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Where We Work

Take a tour of Conservancy projects across the bay watershed -- From New York to Virginia.

Charitable IRA Rollover

If you are 70½ or older temporary legislation allows you to make cash gifts totaling up to $100,000 per year from your traditional or Roth IRA to qualified charities without incurring income tax on the withdrawal. Learn more!



Taking Action

The Conservancy urges scaling up native-oyster restoration over a risky proposal to introduce an Asian oyster species into the Chesapeake Bay.



How We Work

Can We Have Our Bay – And Fish It, Too?
Nearly 20 million people are projected to live in the Chesapeake Bay watershed by 2020. With this growing population, can we still conserve natural diversity in our nation’s largest estuary?

Find out why the Conservancy’s Mark Bryer believes we can.


Bay News

December 8, 2008:
Govenor Martin O'Malley announced plans to spend $72 million to protect more than 9,200 acres of Chesapeake Bay watershed.

Read articles from The Washington Post and The Baltimore Sun.