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projects > CERP/RECOVER restoration technology transfer: USGS-CERP liaison with SFWMD > work plan

Project Work Plan

U.S. Geological Survey, Greater Everglades Priority Ecosystems Science (GE PES)

Fiscal Year 2007 Study Work Plan

Study Title: CERP/RECOVER Restoration Technology Transfer: USGS-CERP Liaison with SFWMD (Torres, Best)
Study Start Date: October 1, 2002 Study End Date: Continuing
Web Sites:
data available at SOFIA
Location (Subregions, Counties, Park or Refuge): Greater Everglades
Funding Source: USGS Greater Everglades Priority Ecosystems Science (GE PES) Program
Other Complementary Funding Source(s): USGS Florida Integrated Science Center (FISC)
Funding History: FY06, FY07
Principal Investigator(s): Arturo Torres and G. Ronnie Best
Study Personnel:
Supporting Organizations:
Associated / Linked Projects: CERP/RECOVER Restoration Technology Transfer: USGS-CERP Liaison with COE (Telis, Best)

Overview & Objective(s):
The CERP/RECOVER Restoration Technology Transfer and USGS-CERP Liaison with SFWMD effort entails three tasks as follow:

  • Task 1 - A. USGS participation in CERP PDT and RECOVER meetings; B. Work with DOI, SFWMD and other restoration partners to ensure technology transfer and science synthesis; and C. Provide DOI-specific immediate response for critical information needs.
  • Task 2 - Assist with GE PES coordination.
  • Task 3 - USGS Liaison with SFWMD
Specific Relevance to Major Unanswered Questions and Information Needs Identified:
This management and coordination effort supports several of the initiatives listed in the DOI science plan.

Status: Ongoing

Planned Products: See planned products under each task.


Title of Task 1: A. USGS participation in CERP PDT and RECOVER meetings; B. Work with DOI, SFWMD and other restoration partners to ensure technology transfer and science synthesis; C. Provide DOI-specific immediate response for critical information needs.
Task Funding: USGS Greater Everglades Priority Ecosystems Science (GE PES)
Task Leaders: Arturo Torres
Task Status (proposed or active):
Task priority: High
Budget and Time Frame for Task: FY06

Work to be undertaken during the proposal year and a description of the methods and procedures:

  1. USGS Participation in CERP PDT and RECOVER Meetings
    1. Participates in Everglades restoration work groups and committees in support of the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP):
      1. CERP Regional Central and Southern project delivery teams (RPDTs)
      2. CERP Interagency Modeling Center (IMC)
        • Supports and coordinates the role of the USGS/JEM Lab at the IMC
        • Represents the USGS and participates in meetings at the IMC
      3. CERP Project Delivery Teams
        • Aquifer Storage and Recovery
      4. CERP RECOVER Teams and sub teams including
        • Assessment Team
          • Monitoring and Assessment Plan (MAP) Financial Sustainability sub team
          • Implementation team - coordinates USGS PIs initial input on the yearly requests for project ideas (topics forms)
          • MAP Greater Everglades wetlands module group
        • Planning Team
          • CERP A Refinement Meeting
        • Evaluation Team
          • RECOVER/Projects liaisons sub team
      5. Participates in workshops to integrate science towards specific DOI, CERP &/or RECOVER science needs.

    Specific Task Product(s):

    1. Shares information on all CERP meetings attended with GE PES and other USGS staff as appropriate.
    2. Coordinates USGS PIs initial input on the yearly requests for project ideas (topics forms). These requests are made at the end of each fiscal year.
    3. Represents the USGS in the CERP Interagency Modeling Center housed in the South Florida Water Management District. Helps coordinate work of the USGS/Joint Ecological Modeling Laboratory (JEM Lab). Ensures technology transfer and science synthesis of USGS studies/products at the IMC. Provides progress activity reports to IMC managers on work/tasks being completed by the USGS/JEM Lab. Participates in IMC meetings including the weekly modeling service requests meetings and IMC board meetings when requested.
    4. Develops, supports, and coordinates USGS RECOVER MAP-funded projects originated/initiated within the SFWMD.
    5. Provides program development support to USGS at interagency meetings when USGS expertise is requested or appropriate.

  2. Work with DOI, SFWMD and other Restoration Partners to Ensure Technology Transfer and Science Synthesis.
    1. Will assist DOI partners in facilitating USGS technical data and information gathered on the Greater Everglades area. Ensures technology transfer and science synthesis of USGS studies/products within the Greater Everglades area.

      Specific Task Product(s):

      1. Assists GE PES coordinator in providing GE PES sponsored products on the Greater Everglades (summary reports, fact sheets, publications, etc.) to DOI partners as these become available.

  3. Provide DOI-specific immediate response for critical information needs.
    1. Will participate on DOI science meetings related to the restoration of the south Florida environment. Will assist GE PES coordinator and DOI partners in providing technical information and products within the context of Everglades's restoration.
    2. As requested, participates on DOI restoration science meetings. Provides assistance in the preparation of tables (science needs and funding) in support of the DOI restoration science needs coordination effort.

      Specific Task Product(s):

      1. Provides assistance as requested to DOI managers and partners participating in DOI restoration science needs meetings.

Title of Task 2: Assist with GE PES coordination.
Task Funding: USGS Greater Everglades Priority Ecosystems Science (GE PES)
Task Leaders: Arturo Torres
Phone: 813-975-8620
FAX: 813-975-0839
Task Status (proposed or active): active
Task priority: High
Budget and Time Frame for Task 2: FY06

Work to be undertaken during the proposal year and a description of the methods and procedures:

  1. Coordinates, review, edits, and compiles yearly progress reports (Summary Reports) from principal investigators (PIs).
  2. Coordinates, review, edits, and compiles yearly work plans and project budget tables from principal investigators (PIs).
  3. Provides administrative support to GE PES coordinator including support during the budgeting process, production of Green Book report, and meetings with DOI partners.
  4. Participates in DOI Everglades restoration science coordination meetings
  5. Responds and provides follow ups to requests from GE PES PIs and SOFIA staff on all type of project needs (information, coordination, revisions to project budget tables, data, agency contacts, proposal development, etc.)
  6. Review reports from DOI agencies and CERP related documents
  7. Represent USGS and GE PES at the CERP Interagency Modeling Center (IMC).

Specific Task Product(s):

  1. Summary reports for activities conducted in FY07 will be requested from PIs in August 2007 and will be posted into SOFIA by September 30, 2007
  2. Work plans and budget tables will be requested from PIs in August 2007 and reviewed by September 2007.
  3. Entries into the Green Book will be completed by the requested deadline.
  4. Participates and provides assistance on DOI Everglades restoration science coordination meetings as requested.
  5. Provides follow ups and immediate assistance to GE PES PIs during the preparation of the summary reports and work plans. Provides immediate assistance to SOFIA staff on all type of project needs and requests on (a) summary reports and work plans, (b) coordination with PIs, (c) revisions to projects budget tables, data, metadata, and (d) agency contacts.
  6. Coordinates USGS review comments on the SFWMD annual environmental report.
  7. Represents USGS and GE PES at CERP IMC meetings. Provides assistance to the USGS/JEM Lab consortium by coordinating the interaction of USGS staff (including modelers) with IMC technical staff. Supports and coordinates activities of the USGS JEM Lab at IMC.

Title of Task 3: USGS Liaison with SFWMD
Task Funding: USGS Greater Everglades Priority Ecosystems Science (GE PES)
Task Leaders: Arturo Torres
Phone: 813-975-8620
FAX: 813-975-0839
Task Status (proposed or active): active
Task priority: High
Budget and Time Frame for Task 2: FY06

Work to be undertaken during the proposal year and a description of the methods and procedures:

  1. Participates in program development meetings. Develops USGS proposals and statements of work.
  2. Coordinates USGS/SFWMD annual meetings, quarterly meetings and other meetings related to the Federal-Cooperative program or any other USGS programs.
  3. Provides follow ups to requests made by SFWMD staff and USGS staff, including follow up to invoices and billings, status of USGS reports, data requests.
  4. Address and responds to technical and administrative issues between the SFWMD and USGS on cooperative projects.
  5. Participates in project reviews and staff meetings conducted separately or jointly by the USGS and SFWMD
  6. Represents and coordinates USGS meetings with SFWMD
  7. Distributes USGS publications (hard copies and electronic links) among SFWMD staff, and CERP staff housed in the SFWMD
  8. Keeps track of progress made, technical issues, deliverable schedules or any problems on all agreements/contracts/projects between the USGS and SFWMD, including projects awarded to USGS contractors.
  9. Reviews draft reports (Fact Sheets, Open-File reports, and Scientific Investigation reports) submitted to SFWMD by USGS.
  10. Coordinates proposals, statement of works, and projects requested by SFWMD staff to USGS.
  11. Coordinates and provides follow ups to all USGS projects funded by SFWMD
  12. Coordinates annual field trip to Everglades and south Florida by students and professors from the University of South Florida

Specific Task Product(s):

  1. During FY07, will coordinate a series of USGS/SFWMD program development meetings on the Data Network and Investigations programs. Topics planned during 2007 include:
    1. Data Network Program
    2. Science Investigation needs, including but not limited:
      1. Coastal saltwater intrusion problems
      2. Greater Everglades Ecosystem restoration
      3. ASR and deep injection problems
      4. Seepage issues
      5. Hydrogeology studies related to water supply
      6. Lake Okeechobee hydrology and water quality issues
      7. Kissimmee River Basin restoration and hydrologic issues

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U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey
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Last updated: 25 September, 2007 @ 05:30 AM(KP)