New Numbers Show Obesity Rates Rise Again
New Hormone Provides Clues About Weight Loss
Youths' Weight and Eating Patterns Fall Short of Healthy People 2010 Objectives
Can Eating Less Forestall Aging
Obesity in Youth Leads to Increased Economic Costs
Experts Discuss Developments in Bariatric Surgery
Health Information for Children and Teens
Materials From Other Organizations
Meeting Notes

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New WIN Publications


Cover of Young at HeartHealthy Eating and Physical Activity Across Your Lifespan: Young at Heart. 2002.

This 22-page brochure is third in a series of four that will appear in English and Spanish. Designed for adults aged 65 and older, the brochure includes helpful tips for older adults to improve their eating habits by eating a wide variety of nutritious foods, planning meals, eating breakfast every day, and more. Common health risks associated with being underweight and overweight are listed. The brochure describes the benefits of physical activity and offers suggestions on ways to increase aerobic, strengthening, balance, and flexibility activities. Available in hard copy from WIN or electronically through WIN’s website at


Cover of Fit for TwoHealthy Eating and Physical Activity Across Your Lifespan: Fit for Two. 2002.

This final brochure in the lifespan series will also be published in Spanish. Readers can find information on nutritional and calorie needs during pregnancy, as well as a description of foods to avoid. The brochure outlines the benefits of physical activity during pregnancy and lists safety precautions. Tips to help pregnant women eat healthy and get active are included. Advice on maintaining healthy habits after pregnancy and returning to a healthy weight after delivery round out the brochure. Available in hard copy from WIN or electronically through WIN’s website at s

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