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Award Abstract #0419695
The Ionome

Division of Integrative Organismal Systems
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Initial Amendment Date: September 13, 2004
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Latest Amendment Date: June 13, 2007
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Award Number: 0419695
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Award Instrument: Continuing grant
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Program Manager: Gerald A. Berkowitz
IOS Division of Integrative Organismal Systems
BIO Directorate for Biological Sciences
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Start Date: September 15, 2004
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Expires: August 31, 2009 (Estimated)
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Awarded Amount to Date: $3490000
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Investigator(s): Mary Lou Guerinot Mary.Lou.Guerinot@dartmouth.edu (Principal Investigator)
Jeffrey Harper (Co-Principal Investigator)
Julian Schroeder (Co-Principal Investigator)
John Ward (Co-Principal Investigator)
David Salt (Co-Principal Investigator)
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Sponsor: Dartmouth College
HANOVER, NH 03755 603/646-3007
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Field Application(s): 0000099 Other Applications NEC
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Program Reference Code(s): BIOT, 9109, 1684
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Program Element Code(s): 1145


The objective of the project is to use high throughput ICP-MS technology to identify gene networks that control uptake and accumulation of a wide array of minerals, the "ionome". The prioritized list of target genes is based on four criteria. First, all genes have unknown functions. Second, priority has been given to genes expressed primarily in roots, as uptake and translocation functions in the root have a significant influence on leaf and seed ion profiles. Third, priority is given to those genes that show expression profile changes in response to nutrients. A critical hypothesis to be tested is whether expression profiling changes can be used to identify functionally important genes. Fourth, priority will be given to unique genes to test the hypothesis that defects in unique genes are more likely to generate a phenotype than mutations in genes with close homologs in the genome. A complete gene list is available at http://www.cbs.umn.edu/arabidopsis/ionome/. All the ion profiling data will be available and searchable online, with seeds for various lines available through the ABRC. Analysis of the ionome and its interactions with other cellular processes is essential to understand how plants respond to nutrient availability and toxic metals. The collaborative group will serve as a "Center of Expertise" to test the hypothesis that > 5% of the genome functions in plant mineral nutrition. The long-term goal is to quantify the functional contribution to mineral nutrition and ion homeostasis of every gene in Arabidopsis. The main objectives are to:

o Conduct ion profiling (quantitation of Fe, Zn, Ca, K, Mn, P, S, Se, Na, Pb, As, etc.) in leaves and seeds of 1600 homozygous disruption lines isolated in genes of unknown function, and thousands of additional lines made available by the Arabidopsis community.

o Conduct saturation mutagenesis, using >100,000 fast neutron (FN) mutagenized lines to identify genes that regulate mineral nutrient accumulation.

o Identify the mutant genes in more than 50 ion profile mutants obtained from FN mutagenesis.

o Conduct expression profiling experiments on 10 lines with altered ion profiles. The goal is to correlate ionome and transcriptome profiling results to understand the networks controlling ion homeostasis.

Broader Impacts: There are four key contributions to the Broader Impacts of the proposed research. 1) Educational outreach will include training of undergraduate and graduate students. 2) Information on the contribution of science to human health, agriculture, and bioremediation will be disseminated through museum exhibits and interactions with the PIs' local communities. 3) Research tools will be provided to the public through web sites and seed line deposits at stock centers. 4) Fundamental knowledge will be provided to facilitate future engineering of increased yields and of more nutritious agricultural crops. For most of the world, plants are the major source of essential minerals. Food-based solutions to "hidden hunger" offer sustainable solutions to problems of malnutrition. Therefore, this project will contribute to increasing bio-available minerals in plants and to solving important problems in human health. Furthermore, understanding the pathways by which toxic metals accumulate in plants will enable the engineering of crops to exclude toxic metals and create healthier food sources, or to extract toxic metals from the soil as a strategy to clean up polluted lands and water.


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155. Sung DY, Lee D, Harris H, Raab A, Feldmann J, Meharg A, Kumabe B, Komives EA, Schroeder JI..  "Identification of an arsenic tolerant double mutant with a thiol-mediated component and increased arsenic tolerance in phyA mutants.,"  Plant J.,  v.49,  2007,  p. 1064.

Baxter I, Ouzzani M, Orcun S, Kennedy B, Jandhyala SS, Salt DE.  "Purdue Ionomics Information Management System (PIIMS): An integrated functional genomics platform,"  Plant Physiology,  v.143,  2007,  p. 600.

Baxter I, Ouzzani M, Orcun S, Kennedy B, Jandhyala SS, Salt DE.  "Purdue Ionomics Information Management System (PIIMS): An integrated functional genomics platform,"  Plant Physiology,  v.143,  2007,  p. 600.

Borevitz JO, Hazen SP, Michael TP, Morris GP, Baxter IR, Hu TT, Chen H, Werner JD, Nordborg M, Salt DE, Kay SA, Chory J, Weigel D, Jones JD, Ecker JR.  "Genome-wide patterns of single-feature polymorphism in Arabidopsis thaliana,"  PNAS,  v.104,  2007,  p. 12057.

Eide, D., M. Gehl, M. Nair, M. Gribskov, M. Guerinot, J.F. Harper.  "Characterization of the yeast ionome: a genome-wide analysis of nutrient mineral and trace element homeostasis in Sacchharomyces cerevisiae.,"  Genome Biology,  v.6,  2005,  p. R77.

Frietsch, S; Wang, YF; Sladek, C; Poulsen, LR; Romanowsky, SM; Schroeder, JI; Harper, JF.  "A cyclic nucleotide-gated channel is essential for polarized tip growth of pollen,"  PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,  v.104,  2007,  p. 14531 - 14536.  

Grossoehme, M., S. Akilesh, M.L. Guerinot and D. Wilcox.  "Metal binding thermodynamics of the histidine-rich sequence from the,"  Inorganic Chem.,  v.45,  2006,  p. 850.

Grotz, N. and M.L. Guerinot.  "Molecular aspects of Cu, Fe and Zn homeostasis in plants,"  Biochim. Biophys. Acta - Molecular Cell Research,  v.1763,  2006,  p. 595.

Guerinot, M.L..  "It's elementary: Enhancing Fe3+ reduction improves rice yields.,"  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.,  v.104,  2007,  p. 7311.

Horie, T., Horie, R., Chan, W.Y., Leung, H.Y., Schroeder, J.I. 47: 622-633 (2006)..  "Calcium regulation of sodium hypersensitivities of sos3 and athk1 mutants.,"  Plant Cell Physiol.,  v.47,  2006,  p. 622.

Hussain,D., M J Haydon, Y Wang, E Wong, S.M. Sherson, J. Young, J. Camakaris, JF. Harper, C. S. Cobbett.  "P-type ATPase heavy metal transporters with roles in essential zinc metabolism in Arabidopsis.,"  Plant Cell,  v.16,  2004,  p. 1327.

Jeong, J. and M.L. Guerinot.  "Biofortified and Bioavailable: The gold standard for plant-based diets.,"  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.,  v.105,  2008,  p. 1777.

Ji-ming Gong, David A. Waner, Tomoaki Horie, Shi Lun Li, Rie Horie, Khush B. Abid, and Julian I. Schroeder.  "Microarray-based rapid cloning of an ion accumulation deletion mutant in Arabidopsis thaliana,"  PNAS,  v.101,  2004,  p. 15404.

Kerkeb L, Mukherjee I, Chatterjee I, Lahner B, Salt DE, Connolly EL.  "Turnover of the Arabidopsis IRT1 Metal Transporter Requires Lysine Residues,"  Plant Physiology,  v.146,  2008,  p. 1964.

Kim, S.A. and M.L. Guerinot.  "Mining iron: Iron uptake and transport in plants,"  FEBS Lett.,  v.581,  2007,  p. 2273.

Kim, S.A., T. Punshon, A. Lanzirotti, L. Li, J.M. Alonso, J. R. Ecker, J. Kaplan and M.L. Guerinot..  "Localization of iron in Arabidopsis seed requires the vacuolar membrane transporter VIT1.,"  Science,  v.314,  2006,  p. 1295.

Lee, SM; Kim, HS; Han, HJ; Moon, BC; Kim, CY; Harper, JF; Chung, WS.  "Identification of a calmodulin-regulated autoinhibited Ca2+-ATPase (ACA11) that is localized to vacuole membranes in Arabidopsis,"  FEBS LETTERS,  v.581,  2007,  p. 3943 - 3949.  

Mendoza-Cózatl DG, Butko E, Springer F, Torpey JW, Komives EA, Kehr J, Schroeder JI..  "Identification of high levels of phytochelatins, glutathione and cadmium in the phloem sap of Brassica napus. A role for thiol-peptides in the long-distance transport of cadmium and the effect of cadmium on iron translocation.,"  Plant Journal,  v.54,  2008,  p. 249-59.

Rampey RA, Woodward AW, Hobbs BN, Tierney NP, Lahner B, Salt DE, and Bartel B.  "An Arabidopsis basic helix-loop-helix leucine zipper protein modulates metal homeostasis and auxin conjugate responsiveness,"  Genetics,  v.174,  2006,  p. 1841.

Rus A, Baxter I, Muthukumar B, Gustin J, Lahner B, Yakubova E and Salt DE.  "Natural variants of AtHKT1 enhance Na+ accumulation in two wild populations of Arabidopsis,"  PLoS Genetics,  v.2,  2006,  p. 210.

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Last Updated:April 2, 2007