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    Los Alamos, NM 87545
    Phone: 505-667-0216
    FAX: 505-665-1812
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Air Pollutants & Emissions
Reporting Requirements


Environmental Surveillance Reports

These annual reports summarize environmental data that comply with applicable federal, state, and local environmental laws and regulations, Executive Orders, and DOE policies. Additional data, beyond the minimum required, are gathered and reported as part of the Laboratory's efforts to ensure public safety and to monitor environmental quality at and near the Laboratory.

  • 2007 ESR: LA-14369-ENV
  • 2006 ESR: LA-14341-ENV
  • 2005 ESR: LA-14304-ENV
  • 2004 ESR: LA-14239-ENV
  • 2003 ESR: LA-14162-ENV
  • 2002 ESR: LA-14085-ENV
  • 2001 ESR: LA-13979-ENV
  • 1999 ESR: LA-13775-ENV (pdf)
  • 1998 ESR: LA-13633-ENV (pdf)
  • 1997 ESR: LA-13487-ENV
  • 1996 ESR: LA-13343-ENV
  • 1995 ESR: LA-13210-ENV
  • 1994 ESR: LA-13047-ENV
  • 1993 ESR: LA-12973-ENV (pdf)
  • 1992 ESR: LA-12764-ENV (pdf)
  • 1991 ESR: LA-12572-ENV (pdf)
  • 1990 ESR: LA-12271-MS (pdf)
  • 1989 ESR: LA-12000-ENV (pdf)
  • 1988 ESR: LA-11628-ENV (pdf)
  • 1987 ESR: LA-11306-ENV (pdf)
  • 1986 ESR: LA-10992-ENV (pdf)
  • 1985 ESR: LA-10721-ENV (pdf)
  • 1984 ESR: LA-10421-ENV (pdf)
  • 1983 ESR: LA-10100-ENV (pdf)
  • 1982 ESR: LA-9762-ENV (pdf)
  • 1981 ESR: LA-9349-ENV (pdf)
  • 1980 ESR: LA-8810-ENV (pdf)
  • 1979 ESR: LA-8200-ENV (pdf)
  • 1978 ESR: LA-7800-ENV (pdf)
  • 1977 ESR: LA-7263-MS (pdf)
  • 1976 ESR: LA-6801-MS (pdf)
  • 1975 ESR: LA-6321-MS (pdf)
  • 1974 ESR: LA-5977-PR (pdf)
  • 1973 ESR: LA-5586 (pdf)
  • 1972 ESR: LA-5184 (pdf)
  • 1971 ESR: LA-4871-MS
  • 1970 ESR: LA-4672-MS (pdf)


Annual Air Emissions Inventory

LANL is subject to emissions-reporting requirements for regulated air contaminants under Title 20 of the New Mexico Administrative Code, Chapter 2, Part 73 (20.2.73 NMAC), Notice of Intent and Emissions Inventory Requirements.

LANL air quality specialists prepare an annual emissions inventory for the NMED which includes source information and emissions estimates for emission units included in the Title V Operating Permit, emission units that are not trivial or insignificant, and emission units with construction permits.

20.2.73 NMAC requires LANL to submit an annual Emissions Inventory report based on the Laboratory's potential to emit 100 tons per year of suspended particulate matter (PM), nitrogen oxides (NOx) carbon monoxide, (CO), sulfur oxides (SOx), and volatile organic compounds (VOCs).


EPA Criteria Pollutants

EPA uses six common pollutants (also referred to as "criteria pollutants") as indicators of air quality, and has established for each of them a maximum concentration above which adverse effects on human health may occur. These threshold concentrations are called National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS).

The six criteria pollutants include: carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur dioxide (SO2), lead (Pb), particulate matter (PM10), and ozone (O3).

  • Asbestos Waste Disposal (pdf)
  • Beryllium Technology Facility Sampling (pdf)
  • Compliance Certification (pdf)
  • Deviation/Excess Emission/Emergency (pdf)
  • Emissions Inventory (pdf)
  • Fire Activity for Open Burn Permits (pdf)
  • Fire Activity for Construction Permits (pdf)
  • Forecast of Anticipated Asbestos Removal (pdf)
  • Ozone Depleting Substances Phase-out (pdf)
  • Operating Permit Emissions (pdf)
  • Operating Permit Monitoring (pdf)
  • Rad-NESHAP (pdf)

Due to operational security, this document is only available internally or via a LANL Public Reading Room Kiosk.


Emergency Planning and the Community Right to Know Act - Section 313

The Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA), also known as the Superfund Amendment and Reauthorization Act (SARA) Title III, was enacted in November 1986. This law provides an infrastructure at the state and local levels to plan for chemical emergencies. Facilities that store, use, or release certain chemicals, may be subject to various reporting requirements. Reported information is then made publicly available so that interested parties may become informed about potentially dangerous chemicals in their community.

LANL began voluntary reporting in 1987 under EPCRA Section 313. Federal Facilities were not required to report until August 3, 1993, when Executive Order (EO) 12856 was issued. This EO required all federal facilities to report their toxic chemical use and resulting releases beginning in 1995 for the previous year. Under this order, LANL, owned by the DOE, was required to report all listed toxic chemicals used in quantities exceeding threshold values.

On April 21, 2000, President Clinton signed EO 13148. This EO expands the requirements of Federal Facilities complying with the provisions of EPCRA to include reductions of toxic chemical releases and off-site transfers ty 10% annually of by 40% overall by 12/31/2006.


The Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) of 1986 requires that all federal facilities evaluate the need to submit an annual Toxic Chemical Release Inventory report as prescribed by this Act. This annual report is due every July for the preceeding calendar year. Owners and operators who manufacture, process or otherwise use certain toxic chemicals above listed threshold quantities are required to report their toxic chemical releases to all environmental media (air, water, soils, etc.).


Hazardous Air Pollutants

Regulated Chemicals

  • Asbestos Waste Disposal (pdf)
  • Beryllium Technology Facility Sampling (pdf)
  • Compliance Certification (pdf)
  • Deviation/Excess Emission/Emergency (pdf)
  • Emissions Inventory (pdf)
  • Fire Activity for Open Burn Permits (pdf)
  • Fire Activity for Construction Permits (pdf)
  • Forecast of Anticipated Asbestos Removal (pdf)
  • Ozone Depleting Substances Phase-out (pdf)
  • Operating Permit Emissions (pdf)
  • Operating Permit Monitoring (pdf)
  • Rad-NESHAP (pdf)

Due to operational security, this document is only available internally or via a LANL Public Reading Room Kiosk.


Radionuclide Air Emissions (NESHAPs)

Laboratory-wide certified reports regarding radioactive effluents released into the air by the Laboratory during each calendar year. These reports to EPA are required as part of our compliance with the Clean Air Act.

Due to operational security, File 3 is only available internally or via a LANL Public Reading Room Kiosk.

Environmental Surveillance Reports

These annual reports summarize environmental data that comply with applicable federal, state, and local environmental laws and regulations, Executive Orders, and DOE policies. Additional data, beyond the minimum required, are gathered and reported as part of the Laboratory's efforts to ensure public safety and to monitor environmental quality at and near the Laboratory.

  • 2007 ESR: LA-14369-ENV
  • 2006 ESR: LA-14341-ENV
  • 2005 ESR: LA-14304-ENV
  • 2004 ESR: LA-14239-ENV
  • 2003 ESR: LA-14162-ENV
  • 2002 ESR: LA-14085-ENV
  • 2001 ESR: LA-13979-ENV
  • 1999 ESR: LA-13775-ENV (pdf)
  • 1998 ESR: LA-13633-ENV (pdf)
  • 1997 ESR: LA-13487-ENV
  • 1996 ESR: LA-13343-ENV
  • 1995 ESR: LA-13210-ENV
  • 1994 ESR: LA-13047-ENV
  • 1993 ESR: LA-12973-ENV (pdf)
  • 1992 ESR: LA-12764-ENV (pdf)
  • 1991 ESR: LA-12572-ENV (pdf)
  • 1990 ESR: LA-12271-MS (pdf)
  • 1989 ESR: LA-12000-ENV (pdf)
  • 1988 ESR: LA-11628-ENV (pdf)
  • 1987 ESR: LA-11306-ENV (pdf)
  • 1986 ESR: LA-10992-ENV (pdf)
  • 1985 ESR: LA-10721-ENV (pdf)
  • 1984 ESR: LA-10421-ENV (pdf)
  • 1983 ESR: LA-10100-ENV (pdf)
  • 1982 ESR: LA-9762-ENV (pdf)
  • 1981 ESR: LA-9349-ENV (pdf)
  • 1980 ESR: LA-8810-ENV (pdf)
  • 1979 ESR: LA-8200-ENV (pdf)
  • 1978 ESR: LA-7800-ENV (pdf)
  • 1977 ESR: LA-7263-MS (pdf)
  • 1976 ESR: LA-6801-MS (pdf)
  • 1975 ESR: LA-6321-MS (pdf)
  • 1974 ESR: LA-5977-PR (pdf)
  • 1973 ESR: LA-5586 (pdf)
  • 1972 ESR: LA-5184 (pdf)
  • 1971 ESR: LA-4871-MS
  • 1970 ESR: LA-4672-MS (pdf)

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Operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy's NNSA

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