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Spartina grass removal, feral pig damage

Invasives Species Initiative - What We Do


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With your support, we can prevent the spread of invasive species.

"To keep destructive invaders from taking hold, we must take action before invasive species attack our natural resources and economic well-being."

John Randall, director of The Nature Conservancy’s Global Invasive Species Initiative.

The Nature Conservancy has more than two decades of experience controlling invasive species and lessening their impact on native plants and animals. We began by working on our own network of private reserves across the United States, later broadening our scope to work with other land managers and communities around the world to tackle invaders across public and private lands and waters.

Today we are increasingly focused on preventing invasions before they occur. Once an invasive species has entered an ecosystem, control and removal of the species becomes significantly more difficult and expensive. Prevention can save millions in future costs of control, human health impacts and agricultural losses. While there are countless potential invaders, most invade through only a few key pathways. We focus on identifying and closing these pathways without impeding trade or travel.

The Nature Conservancy is addressing the threat of invasive species by:

How We Work

Our Global Invasive Species Initiative — a network of Conservancy scientists and specialists focused on invasive species — provides worldwide leadership by catalyzing high impact partnerships, developing policy strategies and leading research, science and innovation about invasive species and conservation.

Our staff and offices across all 50 states and over 30 countries work on the ground and in the water with local landowners and governments to ensure the threat of invasive species is reduced at every place we work.

Nature picture credits (top to bottom, left to right): © Natalie Fobes (Spartina grass removal); © Mark Godfrey (water hyacinth).