Community Alliance with Family Farmers


The Community Alliance with Family Farmers produces a wide variety of acclaimed publications.

Agrarian Advocate

  • Archives
  • The Agrarian Advocate is the flagship publication of the Community Alliance with Family Farmers. It provides timely reporting on CAFF program and policy work. It is mailed free to members.
  • Advertising opportunity: Business Members enjoy "Preferred Advertiser" discounted rates (see below).

Agrarian Advocate Banner

2008 Advertising Rates

Ad Size Width Height Member Rate* Regular Rate

Full Page

7 1/4" 10" $400 $480
3/4 Page 7 1/4" 7 1/8" $300 $360
1/2 Page V 3 1/2" 9 1/2" $200 $240
1/2 Page H 7 3/4" 4 3/4" $200 $240
1/4 Page V 3 1/4" 4 3/4" $100 $120
1/4 Page H 7 3/4" 2 1/2" $100 $120
1/8 Page 3 3/4" 2 1/2" $50 $60

* Valid for CAFF Business members only.  See details of CAFF's Business Member Program.

Black and white, 300 dpi in EPS format preferred.

Send payment to: CAFF P.O. Box 363, Davis, CA  95617

Contact Joy Noelle Paloutzian: (530) 756-8518 ext. 27 or with questions.


Farmer to Farmer

  • Farmer to Farmer provides monthly reports on topics of discussion at Lighthouse Farm Network meetings and field days throughout the State, where farmers share technical information and support to all those interested in biologically-based farming practices. Previously a stand-alone publication, Farmer-to-Farmer is now a component of the Agrarian Advocate. This above link is to Farmer-to-Farmer archive.


Fact Sheets

  • CAFF Organizational Fact Sheet (pdf)
  • Biological Agriculture Program Overview (pdf)
    • Sustainable Cotton Project (pdf)
    • Tree Crops Project (pdf)
    • Colusa Almonds Project (pdf)
    • Food Safety Action Sheet (pdf)
  • Community Food Systems Program Overview (pdf)
    • Farm-to-School Project (pdf)
    • Why Local Food is Important (pdf)
  • Policy & Advocacy Program Overview (pdf)

Manuals, Booklets, & Guides

  • Building Local Food Programs On College Campus: Tips for Dining Administrators, Family Farmers & Student Advocates. This guide provides tangible guidance on how to conceptualize, structure, and implement food programs that support local family farmers. Download the PDF (7.2MB)
  • Bay Area Local Food Guide. Visit the online guide to download the guide for your county, or request the entire 9-county Local Food Yellow Pages.
  • Biodiversity: What it is, and How to increase it on your farm Brochure developed by the Wild Farm Alliance and CAFF defines Biodiversity as it relates to agriculture, and describes specific practices that farmers can implement to conserve biodiversity on their farms. Picture your property in a larger context of the surrounding landscape. Think of the way water flows through your land, the routes wildlife take, and the connections to your neighbors' properties. Learn about what conditions local species are adapted to, and what ecosystems historically occupied the farm. Download this free brochure (608 kb)
  • Central Coast Local Food Guide, 2006 version A free guide from the Buy Fresh Buy Local Campaign, this will tell you where to find seasonal, fresh, locally-grown food in the Santa Cruz area, including farmers markets, CSAs, restaurants, and family farms.      Download 2006 version (3.2 MB) or search our up-to-date online food guide
  • Making the Farm Connection  This manual is designed to let farmers know what to expect when hosting a farm visit. The booklet is also very useful for teachers and classes so that they may get the most out of their farm visit. Download  (677 kb)
  • Hedgerow Brochure: A short guide to hedgerow design, installation, and maintenance. Prepared by the Resource Conservation District of Santa Cruz County and CAFF. Download PDF
  • Hedgerows for California Agriculture This manual will help you choose and care for regionally appropriate plants that attract beneficial insects and prevent erosion. It lists native plant nurseries and consultants/contractors specializing in hedgerow and other restoration projects.    Download (3 MB)
  • BASIC Cotton Manual This manual describes management and marketing options for cotton production systems that use bio-intensive, integrated pest management to reduce chemical inputs.       Download PDF (900 kb)
  • Solano Conservation & Restoration Manual Do you constantly battle unwanted weeds? Are you tired of watching the stream carry away your land? Worried about that gully that grows larger every year? Find the solutions to these and other resource concrens in this manual. Establishing native grasses, managing rangeland, pond habitat, hedgerow, grassed waterways, riparian practices, prescribed burns, and much more. 145 pages, easy to use, update, and share.     Download PDF (2.5 MB)
  • This Land Shall Be Forever Stewarded... The story of one family's effort to ensure that future generations could farm on their land. Written by Jered Lawson. Download PDF (3 MB)
  • Risk Management Training for Diversified Farmers  These 7 free workbooks were designed to assist diversified family farmers grapple with many elements that contribute to creating a financially healthy farming operation.
  • Agricultural Research and Sustainable Agriculture in California  This 2003 report takes into consideration the views of over 150 of some of the most dedicated supporters of sustainable agriculture in California. Without question, all the participants in this inquiry want to see more public funding for agricultural research and more sustainable agriculture research in California. What makes this particular investigation most interesting is the depth of insight, concern, and interest, as well as the breadth of recommendations, regarding how best the institutions involved can serve the needs of both farmers and the public.  Read Executive Summary
  • National Organic Directory, 1984 - 2001. More ...

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