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Scam Alert

There are a number of scams out there where buyers offer bogus payment (often cashiers checks or money orders). This has been going on for a while on the auction sites like Ebay, and you can find a lot of information about these scams online. Unfortunately, these scam artists are now targeting hay sellers, too.

List of known scammers:

Examples of hay scam e-mails:

Scammers operate by e-mail. Their e-mails tend to have some or all of these characteristics:

  • Offering payment by cashier's check or money order only.
  • Insisting on paying more than you're asking.
  • Asking you to send cash on to a 3rd party, such as the hay shipper.

Additional warning flags, any of which should make you suspicious:

  • Poor spelling and odd word choices (not a native English speaker).
  • Lack of knowledge or interest in the hay itself.
  • Unusual name, unusual e-mail address.
  • Refusing to speak by phone; insisting on corresponding by e-mail only.

Here are some off-site links where you can read more about these scams. All I can suggest is to use caution when arranging hay sales to remote buyers. If you receive scam offers, please report them to the authorities.

Where to report scams:

  • FTC toll free hotline: 877-FTC-HELP (877-382-4357), or the
  • FTC online complaint form (
  • Internet Fraud Complaint Center (
  • Non-emergency number for your local police department.
  • Your state's office of the attorney general.



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