Family Farm Food Safety Campaign

The Issue

Like all farmers and farmer organizations, CAFF is deeply concerned about food contamination that can undermine consumer confidence in our products.  2006’s tragic E. coli 0157:H7 outbreaks in processed, bagged salad led the leafy greens industry to design a set of rules that implement the Good Agricultural Practices (GAPS) for leafy green farmers.  While all growers should use safe farming practices, the “one size fits all” approach of the rules does not work for family farms. 

If these rules become mandatory, they will hurt family farms and undermine efforts to farm in an environmentally responsible manner. CAFF is working with local produce distributors, the University of California, and other government agencies to create a more rational, less costly approach to food safety that is appropriate for all sizes of farms.  Click here for more!


CAFF in the News         

See More CAFF in the News!


Leafy Green Reading

Wildlife in Middle of War on E. Coli, JANE ZHANG, The Wall Street Journal, 5/2/08

Food Safety and Environmental Quality Impose Conflicting Demands on Central Coast Growers, by Melanie Beretti & Diana Stuart, CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURE • VOLUME 62, No. 2

The Vegetable-Industrial Complex by Michael Pollan in the New York Times


Healthy Farm

Biological farming promotes healthy soil and biodiversity.  Finished compost, cover crops and crop rotation nourish the life in the soil. Healthy soils have a high level of microbial life that competes with other microbes, such as E. coli 0157.  Studies show this may help control food contaminating pathogens.

What's at Risk?

  • Small and mid-sized traditional leafy green growers.
  • Consumer access to a variety of traditional leafy greens.
  • Biological farming practices that may benefit food safety.
  • Conservation practices that enhance environmental biodiversity.
  • Water quality.
  • Wildlife corridors.

What You Can Do

  1. Demand to keep your access to traditional, fresh leafy greens from local California growers by signing this letter!
  2. Donate to our Leafy Greens Campaign. Your special gift is urgently needed.
  3. Make sure to get on our email list if you'd like to receive updates on this issue!

Donate to CAFF

See CAFF’s Executive Summary for our Food Safety Policy Guide. For the full guide, Click here!

Click here for CAFF's Advocacy Efforts!

Bare farm

"Sterile" soil supports very little life or biodiversity.  The term "sterile soil" generally applies to soil that has been fumigated or treated with chemical fertilizer, pesticides and/or herbicides.  This greatly reduces the biological life in the soil.  In sterile soil, pathogens such as E. coli 0157, often have little to no competition and may be more likely to multiply. 


CAFF is opposed to the Specialty Crop Marketing Order provision in the House version of the Farm Bill (HR 2419.EH § 10106). If enacted, the provision would allow the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA)’s Agriculture Marketing Service (AMS) to invoke mandatory rules to regulate food safety for all specialty crops in the nation, including fruits and vegetables, nuts, dried fruits, and nursery crops.

CAFF co-wrote and circulated a letter opposed to the use of the Marketing Act to regulate all Specialty Crops in the House Farm Bill. This letter was signed by 40 prominent national and California organizations and businesses. There is still a threat that this provision could be in the final Farm Bill. We are working with our partners in Washington D.C. to prevent this. To see the letter, click here.

To see our recent press release, click here.

For More Information, click here!

USDA Considering Leafy Greens Rules!

The USDA is currently deciding if it should enact a Federal Marketing Agreement for leafy greens.  There is a possibility that it may try to invoke a mandatory Marketing Order.  The public comment period closed on December 3.

CAFF is opposed to this proposed approach to food safety where an industry board could dictate farming practices without input from farmers.  Rules following this model would devastate traditional leafy green farmers nationwide for an industry problem that they did not create. 

See CAFF's comments to the USDA!

See CAFF's letter to Senator Dianne Feinstein about her Leafy Green Amendment for the Farm Bill.  CAFF supports Senator Feinstein's decision to not offer this amendment! We are watching for other legislation that could hurt local leafy greens and the local food system.

For more information, click here!

Fast Fact:

According to CAFF's analysis of data provided by the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration, since 1999, 98.5 percent of the reported E. Coli 0157 illnesses originating in California were traced to processed, bagged salad (that the industry calls "fresh-cut").

See CAFF's Analysis and Chart!


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