Forestry Extension

Forestry Extension


Economics & Statistics

Forestry Photo Collage

Forest economics has become much more important to Mississippi landowners today with the increased value of timber and other forest products.

Economic information about forestry includes many topics. A few of these are the value of the timber harvest to the state, statistics about the forest industry and forest landowners, and comparisons of timber values in individual counties with other agricultural crops, among others. This site provides data on these topics and more.

Another aspect of forest economics is forest investment analysis. Surveys have shown that many forest landowners hold their forest land for many non-economic reasons (for recreation, to hold the land in the family, for wildlife, etc), but many also list income or financial investment as other reasons for owning forested properties. Landowners are increasingly interested in the returns on investment that forestry investments will yield. And they want to know if it is worthwhile to invest their money in their forestland. This site attempts to answer some of those questions and provide links to other sites with forest economics information.

