Maryland Native Plant Society

Dedicated to Protecting, Conserving, and Restoring
Maryland's Native Plants and Habitats


Field trip schedules are included in Native News, which is mailed bi-monthly to all members. If you know about an event that didn't get in there, or if you need to update event information, send e-mail to webmanager @

More local events that are not sponsored by MNPS and are not posted here might be included on a Chapters page. Plus, many of our Habitat Restoration Projects are not listed here; there is usually something on-going each weekend, but you will need to contact the coordinator to confirm.

January 4Field Trip: Civil War Fort Sites: Bald Eagle Hill
21Chapter Meeting: Greater Baltimore
27Monthly Meeting: White Oak Library
February 24Monthly Meeting: White Oak Library
28Field Trip: Winter Tree ID at Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary, Anne Arundel County
March 28The 23rd Annual Lahr Native Plant Symposium: "Native Plants: In Design" and Plant Sale, US National Arboretum, Washington, DC
May 30-
Bioblitz at Patuxent River Park, Jug Bay Natural Area, Prince George's County

Mailing Party

Help MNPS package the next issue of Native News at our mailing party. It's a good time to chat with fellow members, while volunteering with one of our most important jobs - folding, labeling and getting Native News ready for the bulk mailing.

Light refreshments will be available (feel free to bring something to share as well). Occasionally, we have free plants for volunteers. We have the parties tentatively scheduled for:

  • TBA

All mailing parties will take place before the monthly meeting at the monthly meeting location.

We work until it's done. It goes faster with more volunteers!

Contact: Karyn Molines, kmolines @

© Maryland Native Plant Society. Last updated: January 8, 2009.