My Professional Development Plan & Portfolio (PDP) allows you to create a personalized plan that outlines your professional development experiences over a period of time, describing how you will support increased student learning through your increased teacher knowledge and skills. It allows you to voluntarily upload portfolio materials, such as samples of student work or augmented lesson plans, and generate written reflections that demonstrate and support your growth over time as you complete your professional development plan (PDP).

My Professional Development Plan & Portfolio (PDP) will

  • house documents that may assist you in meeting the requirements for “highly qualified” status within your state, such as publishing an article in one of NSTA’s peer-reviewed journals like Science and Children, Science Scope, or The Science Teacher.
  • allow you to upload a PowerPoint file from a presentation you delivered at a national or state science education conference.
  • allow you to create written reflections of your professional development experiences and how they have impacted your practice in the classroom.
  • be used for your personalized educational planning to improve the effectiveness of your professional development experiences through assisting you in documenting the growth of your knowledge and skills as you warehouse and showcase your growth.