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Where We Work

Yellowstone fire evidence
Yellowstone After the Fires: Paul Hansen, the Conservancy's Greater Yellowstone program director, answers questions about Yellowstone's past and its outlook for the future.

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New Research

A Conservancy study published in the scientific journal Bioscience
finds a way to offset wildlife impacts from energy development.

State Director's Perspective
Don't Let Nature's Bank Account Go Empty
Casper Star Tribune

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Year-End Highlights

Energy by Design
Conservancy scientists map critical blueprints for conservation.

Western Range
Research projects explore innovative solutions for working places.

Neighbors on Wyoming's vast prairie use Conservancy funds for on-the-ground projects.

Download our 2008 Wyoming Annual Report (.pdf, 2 MB)

Ways of Giving

When you give Adopt an Acre® Northern Rockies as a gift, your loved ones will receive a fun and personalized gift that helps to preserve and restore the Northern Rockies.


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