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Evaluation of EDMAP

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Student Questionnaire

In the fall of 2003, a survey of EDMAP students was conducted. As additional contact information is obtained, the questionnaire is being sent to former students.

If you are a former EDMAP student who has not completed the questionnaire, please take the time to answer the following questions and send your answers to Laurel M. Bybell, Associate Program Coordinator, NCGMP.

  1. What year/s did you participate in EDMAP, what degree were you working on when you were supported by EDMAP, and what was the date of the degree if completed?
  2. If you have pursued any additional degrees after your EDMAP experience, what was the college/university, degree (B.S., M.S., Ph.D), major, and date of your degree, if completed?
  3. Please describe your employment history since your EDMAP experience, including the organizations and your positions.
  4. Are you satisfied with the scientific knowledge you gained through the EDMAP program? How could this experience have been improved?
  5. How has this experience helped you in selecting a university and/or career, obtaining employment, in the day-to-day function on the job, etc.?
  6. Can we list your name (without contact information) on our Web site as an EDMAP participant?

Created by admin
Last modified 03-02-2005 11:29