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CSS Data Format for the T-Phase Data
Last Update: November 16, 2004

Important Points and Assumptions

The retrieved NOAA T-Phase data are stored into a CSS output file with the suffix CSS; the file is binary.  A CSS header file with the suffix wfdisc is also created; this file is ASCII. Therefore, if T-Phase data from 3 different  locations were requested, there will be 3 CSS data files and 3 wfdisc header files.  The wfdisc header file will not contain the true hydrophone location and other system information, such as the hydrophone sensitivity.  For retrieving that information, use the NOAA internal format output option.

It is assumed that users who choose the CSS format as the output option know how to work with CSS binary output or have software to read the CSS files.  Therefore, only some essential information is provided here.

CSS Header (*.wfdisc) File Structure

A CSS header file with a suffix wfdisc is an ASCII file.  Each record is 234 characters long.  The wfdisc file describes the contents of  1 CSS file.  When the retrieved NOAA T-Phase data are stored into a CSS file, its header file will contain only 1 record.  The contents of the header record can be found in the Appendix C, Table: C-13 of the following document:

Instructions for Reading CSS Data Files

The following codes are provided by Dr. DelWayne R. Bohnenstiehl of  Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University.  Note it is assumed users know either MatLab or SAC2000  and where to get references for details.

By MatLab

Quick View Options:

fd    =fopen('file.w','r','l'); %%% r- opens file for reading;  l- Little Endian
signal=fread( fd, 'int16' );    %%% signal - vector of signal amplitude;
    int16 - specifies 16-bit data
By SAC2000 Program (on a little endian machine)
sac2000             ### starts sac2000
readcss file.wfdisc ### read the wfdisc and load corresponding file.w
plot                ### plot the waveform

Converting CSS to Other Data Formats

The ORFEUS Seismological Software Library provides a wide range of programs that are able to convert CSS to other formats such as SAC and SEED.


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