Other Reports and Science Plans

Planning Documents:

SEARCH SSC, SEARCH: Study of Environmental Arctic Change, Science Plan, 2001, Polar Science Center, Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington, Seattle, 89 pp.

SEARCH SSC and SEARCH IWG, SEARCH: Study of Environmental Arctic Change, Implementation Strategy, Revision 1.0, Polar Science Center, Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington, Seattle, 53 pp.

Workshop Reports:

Large-Scale Observations Workshop Report. 2001 (19MB - PDF)

SEARCH Workshop Preliminary Report. 1999 (32K - PDF)

Study of Arctic Change Workshop Report. 1997 (930K - PDF)

Agency Solicitations - Contributions to SEARCH:

NSF Arctic Freshwater Cycle: Land/Upper-Ocean Linkages Solicitation

NSF Study of the Northern Alaska Coastal System (SNACS) Solicitation

NASA Earth Science Enterprise Solicitation

Office and Grant Reports:

SEARCH Project Office Report to NSF. 2003 (860K - PDF)

SEARCH Biocomplexity Incubation Activity Grant Progress Report. July 2001 (20K - PDF)