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This European portal is dedicated to EU-funded research in agriculture, fisheries, forestry and rural development. Users will find here all information related to research themes, research projects, on-going and future calls, related policies, future research and all practical information (calendar, contacts, publications). This information website is managed by DG Research - E4 Unit, in charge of Agriculture, Forests , Fishing and Aquaculture. This portal covers past, on-going and future activities, led under the several Research & Development Framework Programmes (FP4, FP5, FP6 & FP7).


Project Report [FP6]: Virology and the Honey Bee - [pdf 7.88mb]| 27-10-2008

You can order this publication in EUBOOKSHOP for FREE - HERE

Proceedings [FP7]: Forest governance and the role of forestry research: Proceedings - EC/FTPC5 Workshop Kranska Gora Slovenia 19-21 May 2008 - [pdf 1.89mb]| 27-10-2008

Success story: New Modes of Governance for Sustainable Forestry in Europe: programmatic rhetoric and actual practices The GoFOR project | 13-10-2008

Committees: New EIADR strategy for year 2008-2012

ftpc5 logoLatest Events: European Commissioner for Science and Research Janez Potocnik had a powerful message for the audience at the 5th Conference of the Forest-Based Sector Technology Platform, recently held in Kranjska Gora, Slovenia.
19-21 May 2008

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Frameworks Programs: [FP6] BALKAN AGROFOOD NETWORK

A project supported by the EU delivers recommendations for the development of agri-food research in the Western Balkan Countries

Latest publications: Food Quality and Safety (FP6) catalogue is published.
This catalogue highlights the challenge undertaken by Food Quality and Safety during FP6.
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Success story: Pig wasting disease and a new pig circovirus: The EU contribution to the diagnosis and control of an important global disease epizootic | 2007-02-28
In 1997 the first reports of a “mystery wasting disease” in pigs in Canada and France started to appear in conference proceedings and the farming press and eventually in peer-reviewed journals. Following these preliminary reports the disease, named postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS), quickly spread around the world as a global epizootic causing severe economic losses to pig producers and restricting the movement of pigs and pig products.

© ASG-Wur
Success story:
Improved strategies in animal welfare for improved food quality| 2007-01-31
Food quality and safety have been issues of major public concern in Europe since the BSE (or mad cow) disease crisis in 1996. However, the food on their plate is not the only thing that worries Europeans. Citizens want to know about the conditions in which animals are kept and, in particular, their well-being.

Success story: Genetic tools to improve mastitis resistance in dairy cattle| 2006-12-21
Milk production is the most important agricultural activity in the EU, with over 18% of the total value of agricultural production. Mastitis is the most common disease in dairy cows and its incidence has not declined with improved methods of prevention and treatment. This disease is a major concern as it causes cows to suffer; it is the most costly disease to dairy farmers and leads to the highest antibiotic use in livestock production. The MASTITIS RESISTANCE EU-funded project developed alternative genetic approaches to mastitis reduction.


IN-SIGHT Final Conference
Brussels, 15th October 2008

PICCMAT International Symposium in Brussels,
28th October 2008

ISAFRUIT Furum in Brussels
28th October 2008.

12-15 OCTOBER 2008
Diversifying Crop Protection - La Grande Motte, France

18-20 OCTOBER 2008
The Second International Conference on Computer & Computing Technologies in Agriculture (CCTA2008) - BEIJING, China

13rd November 2008
PSx2 Final Conference Participatory science and scientific participation: The role of Civil Society Organization in decision-making about novel developments in biotechnology | Brussels

--- Past Events ---
6-7 October 2008
Angers Workshops (SCAR)

23-26 JULY 2008
2nd Global International Studies Conference - Ljubljana

18-20 JUNE 2008
4th QLIF Congres - Modena Italy

18-20 JUNE 2008
16th IFOAM Organic World Congres - Modena Italy

25 JUNE 2008
Stakeholder Consultation Workshop - Bruxelles, Belgium

19-21 MAY 2008
FTPC5 - The 5th Forest-based Sector Technology Platform Conference, Slovenia


Project Report [FP6]:
Virology and the Honey Bee - [pdf 7.88mb]| 27-10-2008

Proceedings [FP7]: Forest governance and the role of forestry research: Proceedings - EC/FTPC5 Workshop Kranska Gora Slovenia 19-21 May 2008 - [pdf 1.89mb]| 27-10-2008







Agri news from Europa