Paige Helps Unveil a New Rural Caucus; Names High-Level Task Force on Rural Education at Education Department
Archived Information

April 2, 2003
Contact: Dan Langan, (202) 401-1576

Saying that children in rural schools must benefit from the No Child Left Behind Act, U.S. Secretary of Education Rod Paige today joined U.S. Sen. Mike Enzi, U.S. Rep. Denny Rehberg and U.S. Rep. Ron Kind to help unveil a new rural education caucus that will help address the concerns of rural states and school districts.

"Children in rural schools deserve a great education just like all the other children in America," Paige said. "We at the Department of Education recognize that practically every state has rural school districts that face unique challenges. I know; I grew up in rural Mississippi where schools were few and far between.

"And this Administration is committed to working with the members of the rural caucuses, the states, and the school districts to address those special challenges. And I applaud Sen. Enzi and Rep. Rehberg for their leadership on this issue."

Paige underscored his commitment to helping students who attend rural schools by announcing the formation of a high-level task force within the Department to help identify challenges faced by the states and school districts and to work with the caucus on finding solutions. He asked Deputy Secretary Bill Hansen, a native of Idaho, to chair the task force.

Paige also noted that his office will work with the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) to set up a conference with the states to help rural school districts comply with the new law.

No Child Left Behind is the landmark education reform law designed to change the culture of America's schools by closing the achievement gap, offering more flexibility, giving parents more options and teaching students based on what works.

"For President Bush and for me, No Child Left Behind is not a motto; it's a mission," Paige said. "He is passionate in his belief that educating our children is the most important thing we will ever do as a nation."

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