Maryland Native Plant Society

Dedicated to Protecting, Conserving, and Restoring
Maryland's Native Plants and Habitats

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More information about Membership

Join Maryland Native Plant Society

Membership is for a 12 month period from the time of initial application.
We thank you for your support!

Name 1_________________________________
Name 2_________________________________
Street Address___________________________
State______________Zip Code______________
(your county is the basis of local chapter affliation)
Home Phone_____________________________
Work Phone______________________________

__  Please do not list me in your membership directory.
__  Please do not send me monthly Society announcements by e-mail in addition to post.

If you are a business you can be included on the MNPS approved providers list. Please indicate the name and type of your business.
Name:    _________________________________________
__  native plant propagator or grower
__  native plant supplier
__  native plant landscaper or gardener

Additional Donation ___________
Total Enclosed _______________

Membership Dues:
  • Individual: $25/year
  • Double: $35/year
  • Student/low income: $15/year
  • Organizational: $50/year
  • Lifetime: $250

This is a:
__ new membership
__ renewal

If you are a new member, please tell us how you heard about the plant society:
_ the Web
_ Native News
_ Marilandica
_ a friend
_ field trip
_ Guidelines
_ other (please explain)

Please make check payable to the Maryland Native Plant Society and mail it to:

Maryland Native Plant Society, Inc.
P.O. Box 4877
Silver Spring, Md. 20914

The Maryland Native Plant Society is a non-profit organization. All gifts to MNPS are tax deductible.

MNPS uses education, research and community service to increase awareness and appreciation of native plants and their habitats, leading to their conservation and restoration. Membership is open to all who are interested in Maryland's native plants and their habitats, preserving Maryland's natural heritage, increasing their knowledge about native plants, and helping to further the Society's mission.

MNPS sponsors monthly meetings, workshops, field trips and an annual fall conference.

Questions? You can reach us at membership @

© Maryland Native Plant Society. Last updated: March 30, 2008.