Kentucky State University


The Division of Fine Arts offers a Bachelor of Arts degree in Studio Art and in cooperation with the Division of Education and Human Services in the College of Professional Studies, the coursework necessary for teacher certification in Art Education. Details of the teacher certification program may be found in the Division of Education and Human Services sub-section of the College of Professional Studies section of this Catalogue.

Art courses at Kentucky State University are designed to serve both those students who are interested in Art as a profession and those who are primarily interested in obtaining knowledge of various art forms or opportunities for creative expression. Course offerings include those in ceramics, drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, digital photography, film, digital imaging, design, art history, and art education.

Students have the option of pursuing either a major in Studio Art with a minor or a major in Studio Art with one area of specialization. Art areas of specialization may be selected  from art history, ceramics, drawing, painting, digital photography, printmaking, sculpture, or digital imaging. Enrollment in studio art courses is generally limited to 10 15  students. The instructor provides personal guidance and attention to each student. Studio spaces may be available for students to have individual working areas. Studio and academic opportunities are enriched for Art majors by field trips to galleries and museums, and by a series of guest lecturers to the University. In addition, Jackson Hall Gallery hosts local, regional, and national art exhibitions for the entire University.