Easy Gardening... Turnips and Mustards
B. Dean McCraw, Extension Horticulturist, Special Programs
Texas Agricultural Extension Service

Turnips and mustards, members of the cabbage family, are cool season crops. They must be grown in the cool temperature of early spring and late fall, and they need full sun and a well drained soil for best production. Mustard is grown only for the leaves. Turnip is a dual purpose crop. The leaves are used for greens and the root is cooked similar to potatoes and beets.

Soil Preparation and Fertilization

The soil should be free of large rocks, sticks and other bits of trash. If the soil is heavy clay, add compost or other organic matter to loosen the soil. This is very important if turnips are grown for the roots because heavy soil can cause turnip roots to be rough and poorly shaped.

Dig the soil 10 to 12 inches deep. Be sure all plant material is covered. This makes it break down quicker. After the soil has been dug, scatter 2 to 3 pounds of complete garden fertilizer such as 10-20-10 over each 100 square feet. If only one row is to be planted, use 1 cup of fertilizer for each 10 feet of row (see Figures 1A and 1B). Phosphorous, the middle number on the fertilizer bag, is especially important to grow good turnip roots.

Hypertext markup and graphics colorization by Gretchen Eagle and Dan Lineberger. http://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/extension/easygardening/turnips/turnips1.html