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Inspection Services Division

Inspection and Compliance Branch

1220 N Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 • (916) 445-2180  FAX (916) 445-2427 • inspection_compliance@cdfa.ca.gov

The Inspection and Compliance Branch provides a variety of voluntary and regulatory programs in support of agricultural producers, packers, shippers, and processors. Some activities insure fair payment between buyer and seller while other activities ensure integrity in the marketplace. All program activities are supported by payment for services rendered.

The branch has six distinct program elements:

  • Shipping Point Inspection Program: Provides optional third party grading and certification service, and third party food safety verification audits to the fruit, nut, and vegetable industries throughout California. A Federal-State Cooperative Agreement with USDA authorizes CDFA inspectors to use federal grade standards for fresh produce, and issue federal-state inspection certificates recognized nationally and internationally.

  • Standardization Program: Responsible for the enforcement and maintenance of minimum standards for quality, maturity, container, marking size, and packing requirements.

  • California Citrus Program: Ensures the established minimum maturity and quality standards are met, also provides the industry with current and accurate data regarding the state’s citrus acreage and citrus crop information.

  • Avocado Inspection Program: CDFA provides oversight on inspections of avocados at the point of packing to ensure compliance with maturity, quality, size, and weight standards.

  • Certified Farmers Market Program: Responsible for enforcing provisions of the laws relative to Certified Farmers Markets, which govern direct marketing of produce from growers to consumers.

  • California Organic Program: This program is responsible for enforcing provisions of the law which govern the sale of foods labeled as organic.