Security Levels


  National Threat Level: Elevated

Maintenance and Logistics Command Atlantic (MLCA)
Norfolk, Virginia

MLCA Logo Image

Mailing Address:

Commander (m)
U. S. Coast Guard
Maintenance & Logistics Command Atlantic
300 East Main Street
Suite 800
Norfolk, VA 23510-9104
Tel: (757) 628-4275

Welcome to the United States Coast Guard Maintenance and Logistics Command Atlantic (MLCLANT). Located in Norfolk, VA., MLCLANT provides maintenance and logistics support to Coast Guard commands in 40 states east of the Rocky Mountains, as well as commands in Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, and Europe. MLCLANT provides support to all units and their personnel within Atlantic Area.

This web site is intended to be your guide to the services provided by MLCLANT, and introduce you to the men and women proudly serving their country.

The most effective and efficient support services are centrally-managed and locally delivered.


Keep Coast Guard units and personnel in Atlantic Area Semper Paratus by:


Until 1987, the Coast Guard’s basic structure included twelve autonomous districts aggregated into two areas, a Headquarters and a number of specialized commands. District Commanders provided oversight for subordinate commands that delivered services to the public. Engineering and other support had been provided by a combination of generic unit level resources, district staffs, contractors, and in some cases by Headquarters. In August 1986, the Commandant concluded that some consolidation of these common support functions on an area-wide basis would require fewer resources. The plan developed by the project team created the Maintenance and Logistics Commands on the East and West Coasts. The new MLCs consolidated support services allowed reprogramming support personnel to operational mission areas. The men and women of MLCLANT are proud to perform their mission of providing world class support through the utilization of new technology and streamlined business processes.

Last Modified 4/16/2008