A.R.M. Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge
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reports > L-40 canal sediment elevation study: initial report

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Report No. LOXA05-009

L-40 Canal Sediment Elevation Study: Initial Report

by Orlando Diaz
Everglades Research and Education Center
University of Florida
Belle Glade, Florida


Michael G. Waldon
Arthur R. Marshall Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Boynton Beach, Florida

Cooperative agreement number 40181-4-J021A

January 2006


There is a concern that discharge from STA-1E may result in re-suspension of high-phosphorus sediments that have accumulated on the bottom of the L-40 Canal over the years since its construction in the early 1950s (Light and Dineen 1994). It is hypothesized that this sediment and phosphorus may then be entrained into the Arthur R. Marshall National Wildlife Refuge (Refuge) marsh. This report summarizes initial findings of sediment elevation surveys in the L-40 Canal. The data presented here precede STA-1E discharge, with the exception of 2 weeks of emergency stormwater pumping in September 2004, and small seepage and maintenance pumping. It is observed that canal sediment elevation can be repeatedly measured with a precision of less than or equal to 0.1 foot (1 standard deviation). Future studies will assess changes in sediment elevation following significant STA-1E pumping.

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