The Education Innovator #I
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The Education Innovator
 December 16, 2002 • Number I
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Between the Lions
Children learn to read if they are surrounded by language. The television program, Between the Lions, can contribute to the sights and sounds of words through its programs of stories, tongue twisters, rhymes, and other word games and songs.

Between the Lions is produced by WGBH Boston and Sirius Thinking, Ltd., and is funded in part by a Ready To Learn grant from OII in the U.S. Department of Education through the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. The television program has been endorsed by the National Education Association. In addition to the television program, Between the Lions has a website with stories, games, and songs, plus a newsletter and recommended books. [Note: Between the Lions received an Emmy for Outstanding Writing in a Children's Series, 2004] (Feb. 2005)

Note: The featured program is innovative but does not yet have evidence of general effectiveness from a rigorous evaluation. The success of the program may not be replicable, depending on unique conditions in differing locations.


What's New
From the U.S. Department of Education

On September 17, U.S. Secretary of Education Rod Paige announced the formation of two new offices-the Office of Innovation and Improvement (OII), and the Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools. The offices officially became operational December 16. (Dec. 16)

From the White House

President George W. Bush announced several steps that will strengthen his administration's compassion agenda by making it easier for American's faith-based and community groups to work with the federal government to help the nation's neediest. (Dec. 12)


ED has issued guidance on the choice provisions of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. (Dec. 9)


Innovations in the News

School Leadership
The New York City public school system will energize its schools with high-performing principals. Found out how. [More-New York Times] (registration required) (Dec. 12)

Charter Schools
The Los Angeles Alliance for Student Achievement aims to create a network of high quality charter schools. It hopes to open 100 charter schools serving 50,000 students in the next five years. See how they plan to do it. [More-ED Week] (Nov. 27)

Teacher Quality
Columbia State University (GA) will help soldiers at Fort Benning become teachers. Here is how it will happen. [More-Columbus Ledger-Enquirer] (Nov. 7)


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