Median water stage is calculated daily at each recording gage. When daily median is run for a particular date, it produces two files: a median file and a reject file. The file names are YYYYMMDD_median.txt and YYYYMMDD_median_reject.txt, respectively. These files are included in the metadata for EDEN spatially surfaced water stages. Knowing which gages were used or not used to create an interpolated water surface may be an important resource to users with specific confidence requirements or for pin-pointing the cause of abnormalities in the surface on a particular day. MEDIAN.TXT FILES: The median files contains a list of stations that were used to create water surfaces for that day. Each file contains the following information for each gage: Agency, Station, UTM (Easting), UTM (Northing), Median Water Value (centimeters), Year, Month, Day, Head or Tail Gage (Optional), Area The corresponding column headers are: Agency, Station, X, Y, Median_W, Year, Month, Day, Head_Tail, Area The files list one gage per line and the columns are tab-delimited. MEDIAN_REJECT.TXT FILES: The median_reject files contain a list of gages that were not used during the creation of that day's water surface. Gages are grouped alphabetically by agency.