Office of Naval Research Global - Visiting Scientist Program (VSP)
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Visiting Scientist Program (VSP)

  1. Program Description:

  2. The Office of Naval Research Global (ONR Global) Visiting Scientist Program (VSP) supports short visits between Department of Navy (DoN) personnel, contractors and grantees and international scientists and technologists for the purpose of:
    1. Planning collaborative international science or technology programs;
    2. Exchanging information between Department of the Navy (DoN) S&T programs and international programs;
    3. Identifying and discussing outstanding S&T issues in areas of DoN interest;
    4. Developing long-term relationships between DoN and international S&T sponsors;
    5. Maintaining ONRG connectivity in core areas.
  1. Conditions and Type of Support:

  2. VSP support is generally limited to the cost of travel, per diem, and registration fees for meetings associated with the visit.
    1. As a condition of its support, ONR Global requires, free of additional cost, a comprehensive technical report of the visit, which may be distributed by ONR Global to US government employees, or on occasion, other recipients of our choice.
    2. If the visit includes presentation of a paper, ONR Global support should be acknowledged and a copy of the paper provided to ONR Global.
    3. If the visit results in a paper or in a proposal for collaboration, ONR Global support should be referenced and a copy provided.
    4. VSP support of international scientists and technologists is usually in the form of a Grant; payable net 30 days after the disbursing office has received the visitor's invoice. Where conditions warrant, VSP support of international scientists and technologists may be in the form of Invitational Travel Orders. In this case, justification for the use of Invitational Travel Orders must be included with the request for VSP support.
    5. VSP support of non-US government scientists and technologists is usually in the form of Invitational Travel Orders.
    6. VSP support of US government scientists and technologists is usually in the form of a requisition with fund cite.
  1. Procedures:

    1. Visit requests are initiated by or through discussions with an ONR Global Associate Director. Requests from ONR Global/NRL Program Officers, a DoN Laboratory or Center, an ONR grantee or contractor, or from international scientists and technologists who wish to visit the US are welcome.
    2. Essentially, any participant in a visit may request a visit. For requests initiated outside ONR Global, preliminary informal contact and discussion with an ONR Global Associate Director are strongly recommended. Formal requests for VSP support, whether originated internally or externally to ONR Global, should be addressed to the Technical Director ONR Global, or the Officer-in-Charge (OIC), ONR Global Asia, at the addresses and telephone numbers listed below.
    3. Requests should be received at least 8 weeks in advance of the proposed visit.
    4. Proposals must contain the information shown in, and should be in, the VSP Proposal Format below.
    5. Upon receipt of a VSP request, the Science and Technology Programs Administrator in London or the Administrative Officer in Tokyo will coordinate administrative matters with the Associate Director, the Technical Director or OIC.
  1. VSP Proposal Format:
    1. Identification of Requester/Sponsor
      Name, title, organization, mail and e-mail addresses, telephone and fax numbers of the individual initiating the request.
    2. Identification of Visitor(s)

      1. Name, title, organization, mail and e-mail addresses, telephone and fax numbers of the visitor(s).
      2. Provide short curriculum vitae of the visitor(s), indicating educational and professional experience, principal accomplishments and honors, and examples of recent and significant publications.
    3. Visit Description.
      This section should provide enough information for the ONR Global Associate Director to: (1) assess relevance to Navy needs; (2) identify the appropriate ONR and/or NRL Program Officer for coordination and review, if needed, and (3) to identify additional US institutions that may be interested in hosting the visitor. Sections should describe:

      1. The proposed location, dates, and points of contact (if known) at each site to be visited.
      2. The purpose and nature of the visit at each site (e.g., to present a paper, demonstrate techniques, analyze samples, develop plans and establish contacts, tour facilities, etc.).
      3. Any conference, workshop, experiment, or research to be attended or conducted during the visit.
      4. Any expected product of the visit (e.g., joint proposal, paper, trip report).
    4. Itinerary and Estimated Costs

      1. Provide as much information as known on travel plans, including dates, modes of transportation, flight or rail trip numbers and carriers, requirements for rental car or local transport such as bus or taxi, and accommodations. Estimate cost in dollars of each item.
      2. List and specify amounts in dollars of any registration fee or other costs for a meeting to be attended as part of the visit.
      3. Indicate whether the visitor is willing and able to accommodate additional visits during the trip, as may be desired and arranged by ONR Global or other potential sponsors, and specify the preferred time period for such additional visits.
    5. Formal Statement of Acceptance of ONR Global Conditions.
      The visitor(s) or an authorized representative of his or her parent institution must certify that the visitor(s) will provide, free of additional cost:

      1. A comprehensive technical report of the visit, to be mailed within 30 days of completion of visit. This report must describe the visit and its accomplishments. This requirement may be waived when the visit is for purposes of attending a workshop or planning meeting that will produce a plan, report, or similar documentation; a copy of such documentation must be provided in lieu of the trip report.
      2. If the visit includes presentation of a paper, acknowledgement of ONR Global support and a copy of the paper.
      3. If the visit results in a paper or proposal for collaboration, reference to ONR Global support and a copy of the document.
  1. Grant Information:

  2. Email:
  1. ONR Global Contact Information:
  2. International Mailing Address:
    Blenheim Crescent
    UNIT 4540 BOX 39 (Not to be included in Overnight Express Shipments)
    West Ruislip, Middlesex HA4 7HB

    U.S. Mailing Address:
    Unit 4540 - Box 39
    APO AE 09421-0039

    Tel: +44 (0) 1895-616-435
    Fax: +44 (0) 1895-616-016