Texas Animal Manure Management Issues (TAMMI)



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How Much That Poultry Incinerator Cost?
Manure Production & Characteristics: Its importance to Texas and animal feeding operations
Manure to Energy: Understanding Processes, Principles and Jargon
Composting Large Animal Carcasses

Air Quality Standards and Nuisance Issues for Animal Agriculture


Catastrophic Animal Mortality Management (Burial Method) A technical guidance from USDA/Natural Resources Conservation Service and Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board (Links to US EPA website) USDA NRCS Technical References
Closure of Lagoons and Earthen Manure Storage Structures (Requires Acrobat reader)

EPA AG Center Publications (links to US EPA wepsite)

Manure Harvesting Frequency: The Key to Feedyard Dust Control in a Summer Drought Reducing the Risk of Ground Water Contamination by Improving Livestock Holding Pen Management (B-6031)
Feeding Broiler Litter to Beef Cattle Using Animal Manure and Waste Water for Crops and Pastures: Know and Take Credit for N, P and K.

Federal Policies and the USDA/EPA AFO Strategy


Managing Manure with Biogas Recovery Systems: Improved Performance at Competitive Costs (USEPA Publication, requires Acrobat reader)
Composting Horse Manure Manure production & characteristics: Its importance to Texas and animal feeding operations (These are estimates only. Texas A&M University Systems is not responsible for any errors in estimates, Requires Acrobat Reader)
Animal Waste Management
Managing Nuisance Odor and Dust from Poultry Growing Operations


* When you reach the TCE Bookstore click on the Search Link and enter the Publication Number.

  • Science Direct, a source of published research.

  • Mukhtar S.,A. Rose, S. Capareda, C. Boriack, R. Lacey, B. Shaw, and C. Parnell Jr. 2003. Assessment of Ammonia Absorption onto Teflon and LDPE Tubing used in Pollutant Stream Conveyance. Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR Journal of Scientific Research and Development. Manuscript BC 03 012. Vol. V. Paper 29, 1-13.

  • E- 52 Manure Harvesting Frequency: The Key to Feedyard Dust Control in a Summer Drought Brent Auvermann, David Parker and John Sweeten

  • Freestall Dairy Facilities in Central Texas.

  • Aldrich, L.J., C.L. Munster, V.A. Haby, and J.M. Sweeten, 1997, Land Application of Poultry Lagoon Effluent, Transactions of the ASAE, 40(6):1607-1615.

  • (B-6030) TEX-A-SYST: Reducing the Risk of Ground Water Contamination by Improving Livestock Manure Storage and Treatment Facilities B.L. Harris, D. Hoffman, F.J. Mazac, Jr.

  • (B-6031) TEX-A-SYST: Reducing the Risk of Ground Water Contamination by Improving Livestock Holding Pen Management B.L. Harris, D. Hoffman, F.J. Mazac, Jr.

  • (B-6032) TEX-A-SYST: Reducing the Risk of Ground Water Contamination by Improving Milking Center Wastewater Treatment B.L. Harris, D. Hoffman, F.J. Mazac, Jr.

  • McFarland, M.L., T.L. Provin, and S.E. Feagley, 1998, Managing Crop Nutrients through Soil, Manure, and Effluent Texting, TAEX Publication L-5175, November, 1998

  • Mukhtar, S. 1999, Proper Lagoon Management to Reduce Odor and Excessive Sludge Accumulation, TAEX Publication E-9, January 1999.

  • Mukhtar,S.2000, Using Animal Manure and Waste Water for Crops and Pastures: Know and Take Credit for N, P and K.,TAEX Publication E-47, September 2000.

  • A Low Maintenance Approach to Large Carcass Composting. (Requires Acrobat reader)

    Comments to: Mukhtar@tamu.edu