David S. Blackmar

Editor's note: Environmental Law Net is under reconstruction. We are currently improving this site with new features, an advanced database, updated and expanded links libraries, and a dynamic daily news and conferences page.

Environmental Law Net, http://www.EnvironmentalLawNet.com , by David Blackmar, Esq., is a Comprehensive, Interactive Environmental Law Resource for Corporate Counsel and Environmental Compliance Managers. Environmental Law Net is edited by the environmental law department of Murtha Cullina LLP.

Recent Accolades:

"5 Stars:" American Lawyer Media Publishing, Best Legal Sites (11/2001)
"Most Popular Site for Environmental Law," America Online
"Link of the Week (4/24/01)," Mass. Social Law Library
"Legal Web Site of the Week" by the Washington Legal Times (6/21/99)
"Best of the Web" by the JURIST, Law Professors' Network
Environmental Law Net is a Yahoo "Cool Site."

Reviews: Law Library Resource Xchange.

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© 1997-2004 David S. Blackmar. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
The content, computer code, text, images, designs, forms, and arrangement of hyperlinks contained on Environmental Law Net are the intellectual property of David S. Blackmar. No portion of Environmental Law Net, http://www.EnvironmentalLawNet.com , other than linked documents which are in the public domain, may be electronically reproduced by any means, quoted, or otherwise used without the express written permission of David S. Blackmar.



Environmental Law Net, http://wwww.EnvironmentalLawNet.com is about environmental law, with environmental law articles, environmental law information, and environmental law links by David Blackmar for environmental lawyers.




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