives.

More about Wildflowers

Celebrating Wildflowers with the USDA Forest Service. Find some wildflower activities, see where to view wildflowers in the National Forests, and even see some wildflower photos.

© Maryland Native Plant Society. Last updated: March 30, 2008.