Community Alliance with Family Farmers
Community Alliance with Family Farmers
YES, I want to help!

CAFF is working hard to represent the interests of small family farmers in the discussions of "food safety", as well as the interests of consumers who enjoy spinach, lettuce, and other delicious greens on their dinner table.

We're glad to have you as part of our community, and thank you for your support!

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(US Dollars)    

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First Name: *

Last Name: *
Address1: *
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Credit Card Type: *
Credit Card Number: *
Card Security Code: *  What's this?
(usually the last 3-4 digits on the signature panel)
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Farm or Business Name:


What's the Scoop?
I think the most important food & agriculture issues are:

Community Alliance with Family Farmers has partnered with to securely process your online credit card donation via the Donor Advised Fund. This transaction will appear on your credit card statement as "".


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