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What's Happening at the American Folklife Center
Throughout the year, the Center sponsors workshops, lectures, exhibits, concerts, and conferences (on its own and in cooperation
with other Library of Congress offices and outside agencies) in
order to educate the American people about the importance of their
own cultural traditions and the traditions of others. All events are free and open to the public unless otherwise
Performances - Homegrown Concerts
Coolidge Auditorium, Thomas Jefferson Building
Past Homegrown Concerts (2005-2007) - View event flyers, essays, and webcasts (as available)
2008 Homegrown Concert Season has been completed. Webcasts will be available online in the near future. Select here to view the 2008 schedule.
A. Botkin Folklife Lecture Series for 2009
Past Botkin Lectures (2004 - 2007) - View event flyers, essays, and webcasts (as available). Webcasts for the 2008 season will be available online in the near future - Select here to view the 2008 Schedule
Rediscover Northern Ireland Events 2008
Go to the Rediscover Northern Ireland Events 2008 page for a description of these events and links to the available webcasts (currently the Tommy Sands concert and the Len Graham lecture are online).

Portrait of Robert Burns, painted by Alexander Nasmyth (1758-1840). |
February 24-25, 2009
Mumford Room, sixth floor, James Madison Bulding, Library of Congress
Robert Burns at 250: Poetry, Politics & Performance
To mark the 250th anniversary of the birth of Robert Burns, Scotland’s national poet, the American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress, in collaboration with The Scottish Government, will present a free public symposium on Burns’ life and work, as well as his impact on America and American culture.
Select this link to view the program and to register.
For further information contact: Nancy Groce, American Folklife Center, Library of Congress; Phone: 202-707-1744; Email: ngro@loc.gov.
Past symposia pages recently updated with access to webcasts and photographs of the event:
- Research Awards
The Research Awards page contains application procedures and other information on AFC's awards programs, including the Parsons Fund for Ethnography, Henry Reed
and Blanton Owen awards.
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