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Titles beginning with: A B C D E

Accessible Gardening: Tips & Techniques for Seniors & the Disabled ... Joann Woy, Stackpole Books (5067 Ritter Rd., Mechanicsburg, PA 17055-6921), softcover, 1997, 224 pages, $16.95. Though gardening is therapeutic, there are many that are unable to enjoy its benefits because of disabilities. This excellent book will give a boost to those out there that have foregone this pleasure due to injuries or aging. There are so many ideas to help gardening enthusiasts that I have no idea where to begin… about trash bag gardening? Or easy composting ideas? Or dozens of tools that make maintaining a garden easy. And the absolute best part is the source list---165 different companies and groups that bring gardening back to those that haven't been able to enjoy it.

Adriana’s Spice Caravan ... Adriana and Rochelle Zabarkes, Storey (Schoolhouse Rd., Pownal, VT 05261); softcover; 203 pages; $14.95; ISBN: 0-88266-987-7. And while we’re on the subject of cookbooks, this is one you’ll love if you like some heat in your food. How about "Searingly Hot Ethiopian Lamb Stew"? Or "Lemon Pepper Bluefish with Chipotle Chile Cream?" I think it’s wonderful….

Flower Essences fascinate me…probably because they work.  Advanced Bach Flower Therapy by Gotz Blome, M.D. (Healing Arts Press, 1999 translation; softcover; $19.95; 389 pages; ISBN: 0-89281-828-X) goes into great depths at diagnosing and treating emotional disorders with the various Bach remedies.  Much more than the normal flower essence book it will give you a much greater understanding of what they can do and when they are appropriate.

The Agony of the Leaves: The Ecstasy of My Lives in Tea ... Helen Gustafson, Henry Holt, 115 W 18th St., New York, NY 10011; hardcover; 1996 $23; 174 pages. There are books you get as review copies (why do you think I have so many books?) and those you buy….this is one I bought so I can be really honest. This one is charming as you read about a woman's life through her experiences around the world with tea. Sure there are recipes scattered throughout and information about tea and its history but it's more of a love affair with tea from a tea buyer and contributing editor of Tea Quarterly. Get it!

Herbs for Pets ... 
A much larger tome on the subject of pet care is All You Ever Wanted to Know About Herbs for Pets by Mary L. Wulff-Tilford & Gregory Tilford.  (Bowtie Press; 1999; hardcopy; 415 pages; ISBN: 1-889540-46-3).  Filled with Greg’s gorgeous plant photos (he’s also the author of several field guides), you’ll get not only a good material medica but treatment of various common pet ailments.  And it’s rounded out with information on using both flower essences and homeopathy on pets as well.  Great book and if you buy quick (by the end of June) you’ll get a $10 discount….only $39.95)

Along the Garden Path ... Bill & Sylvia Varney, Fredericksburg Herb Farm, PO Drawer 927, Fredericksburg, TX 78624-0927; 1995; hardcover; 176 pages; $24.95. One thing you can rely on, anything Fredericksburg Herb Farm does will look like quality and this cookbook is no exception. You're going to find some interesting creations here….Chaucer's Love Dish with rose petals, dates, pine nuts and almond milk; Rose Geranium Buttermilk Pies or Italian Cream Cake; Cinnamon Basil Ice Cream and lots more. There's also information on growing herbs and many non-culinary recipes. This book is one you'll use over and over no matter what your experience level.

Aquatic Plants and Their Cultivation ... By now most of us have realized that a business can’t subsist solely on selling herbs. You need to add other areas to capture the customer’s attention and I can’t imagine a better choice than water gardening. It seems to just flow with herbs and the ambiance it creates. Auquatic Plants and Their Cultivation (Helen Nash with Steve Stroupe; Sterling; 1998; hardcover; 224 pages; ISBN: 0-8069-9979-9) gives you complete cultivation information to help you and your customers grow healthy plants for their new interest. Beautiful photographs urge you to start your own creation and there’s plenty of information on dealing with pests and disease problems. Excellent reference book.

Aromatherapy for Healing the Spirit ...  Aromatherapy is always with us and a recent book by Gabriel Mojay, Aromatherapy for Healing the Spirit (Healing Arts Press, 1997; softcover; $19.95; 191 pages; IS N: 0-89281-887-5) has its focus on restoring emotional balance whether the problem is depression, anger, frustration, or relationship issues.  Applied through massage you’ll learn blends that will help your clients cope with many of life’s issues a bit better.

Asian Health Secrets ... Letha Hadady, Crown (301 E 50th St, NY, NY 10022) hardcover; 1996; 512 pages; $27.50. A good guide and introduction to various alternative herbal treatments: Chinese, Ayurvedic and Tibetan. Most of the books I've seen were written for practitioners or serious students of Asian medicine. This book the average layperson can easily follow with English translation of most of the herbs involved. Also sections on food as medicine and specific complaints such as arthritis, women's health, skin and hair care. I'm not an expert on the subject so I can't vouch for accuracy of everything but I found it interesting and would recommend it.

At Home with Herbs ... Jane Newdick, Storey Communications, Schoolhouse Road, Pownal, VT 05261; 1994; hardcover; 220 pages; $29.95. Believe it or not there are always beginners on the herb obsession path and this book will help fuel that passion. Nothing tremendously elaborate or wildly different here for those who have been playing longer….but the color photographs and easy instructions will be very beneficial to newbies.

Aromatherapy: A Complete Guide to the Healing Art ... Kathi Keville & Mindy Green; The Crossing Press, PO Box 1048, Freedom, CA 95019; 1995; softcover; $14.95; 156 pages. With two authors like this, how could the book fail? Not a million recipes like some others, but really full of information on not only aromatherapy as a science but material on essential oils including using them for cooking (Savory Cheese Torta using basil oil) and body care products. A lot of jaded book buyers found this one an excellent resource.

The Aromatherapy and Massage Book ... Christine Wildwood; Thorsons, An Imprint of Harper Collins; 1994; softcover; 128 pages; $16. The aromatherapy information is extremely basic and the majority of material is on massage. There are a lot better books out there on the subject.

Aromatherapy for Dummies (--For Dummies) ...
by Kathi Keville is certainly not just for the novice.  (IDG Books, 1999; softcover; 360 pages; $19.99; ISBN: 0-7645-5171-X).  Like all the “Dummy” books (and I have a slew of them) its layout and indexing make it extremely easy to find the answer to your specific question.  You’ll learn how to tell good oils from inferior ones, using aromatherapy throughout your life, creating your own blends and treating common ailments.  Even if you consider yourself beyond the “dummy” stage, your customers may find this exactly what they need to introduce them to the world of essential oils.

Aromatherapy for Lovers and Dreamers ... And how could I resist a book entitled Aromatherapy for Lovers and Dreamers? (Judith White, Karen Downes, Leon Nacson, 1995, Crown Trade, softcover; 102 pages; $11; ISBN: 0-517-88667-7) But it wasn’t too exciting. A few ideas for oil blends; some general hints about romance…and that’s pretty much it

Aromatherapy for Mind and Body ... David & Carol Schiller, Sterling Publishing, 387 Park Ave., South, New York, NY 10016, 1996; softcover, 128 pages, $9.95. It's OK, there are a lot better out there. Numerous formulas to use for meditation, visualization, dreaming, etc. There is a section on weight loss that incorporates using essential oils for cellulite reduction through bath and massage, exercise, etc.

Aromatherapy for Practitioners ... Ulla-Maija Grace, C.W. Daniel, 1 Church Path, Saffron Walden, Essex, CB10 1JP, UK; 1996; softcover; $17.95; 179 pages. A no-nonsense, practical guide to what oils to use for what conditions with contraindications. Specific ailments are discussed and what applications of essential oils are recommended. It's a textbook type so don't expect warm and fuzzy.

The Aromatherapy Guide (Second Edition) ... Susan Hollick, 1996, Vencom Publishing, PO Box 59007, Mississauga, ONT L4T 4J1, Canada; email:; softcover; $12.95 ... Looking for a directory of aromatherapy products? Things like essential oil suppliers, distributors, associations….anything to do with aromatherapy? Then get this directory right away. Excellent profiles of all the companies listed.

Aromatherapy Oils: A Complete Guide ... PatrCarol & David Schiller, Sterling, 1996, softcover, 160 pages, $14.95. There's that "complete" word again…..always a scary word especially in a book only 160 pages on such a vast subject. Good chapter on vegetal oils and butters which is a subject rarely addressed this comprehensively. As for the bulk of the book on essential oils….it's a low redo of Julia Lawless' book….and it doesn't have the pictures.

An Astrological Herbal For Women ... What's new books without at least a couple in the "grey" area (as my friend Arlene likes to put it). So we have An Astrological Herbal For Women by Elisabeth Brooke, Crossing Press, Inc. 800-777-1048; softcover; 237 pages; 1995; $12.95). Recipes, charms, folklore, a little medicine, a few rituals. Add it to your Scott Cunningham collection.

The Ayurveda Encyclopedia is definitely not only an impressive reference book but truly a work of love on the part of its author, Swami Sada Shiva Tirtha (Ayurveda Holistic Center Press, 82A Bayville Ave., Bayville, NY 11709,  softcover, 668 pages; $34.95; 1998).  This is one of the most complete one-book texts I’ve seen on Ayurveda and includes the philosophy of this ancient holistic medicine system as well as ailments and their treatments and an in-depth discussion of both Herbology and Aromatherapy as applicable to Ayurveda.  85 herbs are profiled.  There is so much information I can’t possibly do it justice here so I suggest checking out their website to read Chapter 1 which will tempt you to get this book for your own medicinal library.


Baby's First Herbal Health Book ... Teri Adolfo-Majewski, The Herbal Peasant, PO Box 162547, Sacramento CA 95816-2547, 1996; spiral bound paperback. A great gift for a new herbal mother with remedies for diaper rash, ear ache, teething, colic and every other childhood ailment you can think of. I especially liked the chapter titles: Mommy my Bottom Burns and Mommy I have runny poop! No questions there about what the problem is. Great shower gift.

Bach Flower Massage ... Daniele Lo Rito, Healing Arts Press, 1997; softcover; $14.95; 198 pages; ISBN: 0-89281-736-4 We’ve all heard of aromatherapy massage but have you ever considered the potential of using flower essences in bodywork? This is an extremely interesting concept showing how to combine two forms of healing for very specific conditions. I haven’t tried them yet, but I’m anxious to get started. Recommended.

Bach Flower Remedies for Children ... Healing Arts Press (One Park Street, Rochester, VT 05767) has released some excellent books on herbs and alternative healing methods recently….with more on the way. If flower remedies are one of your interests, and especially if you're carrying them in your shop, you should look into Bach Flower Remedies for Children by Barbara Mazzarella (1994, softcover, $14.95, 184 pages; ISBN 0-89281-649-X) With so many parents trying to avoid drugs like Ritalin, the use of flower essences in conjunction with dietary changes may provide the help they need. The book is also filled with stories that can be read to the children and visualization exercises the parents can help with.

Bach Flower Remedies for Men ... Stefan Ball, C.W. Daniel Co., Ltd (available in US from National Book Network 301-459-3366 and New Leaf 770-948-7845); softcover; 1996; 195 pages; $14.95. There are so few books out there dealing specifically with men's healing that any new one is welcomed. And this is especially good because it deals with men's emotional issues….you know….things like that mid-life crisis they all deny having? J This one is an excellent one to have on your personal shelf for dealing with men in your life or for your customers to take home (male and female). Subjects covered are fatherhood, stresses from work, sexual problems, finding fulfillment along with specific physiological complaints like hair loss, heart disease and prostate problems. I'm running right out and picking up several bottles for someone I know.

Backyard Battle Plan ... If critters are destroying your gardens and you feel overwhelmed, Backyard Battle Plan may be your salvation. (Cooper Rutledge, Penguin, 1998, softcover, 218 pages, $16.95, ISBN: 0-14-027208-9) This covers everything from your neighbor’s cat to opossums and raccoons, from moles to moose, and not to forget insects. It’s mostly animal-friendly (with exceptions) to give them their own space on the planet but NIMBY (but not in my back yard). If you’ve got problems you’ll want this book and I’m sure if you sell books in your shop, your customers will appreciate it as well.

Basic Herb Cookery ... Rose Marie Nichols McGee and N.P. Nichols, Nichols Nursery Garden Press (1190 Old Salem Rd., NE, Albany, OR 97321); 1996; softcover; $10.95; 128 pages. There aren't too many businesses that have been selling herbs as long as Nichols Garden Nursery. And in all that time they've learned a thing or two about cooking with those herbs. You and your customers will pick up interesting new ways to use fresh herbs and lighter versions of some standard recipes. Think how your next Open House will go over with a Chive Blossom Sage Cheese Log or Basil Salsa? And even Peter Gail might enjoy that Dandelion Bud Omelet.

Basil: An Herb Lover's Guide ... Thomas DeBaggio & Susan Belsinger, Interweave Press; softcover; $19.95; 1996; 144 pages. I admit I'm biased about Tom and his writing. I actually stop everything I'm doing when his twice yearly newsletter comes to read his "Peep's Corner". So any book with his name on it gets my attention. You will love this one. If you only knew about 4 or 5 kinds of basil you'll find out there's a lot more along with recipes that only Susan Belsinger could have come up with. So GET THIS BOOK and be the only grower in your area to offer a comprehensive basil collection along with info on how your customers (including chefs) can benefit from your new knowledge.

Beautiful Easy Herbs ... Laurence Sombke, Rodale, 33 East Minor St., Emmaus, PA 18098; $27.95; 1997; hardcover; 277 pages; ISBN 0-87596-771-X. A lovely book for beginners that incorporates profiles on specific plants, uses, garden designs and recipes (Linguine with Many-Basils Pesto). A very nice starter book for those getting into herbs with plenty of color photographs to help in identification.

The Best of Thymes ... Marge Clark, Thyme Cookbooks, 6242 W. State Road 28, West Lebanon, IN 47991; 1997; hardcover; 410 pages; $25. This book is mega-impressive for several reasons. First, it's the best example of a first class self-published book, bar none. You will think that one of the major publishers put this out….except it's less expensive. It's divided into sections by individual herbs and has hundreds of well-tested recipes (Marge and her husband Dick raised a housefull of boys on an Indiana farm). So these are not recipes an author just dreamed up. For a delightful book of herbal recipes pick this one up.

What can someone say about a book written by Tom DeBaggio and Dr. Art Tucker?  You know it will be taxonomically perfect.  And The Big Book of Herbs is that and more. (Interweave Press, 2000, $39.95, hardcover, 688 pages)  Though I wish it covered medicinal plants, there’s not a culinary or fragrant one that’s not discussed.  Most give good cultivation information.  All have major uses along with important chemistry information.  This is a must have for your reference library.  And if you order through us online ( you’ll get free shipping as well thanks to Interweave Press.  

Biomagnetic and Herbal Therapy ... Michael Tierra, Lotus Light, PO Box 325, Twin Lakes, WI 53181; softcover; 95 pages; 1997; $10.95; ISBN 0-914955-33-0. If you've been to any of Michael's lectures over the last couple of years, you'll have heard me extol the virtues of magnet therapy. If you're clueless or need some clarifying, this little book will give you the basics along with resources to get the magnets and further information on the process.

Blended Beauty: Botanical Secrets for Body & Soul ... Philip B., Ten Speed Press, PO Box 7123, Berkeley, CA 94707; 1995; hardcover; 146 pages; $24.95. For those interested in botanical body care using products from their kitchen this book has a variety of interests for you. The creator of Philip B. Hair and Skin Care line gives you many of his secrets including Oregano Hair Detangler, Chocolate-Pumpkin Conditioning Hair Milk and Cucumber-Parsley Facial Toner. Great ideas and the majority don't require hard-to-find ingredients.

The Bodacious Book of Succulence ... by Sark (Fireside Books, 179 pages; softcover; 1998; $15; ISBN: 0-684-83377-8) I’ve mentioned Sark’s books before and this one is even more fun. The kind of book you keep by your bed just to give you a boost when you get up or whenever you need a push to live that succulent wild life. And check out her website at

The Book of Green Tea ... As the benefits of green tea become the focus of increasing research, The Book of Green Tea by Diana Rosen (Storey, 1998, softcover; 155 pages; $16.95; ISBN: 1-58017-090-0) will give you all the information you need for either your own use or as material for a possible class. In addition to the history and research you’ll find green tea recipes and green tea remedies. Learn the various varieties and the proper way to serve it.

Botanical Safety Handbook ... Edited by Michael McGuffin, Christopher Hobbs, Roy Upton, Alicia Goldberg, CRC Press, 1997; hardcover; 231 pages; ISBN 0-8493-1675-8. An absolutely necessary reference book in regard to cautions and contraindications of more than 600 plants. Don't expect fun reading….it's strictly a reference book. BUY IT!

Bread Baking with Herbs ... Mimi Luebbermann, Prima Press (PO Box 1260, Rocklin, CA 95677); hardcopy; 1996; 208 pages: ISBN: 0-7615-0245-9; $15 (but it was in the bargain books for $4) I love home made bread and I love herbs so what better cookbook to add to my too large collection than this one. Lots of good recipes and even ones to use up the leftover bread (?) like puddings, cakes and pies. Nice addition.

The Budget Gardener: Twice the Garden for Half the Price ... Maureen Gilmer, Penguin Books, 375 Hudson St., New York, NY 10014; 1996; 194 pages; $13.95. Now I can't think of one herb person I know that isn't a wee bit thrifty. So when I saw this book I knew that most of you would find dozens of ideas to create that oasis more economically. Whether it's recycling ideas, water-saving strategies or better plant shopping, you'll find something here that will justify the price of the book (which is rather thrifty too)

Building Your Own Greenhouse (Greenhouse Basics) ... Mark Freeman, Stackpole Books 5067 Ritter Rd., Mechanicsburg, PA 17055, 1997; softcover; 198 pages; $18.95. If you're into herbs there comes a time when you want/need a greenhouse. And if you're just starting out you rarely have the financial resources to buy that newest and latest one you saw in the catalog. Here's everything you need to build your own with 11 specific examples. It gives you all the details on framing, glazing, ventilating, insulating, plumbing, wiring and there's lists of suppliers throughout the US and Canada. And if you've already got yours….maybe your customers would welcome this book…..that way they can buy more of those tender perennials you've been trying to hook them on.


The California Wine Country Herbs & Spices Cookbook ... Yes, I did admit I’m a cookbook junkie. I guess there are worse habits :-) And when I saw The California Wine Country Herbs & Spices Cookbook by Virginia & Robert Hoffman (The Hoffman Press, PO Box 2996, Santa Rosa, CA 95405; 1998; softcover; 240 pages; $14.95; ISBN" 0-9629927-7-1) I quickly started searching through it for ideas for some of the more unusual herbs and I was pleased to find some. There was "Seared Venison Tartar with Pink Peppercorn Crust and Pickled Beets" and a "Cilantro Cured Salmon" along with lots of new ways to incorporate the traditional basil, marjoram and ginger into recipes from 96 winery chefs and winemakers. And there are suggestions on what wine to serve. You’ll find some here that will become your favorites too.

Cancer Salves: A Botanical Approach to Treatment ... Dr. Ingrid Naiman, Seventh Ray Press (North Atlantic Books is coming out with an updated version of this any day); 1997. This book is so wonderful that we even excerpted a chapter on our website at (Herb Press area). And after meeting Ingrid in person and having her speak at our San Antonio conference I want to give this book even more press because the concepts are so fascinating. She discusses protocol for using plant based salves to pull tumors out of the body. I’ve talked to 2 of her patients and their stories were amazing. Highly recommended. And check out her website at

The Charmed Kitchen: Cooking With Herbs and Spices ... Judi Strauss, Goosefoot Acres Press, PO Box 18016, Cleveland, OH 44118-0016; softcover; 1996; 399 pages; $20. Everyone can use another general herbal cookbook and this one will fill the bill. Great section on beverages that has things like Basil Mary, Lemon Basil Cooler. Learn to make your own Chorizo. This book is great for those that want to try herbs but don't want to be too extreme. Pretty good.

Chemistry and Applications of Green Tea ... Edited by Takehiko Yamamoto, Lekh Raj Juneja, Doing-Chi Chu and Mujo Kim; CRC Press, 2000 Corporate Blvd., NW, Boca Raton, FL 33431; 1997; hardcover; 160 pages; ISBN: 0-8493-4006-3. Green tea has been in the news for the last couple of years for all its possible healing benefits. Here's some solid background on why and how it works. Well documented with plenty of references you can learn Thea sinensis' effect on the prevention of colon cancer, its use as an antioxidant, it's sedative and deodorant effects and its help in preventing tooth decay. When clients and customers question you, you'll have more than enough research to back up your statements. Recommended and interesting (though very textbook like).

The Chinese System of Using Foods to Stay Young ... Henry C. Lu, Sterling Publishing Co. (387 Park Ave South, New York, NY 10016); 1996; softcover; $10.95; 192 pages. And while we're on the subject of diets and want more extensive information on using the Chinese method of incorporating food and herbs as part of your health plan, try this book. It gives information on various foods and how they tonify the body and deal with deficiency and excess chi problems within various systems.

Chinese Traditional Herbal Medicine ... Now if you’ve read a little on TCM and would like to research it further, pick up the two volumes of Chinese Traditional Herbal Medicine (Dr. Michael Tierra and Lesley Tierra, Lotus Press, 1998, softcover, $22.95/$24.95; ISBN:: 0-914955-31-4 and 0-914955-32-2)  Volume One focuses on the theory, principles, diagnostic methods and treatment modalities of TCM.  Volume 2 provides an extensive Materia Medica (with sources) Excellent references by excellent practitioners and writers.

The Cleveland Herbal, Botanical, and Horticultural Collections: A Descriptive Bibliography of Pre-1830 Works from the Libraries of the Holden Arbore The Cleveland Herbal, Botanical, and Horticultural Collections: A Descriptive Bibliography of Pre-1830 Works from the Libraries of the Holden Arbore ... compiled by Stanley H. Johnston, Jr., Kent State University Press; 1992; hardcover; 1012 pages. If you're doing research and need older herbals for background information, this book could help. It gives a descriptive bibliography of pre-1830 works from the libraries of the Holden Arboretum, the Cleveland Medical Library Association and the Garden Center of Greater Cleveland. This includes works like "A New and Complete Body of Practical Botanic Physic" from 1784-1794 and some material going back to the 15th century. A very interesting reference book.

Colour Scents: Healing with Colour & Aroma ... Suzy Chiazzari, C.W. Daniel (1 Church Path, Saffron Walden, Essex, CB10 1JP, UK and available from New Leaf); 1998; softcover; 239 pages; $23.95; ISBN: 0-85207-316-X. If aromatherapy has been an interest, then this book takes it one step further by using the color signature of the plant along with its aroma to effect healing. You’ll get the basics of color therapy along with information on specific essential oils. An interesting book.

  Comforting Scents: Your Personal Aromatherapy Journal (Valerie Gennari Cooksley, Prentice Hall Press, hardcover, 1998, ISBN: 0-7352-0002-5) is more the interactive type of book.  On one page is information about aromatherapy and the other a page for notes describing your thoughts, blends, ideas on the subject. 

A Compendium of Herbal Magick ... Whether it’s for the folklore or you’re into the ritual use of herbs you’ll enjoy A Compendium of Herbal Magick (Paul Beyerl, Rhoenix Publishing, 1998, softcover, $24.50; ISBN: 0-919345-45-X)  Here are 330 profiles of not only the common herbs (sage, marjoram, rose) but some truly unusual ones like Mangosteen, Stonecrop, Toad Flax and everything in between.  Add to your folklore knowledge and put this book on your reference shelf.

The Complete Book of Alternative Nutrition ... The Editors of Prevention Magazine Health Books, Rodale Press, (33 E Minor St., Emmaus, PA 18098-0099); 1997; hardcopy; 448 pages; $27.95. This goes beyond the normal herb book telling you what herb is good for what ailment. This book gives advice on all the different types of diets: macrobiotics, vegetarianism, Chinese nutrition, the Ornish Reversal diet and more as to what foods and herbs can do for various health concerns as well as prevention and longevity.

The Complete Family Guide to Alternative Medicine: An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Natural Healing ... edited by Richard Thomas & C. Norman Shealy, Element Books, PO Box 830, Rockport, MA 10966, 1996, softcover, $19.95; 288 pages. Encyclopedias conjure up thoughts of comprehensive discussions of a topic and these are extremely brief. But it does give at least a page to a large number of alternative treatments for a wide range of ailments both physical and emotional. So if you're not sure what moxibustion is or magnetic therapy you can at least get a decent definition of the subject. What's one of the best parts is the source section and recommended further reading.

The Complete Family Guide to Natural Home Remedies ... Karen Sullivan, General Editor; Element Books, PO Box 830, Rockport, MA 01966; softcover; 1997; 256 pages; $24.95. Element Books is almost as good as Dorling Kindersley in its use of color photographs as illustrations. And, though the book is predominately herbal, there are a lot of other remedies as well including flower essences, supplements, dietary changes. A good basic guide that your customers will appreciate.

 The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy ... Salvatore Battaglia, The Perfect Potion, PO Box 273, Zillmere, QLD 4034, Australia; 1995; softcover; ISBN 0-646-20670-2; 476 pages. This is an absolute must if you're practicing aromatherapy. It's an excellent resource (though not complete….I hate that word in a title). Not only information on essential oils but on running a practice including consultations and requirements for professionals. There's even a section on pharmacokinetics which you'll be seeing more on as we become for sophisticated in medicinal plant usage. Highly recommended.

The Complete Herb Gardener ... Paul Seitz, Sterling Publishing, 1996, softcover, 144 pages; $14.95. My biggest gripe: no book this small is "complete". What you will find are good color photographs of a large number of herbs and some rather unique garden designs. I especially liked the spiral garden using stone walls. It's nice, basic and a good starter book (except for that spiral idea).

The Complete Illustrated Holistic Herbal: A Safe and Practical Guide to Making and Using Herbal Remedies ... David Hoffmann, Element Books, PO Box 830, 21 Broadway, Rockport, MA 01966; 1996; softcover; 256 pages; $18.95. Excellent basic reference book for those getting into herbal medicine. 200 herbs are described with pictures giving parts used, constituents, actions and preparations and dosages. Even those familiar with these plants might find it a very useful reference guide. And written by David Hoffmann, I'm very sure of the accuracy.

The Complete Soapmaker : Tips, Techniques, & Recipes for Luxurious Handmade Soaps ... Norma Coney, Sterling, hardcover, 1996, 128 pages, $24.95. You see the pictures in this book and you're ready to make soap. Unfortunately after one session in my kitchen while I make soap this "pretty" book will be covered with fat (I'm a sloppy soap maker)…..good recipes though. She has a rather interesting translucent soap recipe that uses vodka or whiskey…..that would make an entertaining class… can drink what you don't use. If you're into soap, buy the book….and let me know how that kiwi soap comes out. :-)

The Constituents of Medicinal Plants ... Andrew Pengelly, Sunflower Herbals (Stanley Cottage, Golden Highway, Merriwa, NSW 2329 Australia; ph/fax 02 65485189; email: ) This is a definite must have if you're serious about herbal medicine. In fact, it's required reading for David Winston's apprenticeship course. And it's amazingly easy to follow as opposed to some of the more scholarly texts I've seen. And it explains terms like phenol so that the reader understands properties. Excellent but not available at your local bookstore. Contact directly for shipment.

Contained Gardens &
 The Hanging Garden: Creative Displays for Every Garden ... There are a lot of us that live in town with very little space for gardens but we yearn for something green we can nurture. These two books give you two different ways to create your own mini landscape. Contained Gardens (Susan Berry & Steve Bradley, Storey Publishing, hardcover, 1995, 160 pages, $25) helps you fill patios, balconies and roof tops with lush plants. All the tricks of maintaining these gardens are included as well as the best plants for containers. The Hanging Garden: Creative Displays for Every Garden (Sue Fisher, Trafalgar Square, north Pomfret, VT 05053; 1995; hardcover; 160 pages) adds even more dimension with ideas for hanging baskets, window-boxes and arches. Both are filled with color photos that make you start looking at your porch in a new light. So if you've been feeling blah in your city setting, get these books and get with it!

Cooking with Lavender ... Joyce Ellenbecker, Foundation House Publications, 5569 North CR 29, Loveland, CO 80538; 1994; softcover; $7.95. I'm always looking for interesting little books that have a lot of different information and that will resell easily. This is one that I think you'll enjoy. From the lavender paper it's printed on to recipes like Lavender-Orange Ice Cream and Peach-Lavender Pie your customers will be enchanted. I can see this as the basis for an entire class.

Cordials from Your Kitchen ... Pattie Vargas & Rich Gulling, Storey, 1997, softcover; 171 pages; $14.95; ISBN 0-88266-986-9. If you liked the wine idea above, then you may want to progress to making your own liqueurs. How about Rosemary-Tangerine and ginger liqueurs? Or Chcolate Covered Cherry Cream or your own version of Ouzo? I admit, I'm going to be in the kitchen with this one…..for quite a while.

Country Containers ... We all know that gardening is great therapy and even though you’re limited in space you can still create a landscaping effect with container gardening.  And if you’re trying to offer your services in garden design this book may offer just what you need for those patios and decks.  Country Containers (Stephanie Donaldson, 1999; David & Charles, hardcopy, 168 pages; $29.95; ISBN: 0-7153-0651-0) will take you from seaside gardens to woodland boxes.  And not only are there design ideas but ways to create containers that look like you paid a hefty price for in an antique store.  Handy reference book to have on your shelf.

Coyote Medicine ... Lewis Mehl-Madrona, M.D., Scribner, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020; 1997; hardcover; 299 pages; $24. I'm really excited about this book. First because the author will be our Keynote Speaker at the conference in San Antonio in January. Second, because it's the kind of holistic healing that MUST be incorporated into our society if we will ever truly be whole. Part autobiography the author takes us through his education first as a medical doctor then as a true healer of the mind as well as the body. Read it!!

Creating and Planting Garden Troughs ... Garden troughs are “hot”. And if you don’t believe it ask anyone offering classes in making them. Well here’s a great book that will give you class ideas to last an entire year: Creating and Planting Garden Troughs (Joyce Fingerut & Rex Murfitt, B.B. Mackey Books, 1999, hardcover, $21, 164 pages; ISBN: 1-89344300-0) Learn everything about constructing hypertufa troughs, the best ways to plant, ideas for plants and even how to design a garden using them. Pick up this one and start creating!

Creating Fairy Garden Fragrances ... Many, many years ago at some of the early herb conferences I met an herbal fairy princess named Linda Gannon that published a delightful newsletter that she hand lettered and illustrated. Linda gave up the newsletter several years back but she hadn’t stopped cultivating her interest in herbs and fairies. Storey has just released Linda’s latest creation Creating Fairy Garden Fragrances (1998, hardcover, 63 pages; $14.95; ISBN: 1-58017-076-5) which may even get you back into making potpourri. (You oldtimers out there….you remember "potpourri"? What got most of us started back in the beginning?) Find out what flowers the fairies favor and then create blends like "Dance of the Morning Nymphs" or "The Snow Queen". Beautifully illustrated as well. And if you’re beyond ever wanting to make potpourri again, give this as a gift to inspire young herbalists.

Creating Your Own Cosmetics-- Naturally; The Alternative to Today's Harmful Cosmetic Products ... Nikolaus J. Smeh, Alliance Publishing, PO Box 399, Garrisonville, VA 22463; 1995; softcover; 271 pages; $22.95. And if you're into natural body care it's worth every dime. This is the ultimate make-your-own skin care book with information on not only botanicals but ingredients like Germaben II so your products will have the quality of high priced cosmetics. And you get suppliers for every ingredient!! Along with an extremely comprehensive table of cosmetic chemicals causing adverse reactions. This is an essential book if you're making body care products or teaching classes on the subject.

Culinary Herbs ... Richter’s growers conference was a wealth of information this year but one of the best treasures I came away with was Culinary Herbs by Ernest Small (NRC Research Press, Ottawa, ONT, Canada; 1997; hardcopy; 710 pages; ISBN: 0-660-16668-2) It was $80 Canadian and is also available directly from Richters. Excellent, excellent, excellent reference book on 125 culinary herbs and their cultivation. And not just the traditional chives, chervil and mint….but perilla, Vietnamese coriander, chicory and more. If you’re growing commercially this is one book you won’t want to be without.


Dead Snails Leave No Trails ... When I mentioned the book Dead Snails Leave No Trails (Loren Nancarrow and Janet Hogan Taylor, 10 Speed Press, softcover, 1996, 148 pages; ISBN: 0-89815-852-4) his immediate comeback was "unless you’re French and hungry”. Books on natural pest control are always a good seller. And clever titles like this one have a tendency to capture the customer’s attention while offering solid information on a topic of interest to every gardener (and home owner). Every insect from ants and roaches to aphids and whiteflies along with four-legged creatures are covered. Bring in the bats….or try some herbal solutions. Add this to your reference library and be pest free.

              Along with using herbs to heal, using herbs to remove toxins from your body and environment is an important part of maintaining good health.  The Detox Solution : The Missing Link to... by Patricia Fitzgerald (Illumination Press, 2001, softcover, 436 pages)  This is a very good reference book on a variety of cleansing programs that can help problems like weight issues, arthritis, asthma and more.  The author is not only a clinical nutritionist but has degrees in both Traditional Chinese Medicine and Homeopathic Medicine.  Both you and your clients will find a lot of useful information here.  

Drugs of Natural Origin ... Anthony Artuso, The Haworth Press (10 Alice St., Binghamton, NY 13904-1580); 1997; $24.95 softcover; 201 pages; ISBN: 0-7890-0414-3 This is for the serious manufacturer as you can tell from the subtitle: Economic and Policy Aspects of Discovery, Development and Marketing. If you’re in the business for the big bucks then this is a book that will give you some cold, hard facts about searching out new drugs, dealing with host countries where the product grows, contractual arrangements and more. If you’re working out of your kitchen, don’t bother, it’s way out of your league.


Easy Recipes for Using Fresh Herbs ...  by John Lingle (Lingle’s Herbs, 2055 N. Lomina Ave., Long Beach, CA 90815; 562-598-4372; 1996; softcover; 59 pages) is his way of selling plants at his nursery in southern California but you might want to pick up a copy for yourself (and available wholesale as well). Lemon Grass Soup, Thai Basil Soup and Grilled Zucchini with Garlic Chives will answer customers’ questions on "what do you do with this stuff?" Simple and fresh. Try it.

The Ecoherbalist's Fieldbook: Wilderafting in the Mountain West ... Gregory L. Tilford, Mountain Weed Publishing, HC 33 Box 17, Conner, MT 59827; 1993; softcover; 295 pages; $13.95. Though sub-titled "Wildcrafting in the Mountain West" anyone interested in the subject will find a wealth of information that can be used in any part of the country. Read the book...then come hear Greg talk on wildcrafting in Albuquerque.

Edible and Medicinal Plants of the West ... Gregory L. Tilford, Mountain Press Publishing (PO Box 2399, Missoula, MT 59806); 1997; softcover; 239 pages; $21; ISBN: 0-87842-359-1 Excellent guidebook for identifying plants of the western states with clear color photos and information on the plants including habitat, edibility, range, medicinal usage and look-alike plants. Even if you don’t live in the west this is a necessary reference book if as an herbalist you need to know what specific plants look like. Highly recommended.

Edible Flowers: A Kitchen Companion ... Kitty Morse (Ten Speed Press, PO Box 7123, Berkeley, CA 94707; hardcover; 1995; 70 pages; $9.95). This is a delightful little gift book with some ideas I'd even eat: Turkey Calendula Roll-ups comes to mind. Not as many recipes as the other book but beautifully done and I can see this in a gift basket for sure.

Edible Flowers: A Recipe Collection ... Marilyn Lande (Lan-Design Publications, 12202 East 203rd st., Raymore, MO 64083; 1994; softcover spiral; 79 pages; $7.95) gives you more to do with woodruff than make May Wine (Tutti-Fruitti-Floral Topping). She also stuffs tulips with a combination of canned salmon, cream cheese and horseradish (I'll eat that minus the tulip) and makes an interesting Spring Garden Salad with dandelion greens, Calendula blossoms, Queen Anne lace blossoms and……(I can hear Art Tucker now)…comfrey leaves. Definitely some new ideas here.

The Enchanted Garden : Discovering & Enhancing the Magical Healing Properties in Your Garden ... Claire O'Rush, 1996, Trafalgar Square, Box 257, No Pomfret, VT 05053; hardcover; 109 pages; $22.95. The subtitle is: Discovering and Enhancing the Magical Healing Properties in Your Garden. And this book does do that by using herbal lore and the language of flowers along with beautiful color plates to bring angel and fairy blessings into your garden. Who knows, if you follow some of the instructions you might even be able to bring in that unicorn you've been looking for.

Encyclopedia of Chinese and U.S. Patent Herbal Medicines ... (Chongyun Liu and Yong Deng, NTC/Contemporary Publishing, 1999, hardcover, $35, 279 pages; ISBN: 0-87983-891-4) is an easy to use reference book (assuming you have some basic knowledge of TCM principles) that gives conditions/symptoms along with treatment principles and TCM formula AND the U.S. Formula and Manufacturer so you can find what used to be rather obscure products. Even better ingredients in the formula are listed.  A really complete book you can’t afford to be without if you’re doing anything with medicinals.

The Encyclopedia of Edible Plants of North America ... Next to cookbooks, one of my other book collections is resource guides. I never know when I’ll get an email asking what Hare’s Mustard is….or what are the uses of Bitterroot. But with The Encyclopedia of Edible Plants of North America by Francois Couplan (Contemporary Publishing; 1998; softcover; 583 pages; $19.95; ISBN: 0-87983-821-3), I know I’ll never be at a loss for words. Based on 10 years of first-hand "grazing" research there are traditional Native American cooking techniques, a comprehensive account of each species including history, medicinal uses, toxicity and much more. An excellent resource book to have on hand for yourself or customers’ questions.

Encyclopedia of Herbs and Their Uses ... Deni Bown; Dorling Kindersley Publishing, 95 Madison Ave, NY, NY 10016; 1995; hardcover; $39.95; 424 pages. Sponsored by the Herb Society of America, in this book you will find information and pictures of more than 1000 herbs....not a lot of depth but definitely a good starting point if you want to know some very basic material. And there's a large number of medicinal plants here as well.

The Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants ... Andrew Chevallier, Dorling Kindersley, hardcover, 1996; 336 pages; $39.95. I must admit to favoring Dorling Kindersley as an herb book publisher because of the great color photographs of the plants (and their parts). And this book is no exception. All I'm going to say here is that it's excellent and no medicinal reference library should be without it!! It covers not only traditional Western herbs but many Chinese ones and many of the not-so-common plants. Also good section on preparation. If the price sets you back remember: good things cost money. So ask for it for a birthday present. Didn't your significant other say you were hard to buy for?

Essential Energy ... Nikki Goldstein, Warner Books (1271 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020); 1997; hardcopy; $29.95; 168 pages; ISBN: 0-446-91209-3. Aromatherapy. Nice looking book….same old basic information: a little history, a little about oils, a little about usage. Nothing that makes me excited but for a beginner it’s not a bad start.

The Essential Oils Book: Creating Personal Blends for Mind & Body ... Colleen K. Dodt, Storey Communications, softcover, 1996; 152 pages; $12.95. If you've ever heard Colleen lecture on essential oils or aromatherapy you know that this is one person that truly believes in what she teaches. You'll be converted in spite of yourself. And she brings her knowledge and enthusiasm to this book. Great book for those just getting into using oils with enough suggestions for those that are old hands at it.

The Essential Saffron Companion ... I thought I had a favorite saffron book, but The Essential Saffron Companion by John Humphries (10 Speed Press, 1996, softcover, 159 pages; $15.95; ISBN: 1-58008-024-3) is even better.  Lots of recipes, a lot of history, grow your own information and everything you never thought of asking about saffron.  Make a class out of this one.

The Estrogen Alternative ... Raquel Martin, Healing Arts Press (One Park St., Rochester, VT 05767); 1998; softcover; $14.95; ISBN: 0-89281-780-1 This is another book I have to really recommend. It’s full of not only information on botanical alternatives to hormone therapy but filled with resource lists. This isn’t just a menopause book but covers a wide variety of women’s health issues like uterine fibroids and osteoporosis. Recommended for your medicinal library.

Everyday Miracles ... I admit that I’m obsessed with reading. It uplifts me, awakens new ideas and just generally makes me a better person. I adore Oprah for opening even more stories to me. So here’s a few that I hope will do the same for you. Everyday Miracles (David Spangler, Bantam (1540 Broadway, New York, NY 10036); 1996; softcover; 238 pages; $11.95; ISBN: 0-553-37542-3) will take you a few steps closer to accomplishing those dreams. It’s about manifesting your heart’s desires and gives you clear directions to help you create your own miracles. Very recommended





The Herb Growing & Marketing Network
Maureen Rogers, Director
PO Box 245, Silver Spring, PA 17575-0245
717-393-3295; FAX: 717-393-9261