My TranscriptThe Transcript tool allows you to generate a PDF report listing your completed NSTA professional development (PD) experiences. You receive certificates as you complete experiences at NSTA Conferences, Web Seminars, Online Short Courses, Symposia, and NSTA Acadmies. Select the tab below to see a list of your completed experiences, contact hours, and certificates for each area, or select the "Download My Transcript" link and select specific experiences for your PDF transcript report.

You may also use our free PD Plan & Portfolio tool to plan and track your PD. Within this tool you may generate and store reflections about yoru PD experiences, upload images and student work samples, point to URLs, and upload certificates to document your growth over time. You may then generate a PDF report that includes these uploaded files and reflections. The PDF Plan report enhances your NSTA transcript and is not limited to NSTA PD events.