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PC Software Download - GEOID06


[2008 Oct 21]


For working with the GEOID06 model, two FORTRAN programs are provided as source code (INTG.FOR and XNTG.FOR) and as compiled executables for both Sun Unix (INTG and XNTG) and IBM PC (INTG.EXE and XNTG.EXE) platforms. INTG will interpolate geoid heights from data files using user-provided coordinates. XNTG will extract sub-grids from the binary data files, as well as convert back and forth between binary and ASCII, or just give statistics about a data file.

To use GEOID06, the INTG executable and at least one data file must be downloaded. You need only to select those data files that cover your region, and the program will recognize which files are present. Select one or more of the data files either by using the graphical or data interfaces.

Due to numerous requests, the binary formats of the eight data files have now been switched to the native format of Intel based PCs (little-endian). Users desiring IEEE Std. 754 binary format should process the desired files through XNTG (in a Unix environment) and select option 2. The user should select the default spatial extents for the output file. Give the output file a unique name and then change it to the input file name after the XNTG program is complete. The resulting file will cover the same range as the original file but will be byte-swapped. Repeat as necessary for the desired number of files.



Graphical Interface- click on the desired image grid to download a binary file

AK Grid #1 AK Grid #2
AK Grid #3 AK Grid #4

Data (non-graphical interface)

  • Binary Grids (all are 1921 columns by 721 rows and are 5,540,208 bytes in size)
  • Compressed ASCII grids
    • Grid #1 (60 - 72 N & 172 - 204 E, size: 4,023,668 bytes)
    • Grid #2 (60 - 72 N & 202 - 234 E, size: 4,370,347 bytes)
    • Grid #3 (49 - 61 N & 172 - 204 E, size: 4,427,318 bytes)
    • Grid #4 (49 - 61 N & 202 - 234 E, size: 4,545,330 bytes)

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contact the Webmaster. Last Modified:
Thursday, 11-Dec-2008 15:20:26 EST