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Cotton Sub-Committee news archive

Note: general news on the agricultural negotiations can be found here.

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Cotton Sub-Committee

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18.12.2005 Hong Kong Ministerial Conference: Ministers agree on declaration that ‘puts Round back on track’
News item
Ministerial Declaration
Ministerial main page
18.11.2005 Two cotton proposals for Hong Kong conference discussed
28.10.2005 African cotton proponents hail ‘landmark’ progress on development
28.09.2005 Chair calls for cotton consultations as Hong Kong meeting looms
18.07.2005 Africans keep up pressure for progress on cotton by end of July
22.06.2005 Africans call for response to cotton proposal as attention turns to end-July farm paper
29.04.2005 African Group proposes cotton distortions scrapped by September
22.03.2005 Sub-committee starts work, looking at farm talks and development aspects of cotton
19.11.2004 Sub-committee set up on cotton

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