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Information Technology - General Information


Within the Information Technology section, CMS provides important information regarding the following topics:

Access to CMS Data & Applications - provides information regarding CMS' support of contractor data communications and access to specific applications such as the Medicare Remit Easy Print (MREP) and Medicare Beneficiary Eligibility Inquiries (270/271).

Data Administration - provides detailed information to support the creation, utilization, and maintenance of CMS' data resources.

Database Administration - provides detailed information regarding CMS' DBA roles and responsibilities, as well as standards and guidelines for each type of database that CMS supports.

Enterprise Architecture - provides information about CMS' Enterprise Architecture and the many ways it supports improved information technology (IT) investment management at CMS.

HIPAA Eligibility Transaction System (HETS) Help (270/271) - provides technical system support to CMS business partners for the initiation, implementation, and operation of Medicare HETS User Interface and HETS 270/271 - Extranet Transaction Submission.

Individuals Authorized Access to the CMS Computer Services (IACS) - provides information regarding secure, high-quality identity management and authentication services to protect CMS systems and data.

Information Security - provides a comprehensive set of established policies, standards, and guidance that outline and define the Agency's Information Security Program objectives and requirements.

MMA Systems Help - provides technical system support to CMS business partners for the implementation and operation of Medicare Parts C and D.

System Lifecycle Framework - provides detailed information regarding CMS' IT investment and system life cycle management policies, processes, procedures, deliverables/artifacts, reviews, resources, and standards.

Additional information related to other general IT topics are also available from within this Information Technology - General Information section.  For example, detailed information and guidance regarding Section 508 EIT Accessibility and formally-issued CIO Directives can be found within this general information section.

Reference the Downloads section below for the CMS Information Technology (IT) Strategic Plan, dated September 28, 2007,which documents the IT mission, vision, goals, and objectives that will enable CMS to meet the Agency's business objectives defined in the CMS Strategic Action Plan for 2006-2009, dated October 16, 2006, and the HHS Strategic Information Resource Management (IRM) goals defined in the DRAFT HHS IRM Strategic Plan for 2007-2012, dated February 27, 2007.


CMS IT Strategic Plan (PDF, 1218 KB)
Related Links Inside CMS

Access to CMS Data & Applications

Data Administration

Database Administration

Enterprise Architecture

HIPAA Eligibility Transaction System (HETS) Help (270/271)

Individuals Authorized Access to the CMS Computer Services (IACS)

Information Security

MMA Systems Help

System Lifecycle Framework
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